Russian invasion of Ukraine

It’s shameful reading this thread as many default to their usual of blaming the UK, blaming the government, feeling ashamed at anything and everything.

Meanwhile a massive twat and the most dangerous human being alive, Putin is laughing his cock off at you all because he has you all falling over yourself as you blame anything and everything but him.
Surely though there are legitimate concerns about Russian influence in our political system, particularly within the Conservative party and the current Prime Minister?
I’ve posted nearly 500 times on this thread (yes I know it’s sad) and you’ve found the 3 Brexit related ones. There are some posters who come on here specifically to slag off the Europeans rather than comment about Russia. I’ve also criticised Germany’s stupid energy policy leaving them reliant on Russian gas but it’s just one of hundreds of things not the be all and end all.

I have been extremely disappointed with a few posters on here, some are just a lost cause and will always be so. We are in total agreement on the subject of Putin I believe.

Its hard not to get a dig in when not really appropriate but I'm pretty sure I have managed not to do so on this thread. We should try wherever possible to practice what we preach. It's depressing how many posters have used this ongoing tragedy to promote their views on other varied things.

I only quoted you as there was a tiny bit of hypocrisy there. No.offence meant genuinely on my part.
He likes pointing his finger at little old UK.
Puts his nukes on alert after Truss bad mouthed him.
Now sanctions are tantamount to a war declaration.
Must be some methodology to singling us out.
Nearly as shit as the German stingers being useless. Such a shame as forcing the fuckers into a cash society whilst there’s runs on the banks would have really have expedited the sanctions hitting home.

where has this stinger missile being useless thing come from?
I’ve posted nearly 500 times on this thread (yes I know it’s sad) and you’ve found the 3 Brexit related ones. There are some posters who come on here specifically to slag off the Europeans rather than comment about Russia. I’ve also criticised Germany’s stupid energy policy leaving them reliant on Russian gas but it’s just one of hundreds of things not the be all and end all.
As you know I generally feel the EU to be as useful as tits on fish. However, as a none US, none military organisation that handily is also not in itself a state it may very well be more useful in negotiating with Putin than the UN or NATO. All depends how Putin sees the EU I suppose.
Surely though there are legitimate concerns about Russian influence in our political system, particularly within the Conservative party and the current Prime Minister?
Hopefully this will come out with more detail at a later date but for now its a distraction on this thread. We will have our say at the ballot box and no doubt quite often in the politics forum.
Surely though there are legitimate concerns about Russian influence in our political system, particularly within the Conservative party and the current Prime Minister?
and particularly within the previous opposition which may still have its tentacles in the current opposition meaning people can't really trust either option presented. Maybe the Russians have just done a really good job at subverting the west politically, financially, culturally and ideologically and now its paying dividends.

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