Russian invasion of Ukraine

Missed my point totally, I am not for a start residing in Russia.

I got abuse for an article I posted, an article I did not endorse or show support for. That was not pushing any line it was putting an alternative perspective which was dismissed with utter contempt. It being dismissed and me being called an idiot for posting it has zero to do with autocratic dictatorships or the Kremlin line.

If you cannot offer alternative critiques to a situation then it becomes the autocracy you suggest. If contrariness is posting an alternative perspective then are we not in danger of becoming the exact thing that you suggest happens in Putin's regime. As for being a twat, that is well established on here because I dare to post against the established norms and I am proud to announce to all and sundry that I am a Socialist.

For the record I have a long history on here of being anti capitalist and anti imperialist. This forum is swamped with Pro Capitalists and as Lenin suggested Imperialism is the highest form of Capitalism surely you can see that Putin is is an Imperialist, NATO are Imperialists and the capitalism is the only winner of this very sad war. We have seen the pressure in this country put on the Stop the War movement, threats to participants and bans from the the Labour Party of all places. Have you wondered why that is? Are you happy for alternative voices in this country, a supposedly liberal democracy, to be effectively closed down.

For the record again, I have called Putin a ****, because he is an Imperialist, I have been to Ukraine and loved the place and people, I am anti war, not pro war. We though here whether you agree or not are using propaganda, the attack on the nuclear power station being a prime example. We do not hear of Ukraine closing down TV stations or jailing opposition leaders, we hear Putin does, is either side angelic, no. They are both autocratic.

Now we have the spectre of a no fly zone being imposed by NATO, a defensive alliance imposing a no fly zone on a country that is not a member, but NATO has history of that. Former Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq. Do we really want Nuclear War

Peter Hitchens wrote in the Mail, the acceptable face of BM commentariat the following

PETER HITCHENS: I saw what was coming. That's why I won't join this carnival of hypocrisy | Daily Mail Online

When I am posting links from BMs paper of choice maybe posters will read it.

Come on. You absolutely were endorsing that waffle from the Morning Star, that’s why you shared it.

“NATO imperialism”, give it a rest.

I’ve said it before, western capitalist democracy is a million miles away from perfect but it’s a million times better than the alternative.

I bet you’re sat there typing this sat in a nice warm house, with a belly full of food, on your iPhone right?

You’re clearly a nice guy but you’re a bit deluded.
I just watched a program on youtube that made me think. The belief seems to be if Putin launched an all out Nuclear attack againt the west we would have no option other than to retaliate.

But what if he launched just a single low yeild weapon against a Nato state or Ukraine? Would we then go balls deep knowing it is likely to lead to worldwide destruction. I think any escalation from Russia would result in a measured response.

Some very scary weeks ahead.

Sadly Ukraine are on their own for that very reason. Same with a no-fly zone, we just don’t want to be drawn into a direct conflict with Russia. And I doubt Russia really want that either.
No I wasn't actually because I'm sort of moron. In my defence its very early. That's got it at 50kts.

Fuck sake Damocles, I’d just unpacked all my apocalypse gear and bog rolls that I’ve had since March 2020 and turned on my Bluemoon emergency comms terminal in the basement.

Might as well make a brew as I’m up now anyway.
It's boring, in so far far as it's the same old protagonists with their boring placards turning up in every thread when their are much more important things to read, report and discuss.
I think these 'protagonists" as you euphemistically call them are the 'militant cranks' Sammy Lee refers to.
I find it interesting to see how the other half of one per cent live.
We're all (all nations) struggling to apply these sanctions as far as I can tell. Russian citizens who in many cases suddenly and mysteriously became very rich in the 90's have bought their way into the property, energy and leisure sectors across Europe over the last 30 years.
I'll post on the Tory government thread a link to a rehash about Russian money into the Tory party, and whether Johnson was regarded as a security risk because of his links.

I wouldn't want to derail the war thread with questions about Russian influence.
Fuck sake Damocles, I’d just unpacked all my apocalypse gear and bog rolls that I’ve had since March 2020 and turned on my Bluemoon emergency comms terminal in the basement.

Might as well make a brew as I’m up now anyway.
Even with that as a quartering tailwind, it was still going fast.

And it's landed in a Estonian military base
They are DDR/Soviet era useless weapons. Clearly it is more important to prioritise VW exports.
It was reported in Der Speigel, I believe. They said they had a leaked document. That paper would never tell lies about other people's documents now, would they?

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