Russian invasion of Ukraine

As morale plummets, and it will continue to do when you are not advancing and especially when you are within range of artillery, then the futility of the situation will inevitably make its way back to Russian families. Hard to keep a lid on that.
I think this has been a problem all along. In the age of the mobile phone and internet the Russian ability to suppress reality is creaking. Also possibly why the TV stations are a bit more open about what is going on as they know that the average man on the street is hearing and seeing the reality of the front line troops.
Nah sorry not going with the hang him high jury on this one.
He has spent a fortune helping Ukraine. Beefing up cyber security on Starlink has cost him a fortune $200m-$300m to counter Russia - regardless of the fact that the US administration paid for Ukraine's coms kit. Yes that money benefits Starlink in the long run, but he has spent the cash knowing full well what Russian retaliation he woukd get for allowing the Ukrainian armed forces to use Starlink.
Did you just pick those numbers out of thin air? The US govt paid for Ukraine to get Starlink, not Musk.
Apparantly because he won't let Ukraine use Starlink in Crimea.
He thinks attacking Crimea will lead to WW3. He may have a point.
It certainly isn't a reason, in my head, to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
He spoke with Putin and then immediately clocked off Starlink to Crimea and then went on Twitter parroting Kremlin talking points. He also wants to give China control of Taiwan. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than himself and how much he can make off authoritarian regimes. The bloke is a ****.
He spoke with Putin and then immediately clocked off Starlink to Crimea and then went on Twitter parroting Kremlin talking points. He also wants to give China control of Taiwan. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than himself and how much he can make off authoritarian regimes. The bloke is a ****.
Would be nice if everyone fucked off his Teslas and gave him zero airtime
This is something that really pisses me off. Thankfully do not see it here in Portugal as the Ukranian flag can be seen flying in many a neighbourhood.

How can these russian sympathising cunts who have made their life in the West and have access to media as to what atrocities are really happening by russia treat a Ukranian refugee who has been forced out of her country and probably wants to go home to her family and friends by harassing and spitting on her!

Time for some EU discussions on forceable deportation of these Z sympathisers in our own backyard and then lets see how much they really love russia.

This is in Leipzig recently

This woman needs shooting asap

Unless the GoP wins the mid terms and stops aid through Congress.
Whats your call on the way the mid terms may go? If they do take congress, is it likely they would vote down any further military aid packages to Ukraine? Can they reverse existing commitments made?

Don't follow U.S politics closely enough but in my head it was a case of getting this done before trump could have another shot at the presidency in 2024, if he wins then I think its all over for Ukraine if they haven't retaken their territory and secured their borders and cities with NATO defence systems.

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