Russian invasion of Ukraine

The Romanian writer, Orlando Balaș, made a list of important Russian writers who expressed their opinions about their own people:

Mikhail Saltikov-Shchedrin - "If I fell asleep, waking up after a hundred years, and someone asked me what was happening in Russia, I would answer without blinking: drunkenness and robberies"

Aleksei Tolstoy - "Moscow - Russo-Mongolian taiga, wild, expanse of robbery"

F. M. Dostoevsky - "A nation that roams Europe and looks for something to destroy, to make dust, simply, everything out of mockery"

Mikhail Bulgakov - "We are not a people, but cattle, rats, a wild horde of scoundrels and murderers"

Maxim Gorky - "The most important sign of victory of the Russian people is its sadistic cruelty"

Serghei Aksakov - "Ah, how hard it is to live in Russia, in this center full of the stench of physical and moral depravity, a place of malice, lies and villainy"

Ivan S. Turgeniev - "The Russian is the biggest and most impudent liar in the whole world"

Ivan C. Shmeliov (Orthodox thinker) - "A people who hate freedom, adore slavery, love chains on their hands and feet, dirty physically and morally... ready at any moment to dirty everything and everywhere"

Aleksand Pushkin - "A nation indifferent to its smallest duty, to the smallest justice, to the most insignificant truth, a people that does not recognize the dignity of man, does not recognize, in general, neither human freedom nor free thought..."

Vasili Rozanov - "We are not a nation, but a crazy hell".

Alexandr Blok - "The tormented Russian soul has no strength to breathe and cannot fly."

Zinaida Ghippius (anti-Bolshevik poet) - "Russia, a huge psychiatric hospital"

Vladimir Sorokin - "In Russia, no one is surprised when an official takes a bribe, while the state is seen as a sacred entity to which citizens must worship. This seems absurd, but for Russians it is completely normal."
Am not sure that there is anyone better placed than Eric Schlosser to explore possible permutations and outcomes as far as the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia are concerned. All of the envisaged scenarios are fairly chilling but that is only to be expected:

Wait and see means watching while a country and it’s people are being destroyed (turning our backs) that’s NATO only allowing Ukraine to defend rather than attack.
There is a political side to this that you can not ignore. Nato countries can not get directly involved. They can 'help' but there is a thin line between arms supply and proxy war.

We can not do much more. What the west has done to date has basically stopped russia in its tracks and inflicted massive losses. It seems pretty clear they can't go on like this.

So all we can do is see what gives. Is Putin goes down by some means it would seem to me there would be only 2 choices for any successor. Pull back or total war. I would guess the pull back lobby would be the one to take him out. But how they square that with a brain washed nation is unclear.
There is a political side to this that you can not ignore. Nato countries can not get directly involved. They can 'help' but there is a thin line between arms supply and proxy war.

We can not do much more. What the west has done to date has basically stopped russia in its tracks and inflicted massive losses. It seems pretty clear they can't go on like this.

So all we can do is see what gives. Is Putin goes down by some means it would seem to me there would be only 2 choices for any successor. Pull back or total war. I would guess the pull back lobby would be the one to take him out. But how they square that with a brain washed nation is unclear.
The Political aspect of the war is about to change with the US elections coming soon. Expect the pressures and interventions to be at an unprecedented level.

You then have the little dog Lukashenko, and Hungary which can be a massive clog to the EU and NATO block. Politically there is a lot more that can be done.

If the US declares Russia a terrorist state they could hurt them more than any sanctions applied since 2014 put together. In turn they would hurt the world, and damage some diplomatic relationships. I'm sure that along a military and NATO presence is already underway if the midget decides to press the red button. It would be a very clear cut, legal way, with them, or with us. The sanctions would be on such a level, it would burn the Russian economy, more than the one of NK.

The funny thing is, we haven't done enough, and that's because the Russian cancer infected most countries politically and they are pushing back massively.
4 Russian Warships and 2 Missile Carriers reloaded in the night,and are back in the Black Sea....just South of Crimea.
Some also in Caspian Sea,don't know how many.

Slava Ukraini.
Am not sure that there is anyone better placed than Eric Schlosser to explore possible permutations and outcomes as far as the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia are concerned. All of the envisaged scenarios are fairly chilling but that is only to be expected:

Grim indeed. I don’t suppose Putin considered any of these outcomes to be likely when he invaded. We have reached this point purely through his miscalculation, thinking the invasion would be successful immediately.
Am not sure that there is anyone better placed than Eric Schlosser to explore possible permutations and outcomes as far as the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia are concerned. All of the envisaged scenarios are fairly chilling but that is only to be expected:

Excellent article with sound reasoning for a conventional response to a limited russian nuclear strike
I agree, and to answer to your comment regarding negativity, I am very happy for their victories, I read and watch day and night, and pray despite not being a religious person.

As i have stated above however it would be childish to assume this war is going to go from, breakthrough to breakthrough with Ukraine chilling in Crimea in 2023 and Putin beheaded ISIS style in the Kremlin.

I sincerely believe the worse is yet to come based on historical behaviour both of terrorist organisation and dictatorships when their system begins to fail.

Desperation, fear, and madness are not an easy thing to just brush off.

I believe and hope it will be over by next summer.

Ukraine has already won and Putin is just processing what he can now salvage.

We won't get involved beyond the point we and the US already are. Ukraine just wants the tools to finish the job, they have the manpower and the will.

It's one thing losing the invasion of Ukraine, it is a different story to contemplate losing an uninhabitable Russia back to the Stone Age, using nuclear weapons just to save face.

So many checks and balances, so many people who, at that stage, would have Putin gone in the blink of an eye.

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