Russian invasion of Ukraine

I think it would be worse, as tucker carlson said "why not root for Russia". Trump would have stood back but also supported Russia and urged others not to get involved. It would have been Ukraine first and then on to the next former soviet block democracy.

That did also cross my mind.... scary thoughts.
Whose everyone? Given his age (and maybe health) his whole existence and the legacy he would like to leave hangs on a face saving and somehow victorious outcome. I can’t see one.
in these circumstances he is likely to get more and more desperate. He is supposedly surrounded by people who are either as hawkish as him or too frightened to voice opposition. The general Russian population seem brainwashed and most will follow him like the election deniers followed and still follow the orange idiot and like many in the UK still seem to believe in the Tories.
I don’t know how folk felt during the Cuban missile crisis? Maybe we are about to find out!
Frankly I think it’s terrifying,
This is nothing like the Cuban crisis. Then, there were nukes on both sides primed and ready to fire. Took a massive effort to face down the Russians, not without great risk. This is posturing.
Yeah of course, Trump wanted to kill Nato and at the start of this openly called Putin a total genius for invading.

If Trump was in power the US would be sitting back watching from afar not getting involved at all.
Trump is a fascist in the true sense of the word. He believes in power. FULL STOP.
Yeah of course, Trump wanted to kill Nato and at the start of this openly called Putin a total genius for invading.

If Trump was in power the US would be sitting back watching from afar not getting involved at all.

One thing we can’t do with any certainty is predict Trump. Even if we could what he said at breakfast time didn’t always still apply by lunch time even if it reapplied by tea time.
One thing we can’t do with any certainty is predict Trump. Even if we could what he said at breakfast time didn’t always still apply by lunch time even if it reapplied by tea time.
Trump is very predictable. Just ask “What would a powerful dictator do?
—-get armed henchmen to attack the White House
—-appoint political supporters to the judiciary
—-insist that he won the election.
These actions were forecast 10 years ago by the ghost writer of trumps book “The art of the deal”

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