Russian invasion of Ukraine

The window from announcement, notification and actual mobilisation into functioning battalion groups ready for deployment onto the battlefield would even take months for a functioning motivated army with a competent chain of command. This doesn't change much in my view for the immediate state of play on the battlefield, if anything the Ukrainians may push harder and take more risks to recapture territories and fortify them fir future defensive positions.

putin may have proven himself to be a shrewd political operator domestically and in some cases internationally but he is no Julius Caeser when it comes to military strategy.
The only similarity with Julia’s Ceaser is the way he’ll pop off.
Smacks to me of a desperate attempt by Putin to polish the turd that is the Special Military Operation. But everyone knows the futility of this action.
The reality is very little has changed. He is threatening nukes but who does he fire them at?

His army out number the Ukrainians but they are poorly trained, lack disciple and are badly managed on the ground. Adding more soldiers who don't want to be there won't change that. And they won't get there any time soon.

So the trajectory of the war remains, the Russians will continue to hold but at great cost, the Ukrainians will continue to fight but without the numbers to finish this anytime soon.
Does this mean a huge increase in the numbers of soldiers from the big urban areas?

It's only going to be those with previous military experience.

As with most countries, the lower ranks will generally come from the poorer areas of the nation.

Muscovites will again be shielded from the depth of losses.
Smacks to me of a desperate attempt by Putin to polish the turd that is the Special Military Operation. But everyone knows the futility of this action.
Whose everyone? Given his age (and maybe health) his whole existence and the legacy he would like to leave hangs on a face saving and somehow victorious outcome. I can’t see one.
in these circumstances he is likely to get more and more desperate. He is supposedly surrounded by people who are either as hawkish as him or too frightened to voice opposition. The general Russian population seem brainwashed and most will follow him like the election deniers followed and still follow the orange idiot and like many in the UK still seem to believe in the Tories.
I don’t know how folk felt during the Cuban missile crisis? Maybe we are about to find out!
Frankly I think it’s terrifying,
Sorry if it's off topic but does anyone think putin would have done this, invade Ukraine, if donald trump was president?
I imagine much would be the same. Trump would've said something mental on TV every night but behind the scenes the top military brass in the pentagon are very serious people regardless of who the president is.

Which is why there was never any risk of Trump "pressing the red button" on a whim.

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