Russian invasion of Ukraine

Can you name a dictator that went out with a bang and tried to kill everyone?

Putin is probably the world's wealthiest man and he's not going to be in a bunker waiting for the allied troops to roll in and make him face justice. He'll be given the opportunity to slink off into the Russian countryside and avoid justice for the rest of his life and he'll probably take that.
You are quite the positive fella. I am also not a buyer of the whole, before he goes he'll nuke the shit out of all of us.

In fact, most dictators have done damage on their way out, but I'd say most of it is internal/ self damage. However the point I was trying to outline, is this is the first country in modern times, an actual state, to act in the same fashion as Al Qaeda and ISIS on the global scale. Because we are so linked ( globalism and all the lovely gifts that come with it), majority of the damage this clown does affects us as well.

If this as a fact isn't terrifying enough to outline the possibility of what I just said than I don't know what is honestly.

I also agree, he'll never see justice. Even his so called death will most likely be a get out of jail card. He'll be bedding whores, and eating grapes Roman style for the rest of his life when the charade is over and that is a repugnant thought.
Easy to see how such deprived people are brainwashed and willing to join the "SMO". These towns haven't been improved for decades.

It’s amazing that the people of the nation that has to be the hardest to invade and conquer on earth are the ones that are the most paranoid about protecting the motherland. As history has taught us, annexing Russia would be such a logistic nightmare as to render it practically impossible.
I genuinely don't think people realise just how close we are to an escalated conflict.
Depends on how long Putin lasts and who replaces him. The fall of the Berlin Wall should teach us all that things can unravel with bewildering speed when events taken over.
Can you name a dictator that went out with a bang and tried to kill everyone?

Putin is probably the world's wealthiest man and he's not going to be in a bunker waiting for the allied troops to roll in and make him face the music (and hangman). If the end comes and he's getting kicked out, he'll be given the opportunity to slink off into the Russian countryside and avoid justice for the rest of his life and he'll probably take that and live like all his Oligarch mates.
These are my thoughts too and why Putin surviving with much of his wealth intact would probably be a price worth paying it is meant an outcome Ukraine could live with.
I have to say the decision of OPEC to back Russia and cut oil Production is a bit of a stab in the back for Ukraine and the west. The fact that the UAE is happy with this is also not at all good.
Makes you wonder why we supported them against Iraq and Iran for decades?
If I was Biden, I'd suspend the sale of Patriot Missile systems to Saudi Arabia agreed in early August to make them think a bit.

Read between the lines on this one. OPEC have cut supplies to the US (increased costs) and increased supply (reduced costs) to Europe whom were more reliant on Russian oil.

Regardless, I’m not sure why this myth persists that oil supply is the primary problem. Yes the oil price is a significant input but refining capacity is the problem not oil production. We lost well over 5m bpd refining capacity with Russian sanctions, this on top of over 1m bpd of lost refining capacity due to covid. Our refining capacity has always run at maximum capacity as governments have refused to pay for excess capacity to be mothballed.

On top of that you have different types of oil, light to heavy, sweet to sour. Light and sweet is easiest and cheapest to refine with heavy sour the hardest and most expensive. A refinery that is setup to refine light oil cannot refine heavy, although a heavy oil refinery can refine light. So it’s not just about pure refining capacity either, it’s about having the right refining capacity as well. For OPEC the nearest they produce to Russian grade is Asian medium sour grade I believe, so reducing the cost into Europe of that product helps us without directly challenging Russia whom is a member OPEC+.

Look at the oil price chart (input product) and a gas oil crack (refined product) chart to see the problem in all it’s glory.

WTI oil

Gas oil crack

Wish they'd helped out repairing the Mancunian Way.
Have you seen the state of Princess Parkway? It looks like it's been hit by HIMARS and has been in that condition for a couple of years
As one of the main arteries into the city centre it is a huge embarrassment for Manchester

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