Running thread

Hmm, now I wonder which district of Stockport was the ‘sprint’ section ….? ;-)

But seriously nice one @Paladin - having those kind of mini targets really helps doesn’t it?

I’m doing a location based thing with my parkruns (coast to coast), and also the alphabet, and in the past I’ve tried 25% of the Tour de France each day. Missed that this year (awful weather didn’t help), but there is a chance for the Vuelta in Aug/Sept.

One of the hills ;-)

Nice one on the alphabet.

Maybe. I go to Keswick each summer for two weeks. I might do the same there next year. It's probably achievable.

This was enjoyable. I posted it on the Facebook page of the running group. It generated some interest, and I don't think it's been done before.

It was tough though, because I kept extending my runs in order to finish. I'm happy going back to more moderate distances. I'm no spring chicken!

Fair enough, I'm the same now only 36 but I cant go out running long distances 4/5 times a week. Just do 2 longer runs and a 5/6k to top me up.
Did my bit for the local Parkrun community this morning after last week's run was on the verge of being cancelled as the trail was being encroached by serious levels of brambles and nettles.
I'm just back from a walk up the Isabel Trail route armed with a pair of seceteurs and some gardening gloves with the aim of cutting back the worst of the head and chest height nettles and brambles.
Around the middle section of the trail, I realised someone had beaten me to it as some industrial scale strimming had taken place on one side.
By the time I reached the half way point, I encountered the council strimming machine on its return journey, dealing with the other side.
Whilst the trail doesn't look perfect, and there's loads of plant based debris, it's a big improvement on how it looked last week.
When I restarted running I didn't realise it would also require gardening skills!
I’ve got an injury that is stopping me from running at the moment. I actually did it playing football. I got a bit of a whack on the side of my calf, was able to carry on playing and just thought it’s a dead leg and it’ll be alright in a couple of days.

The next day though my when i got up i was in agony with my foot(even though id not banged my foot). It eased after a few days. Ever since every time i go for a run the next day i’ve got the same problem again. It feels a bit similar to a broken foot but i know it’s not as it eases a few days later. Just wondering if anyone has had anything similar and what it could be? Thanks
I used to suffer from " broken foot " syndrome off and on for years
It uses to do my head in and was always after a match/ 5 a side.
I've never actually broken my foot, but the pain in the outer instep was bad, made you think u had done real damage.
Intresting another poster relates it go to calf pain/ trauma....This was probably what was behind my pain after Sunday league you say it eases after a few days,but at the time I used to be pretty confused as to why my foot was lame...without actually taking a blow to it. I'd prob been kicked on the calf
I've never ever heard anybody else complain of the same ,so just kept it to myself.Sort of nice to know it's wasn't just me. ; )
Maybe. I go to Keswick each summer for two weeks. I might do the same there next year. It's probably achievable.

This was enjoyable. I posted it on the Facebook page of the running group. It generated some interest, and I don't think it's been done before.

It was tough though, because I kept extending my runs in order to finish. I'm happy going back to more moderate distances. I'm no spring chicken!
Aye and yer no slouch either, consistently knock out big miles every week mate.
There's a website or app that I can't remember the name of where it logs all the streets you run in a particular place, a guy I know is always at it in London, includes private roads as well so he has to be creative with it
Aye and yer no slouch either, consistently knock out big miles every week mate.
There's a website or app that I can't remember the name of where it logs all the streets you run in a particular place, a guy I know is always at it in London, includes private roads as well so he has to be creative with it
City Strides does it. It's what I used for my recent heatmap of Lymm. I've linked it to my Garmin profile. It links in with Strava too.
Started running in 2012 after "retiring" from footy due to a dodgy knee and ankle. Its safe to say I am obsessed with the feeling of running and the meditative effect it has. Not blowing my own trumpet but I think that I may run too much as I completed a steady 5k last night in 24 mins 41 secs and it was only my 396th fastest run between 2-4 miles! Mental
Started running in 2012 after "retiring" from footy due to a dodgy knee and ankle. Its safe to say I am obsessed with the feeling of running and the meditative effect it has. Not blowing my own trumpet but I think that I may run too much as I completed a steady 5k last night in 24 mins 41 secs and it was only my 396th fastest run between 2-4 miles! Mental
I’ve run all my life, having started out as a sprinter and moved up distances, and can honestly say I still don’t enjoy the feeling of doing it, 98% of the time.

What I do love, 100% of the time, is the way you feel afterwards, and for the rest of the day.

Oh, and I’d call anything under 25 mins a very respectable 5km time :-)
Did my bit for the local Parkrun community this morning after last week's run was on the verge of being cancelled as the trail was being encroached by serious levels of brambles and nettles.
I'm just back from a walk up the Isabel Trail route armed with a pair of seceteurs and some gardening gloves with the aim of cutting back the worst of the head and chest height nettles and brambles.
Around the middle section of the trail, I realised someone had beaten me to it as some industrial scale strimming had taken place on one side.
By the time I reached the half way point, I encountered the council strimming machine on its return journey, dealing with the other side.
Whilst the trail doesn't look perfect, and there's loads of plant based debris, it's a big improvement on how it looked last week.
When I restarted running I didn't realise it would also require gardening skills!
Well done buddy, marvellous effort that. Very fond of that course. Did it as my I on the alphabet of parkruns, and found it very quick indeed!
Well done buddy, marvellous effort that. Very fond of that course. Did it as my I on the alphabet of parkruns, and found it very quick indeed!

Yeah, virtually flat, being a disused railway line, and the only major bend is the turnround point.
Nice run when it's not flooded or overgrown, and only 5 minutes walk from my house.

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