Running thread

Just thought I'd give a little update. I spoke to my GP last week who said I should be fine doing light running so I'm going to be restarting the couch to 5k again soon. Will be very slow but at least I can try it.
I run slow an average of 7.5km, to most on here that's strolling pace, but even this novice has found not to worry how fast you go but to make it doable, go too fast and you'll fuck it off as torture, steve cram said :) you should be able to hold a conversation, but even at 7.5 I couldn't hold a fart it, good luck on your journey
Still up in Manchester ready for tonight's game so took the opportunity to do another Bridgewater Canal run from Castlefield Marina to Throstle Nest Bridge and back.
Got to say I really enjoy running in Manchester as there's always plenty to look at to distract me. This morning it involved decision making on which puddles to run round, run through or jump over, observing the Canada geese, swans and moorhen on the canal, checking the trams were all doubled up for tonight's match (there's a single tram on one of the Ashton - Eccles circuits, the bastards), watching miserable people trudge into work in the rain and greeting any runners and dog walkers I passed.
On the return run, enjoyed seeing the skyscrapers shrouded in clouds getting closer.
When I started running, I found it a chore, but I really enjoy being out there now, especially at this time of year
Had a couple of knee niggles over the past few months. 9 years ago, I did my meniscus and ACL so had reconstructive surgery. The symptoms felt a little similar so went to the docs in early September hoping for a scan. Having waited 2 months to be contacted, they have finally given me a date and time..... Sunday 12th November at 16:20*...... absolute piss take!

*see City fixtures!
Still up in Manchester ready for tonight's game so took the opportunity to do another Bridgewater Canal run from Castlefield Marina to Throstle Nest Bridge and back.
Got to say I really enjoy running in Manchester as there's always plenty to look at to distract me. This morning it involved decision making on which puddles to run round, run through or jump over, observing the Canada geese, swans and moorhen on the canal, checking the trams were all doubled up for tonight's match (there's a single tram on one of the Ashton - Eccles circuits, the bastards), watching miserable people trudge into work in the rain and greeting any runners and dog walkers I passed.
On the return run, enjoyed seeing the skyscrapers shrouded in clouds getting closer.
When I started running, I found it a chore, but I really enjoy being out there now, especially at this time of year
Easily the best time of year for it now and for the next 6 months.

Great to see so many off here having a go at it now as well, join the bluemoon strava club as well, stravas great for added motivation.
Easily the best time of year for it now and for the next 6 months.

Great to see so many off here having a go at it now as well, join the bluemoon strava club as well, stravas great for added motivation.

Cheers for the invite but I don't do fitness tech. Prefer to just enjoy running for enjoying the time outdoors and the health benefits, and ocassionally be sent a surprise in my Parkrun results e-mails.
just completed my 2nd 5k,instead of running at 7.5kmph i decided to rest at 8kmph(fast walk), run at 10kmph , and sprint or speed up to 12kmph,ive also been watching videos of body posture and running technique , coupled with my better level new shoes i found it very enjoyable, instead of looking at times and distances i was focused on my stride ,foot strike/position,chest and chin position and arms, before i knew it i had done my 5km at 36:36, last run was 41:10 ,so knocking off a big chunk :)
just completed my 2nd 5k,instead of running at 7.5kmph i decided to rest at 8kmph(fast walk), run at 10kmph , and sprint or speed up to 12kmph,ive also been watching videos of body posture and running technique , coupled with my better level new shoes i found it very enjoyable, instead of looking at times and distances i was focused on my stride ,foot strike/position,chest and chin position and arms, before i knew it i had done my 5km at 36:36, last run was 41:10 ,so knocking off a big chunk :)
Great job, you do right by not bothering with the times, get everything else right first and the times will soon crumble.
Great job, you do right by not bothering with the times, get everything else right first and the times will soon crumble.
something popped up on youtube about running,it helped it was a lovely looking lady and it was a shorts youtube video, really good and it helped me, saved and watched them before my run, felt very strange at first but soon got into it, but had to think of the techniques all the time to stop me slipping back into bad practice.

tried to link the videos but it wouldnt let me ,chari hawkins is the lady's name also watched this

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