Russell Brand

dannybcity said:
jamiegrimble said:
The guys trying to reinvent himself.For me he displayed his true colours when he had a cheap shot/dig on national radio, at an old bloke whos daughter he was intimate with.A total areshole who thinks he can say what he wants in the guise of entertainment.He deserves to banished from our screens,for the sake of our kids.

Have you watched the Paxman interview where he talks about this. He apologised straight away and lost his job because of it, there's not much more he can do. Andrew Sach has forgiven him, surely you can?
To be honest I watched the interview after I posted.Having seen it,He comes across even more desperate.He came on his knees to Jeremy Paxman,that isnt a fluke,its a well thought out excersise to stir the imagination of the youthful student fraternity,who hold paxman and newsnight in high esteem of believability.Brand is chaotic.Totally believes his own Hype.He needs regulating.
jamiegrimble said:
dannybcity said:
Have you watched the Paxman interview where he talks about this. He apologised straight away and lost his job because of it, there's not much more he can do. Andrew Sach has forgiven him, surely you can?
To be honest I watched the interview after I posted.Having seen it,He comes across even more desperate.He came on his knees to Jeremy Paxman,that isnt a fluke,its a well thought out excersise to stir the imagination of the youthful student fraternity,who hold paxman and newsnight in high esteem of believability.Brand is chaotic.Totally believes his own Hype.He needs regulating.

I think some blokes get really tetchy about Russell Brand because they can't understand why so many women find him irresistible. Granted, he's not my cup of tea, but plenty of my mates can't get enough of him; the long hair, eyeliner, fierce intellect and (once) rampant promiscuity stirs plenty of female loins that I know of...
Sue Denim said:
jamiegrimble said:
To be honest I watched the interview after I posted.Having seen it,He comes across even more desperate.He came on his knees to Jeremy Paxman,that isnt a fluke,its a well thought out excersise to stir the imagination of the youthful student fraternity,who hold paxman and newsnight in high esteem of believability.Brand is chaotic.Totally believes his own Hype.He needs regulating.

I think some blokes get really tetchy about Russell Brand because they can't understand why so many women find him irresistible. Granted, he's not my cup of tea, but plenty of my mates can't get enough of him; the long hair, eyeliner, fierce intellect and (once) rampant promiscuity stirs plenty of female loins that I know of...

You totally lost me with the fierce intellect bit.
Cheesy said:
Sue Denim said:
I think some blokes get really tetchy about Russell Brand because they can't understand why so many women find him irresistible. Granted, he's not my cup of tea, but plenty of my mates can't get enough of him; the long hair, eyeliner, fierce intellect and (once) rampant promiscuity stirs plenty of female loins that I know of...

You totally lost me with the fierce intellect bit.

I rest my case. Another tetchy man. Whether you like it or not, he's a very clever bloke who's made millions exploiting his 'Brand' brand, if you will.
Sue Denim said:
Cheesy said:
You totally lost me with the fierce intellect bit.

I rest my case. Another tetchy man. Whether you like it or not, he's a very clever bloke who's made millions exploiting his 'Brand' brand, if you will.
so true , i like him anyways ,funny guy
I neither find him annoying or particularly entertaining, but he's different to the bland 'teeny' clean but presenters we have elsewhere. The way he speaks, dresses, looks is different and thats to be commended.
Sue Denim said:
Cheesy said:
You totally lost me with the fierce intellect bit.

I rest my case. Another tetchy man. Whether you like it or not, he's a very clever bloke who's made millions exploiting his 'Brand' brand, if you will.

He may well be clever in the way he's exploited the public, but 'fierce intellect'? Hardly.
Sue Denim said:
Cheesy said:
He may well be clever in the way he's exploited the public, but 'fierce intellect'? Hardly.

We shall agree to differ. Muffin or barm? ;-)

Now there's no argument here. It is, without any doubt, a MUFFIN.

Not even open for discussion ;-)

Edit - Clever user name by the way. Who were you before? ;-)
Sue Denim said:
I think some blokes get really tetchy about Russell Brand because they can't understand why so many women find him irresistible.
Nothing to do with how he looks.Its what spews out of his mouth.

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