Russian invasion of Ukraine

The kind of answer I suspected I'd get to my question.

Someone questions sources and automatically called a Putin lover.

There's propaganda on all sides. All I want is facts.

I thought I'd found an 'indepent' source which after some digging turned out to be the Russian version of lord Haw Haw. There's also Ukrainian/Western sources doing the same.

It seems this thread you can't question anything. Just wave the flag you have in your social media bio of the side you've chosen and everyone else is wrong.
I think when one country invades another country and sends troops and missiles into their territory, not even taking into account the civilians targeted just to cause fear, there's no choice in which 'side' to take...
Oh dear. Another convinced by the Russian propaganda machine.
So sad.

The Russian army has behaved like genocidel short they are Nazi's.
Mat was all over the opening hundred pages saying Russia wasn’t going to invade and it was a media ploy to boost Boris and Biden so it’s fair to say he’s not fully behind this one.
Evening Update.

Oooo Russian millibloggers being investigated. War Gonzo., etc. How interesting. What's the phrase, oh yes: "Hoisted by your own Petard".
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The first casualty of war is truth.

What is the truth in this conflict?

Plenty of social media sources not verified calling each other cunts on this thread claiming "victories."

Mainstream media part of the propaganda machine along with various channels on YouTube which are pro Ukraine or Russia.

I'm drowning in the information. What's the reality and what's bullshit. Is this WW3 by proxy?

Meanwhile millions of innocent people are being used as pawns in a bigger power game. And the conflict is being politicised for the advantage of self serving cunts over here.

I would ask what are the points you are not finding a clear answer too, maybe someone can assist. Some things are undeniable though and that is that Russia is a vicious invader committing heinous war crimes on civilians.

Below is a explanation of the whole situation leading to the current time which simplifies a lot of events; im not an expert or anything but this is my take from reading through multiple sources and im happy to be proven wrong if I have said something incorrect.

In 2013 then pro-russian president Viktor Yanukovych stopped the process of signing an Association agreement with the EU which basically would have started their path to trying to join the EU. This agreement had been overwhelmingly approved by Ukraine's parliament with only their small communist party disagreeing. The sudden change from Yanukovych came after russia started a trade war with ukraine where russia blocked all ukrainian imports which lead to a sharp drop in their economy, pretty clearly this was related to their EU association agreement.

Due to Yanukovych reneging on parliaments agreement there were demonstrations and protests in Kyiv that spread across the whole country. This was the "Euromaiden" uprising you maybe have heard about. This ultimately lead to the collapse of that current government with Yanukovych and his allies fleeing Ukraine (to russia) with a new government being installed by Ukraine's parliament.

Following this in early 2014 is when the "little green men" started to appear in Crimea with sudden support of pro-russian separatists, these are widely believed to be unmarked russian military / wagner groups considering their military equipment available. Ukraine at this point had a pretty small military and had no way to really fight these "separatists" in crimea. Crimean separatists declared independence with a further referendum on joining russia shortly after.

These unmarked soldiers also appeared within the Donbas and Luhansk regions with similar heavily equipped pro-russian separatists behind them which this time Ukraine did fight to a standstill until the Minsk "peace" agreement was made. This mostly ended the conflict but there was constant fighting from 2014 until now.

Fast forward to 2022 and Putin had his troops at the border doing training exercises for months with western intelligence basically all but confirming they were about to invade. Putin using the previous conflict to justify intervention to "save" russians in those regions along with a host of other reasons which dont match reality.

Putin had hoped to quickly overwhelm Ukraine as they had previously done and didnt expect the west to intervene as before. US intelligence has said they were planning to take Kyiv, replace Zelensky and force a new pro-russian puppet on Ukraine while likely annexing at least the coastal regions that they now partially control. Russian forces heading to Kyiv had a lot of riot police forces intended to control civilians and had parade uniforms packed within their supply conveys for after their expected victory. They werent expecting ukraine to stand and fight. If I remember correctly UK and USA had been training ukraine since 2014 for exactly this moment. At this point russia likely knows it has failed and is trying to do anything it can to force a wedge to make some sort of play like a gambler in too deep unwilling to cut their loses which is causing their erratic actions recently. They are running on fumes now while Ukraine is growing in strength as time goes on. Unfortunately many people are still dying.

Nobody can really say for sure exactly what Putin was thinking but I would say it looked like that he wanted to re-instate former USSR/ Russian empire lands and create a singular russian state, wiping out other cultures with a singular russian culture, which is a common nationalist dream that people like Girkin and Dugin also believe in. They seen Ukraine heading towards "the west" (as Ukrainian citizens wanted and was their choice) and knew they had to act now. They wanted to force ukraine under their control before they detached themselves from russia forever.

If they had succeed in ukraine they likely wanted to bring in other former lands including possibly the Baltic nations despite them being in NATO. I really think they thought the west had gotten weak and the USA was too distracted with their own problems to intervene risking any sort of nuclear war, while also heavily underestimating the level of corruptions that has completely rotted russia to the core.

long post.
Mat was all over the opening hundred pages saying Russia wasn’t going to invade and it was a media ploy to boost Boris and Biden so it’s fair to say he’s not fully behind this one.

Jesus Christ you weren't kidding.

If I'd spent months telling everyone there'd be no invasion, heaping praise on Russia Today jounalists for telling it like it is, declaring with such misplaced confidence it's all Biden trying to distract people in the USA and then defending Putin's right to "defend his nation" I sure as shit wouldn't have the gall to jump in here months later talking about truth being the first casualty of war.

I wonder if he thinks Putin was defending himself from all the tortured, raped and massacred women and children dumped in mass graves?

Not one "Huh, guess I was wrong" comment that I could see either.

Putin wants something. Probably a few nato bases closed down.

Putin is defending his nation. I'm sure Biden would be doing the same if he had enemy military NATO bases surrounding his country.

Domestic issues at home so it's time to act all John Wayne on the Old Enemy.

You underestimate Putin. He wont invade. He'll humiliate Biden politically.

Be careful. Some will instantly dismiss pilgers view by the channel he's speaking on.

I for one believe that this man is last of the dying breed of real journalists.

The Germans are the quiet partner in all this. Not much western media coverage about their current stance. Only sensationalist warmongering from the media big boys.

There won't be any conflict.

NATO will always see Russia as their enemy otherwise they cease to exist.

Their leader is backtracking about any potential invasion. Whilst Biden is preening there will be.

It's all about looking tough whilst distracting from issues at home.

How would you feel if your home was surrounded by hostile forces. Getting your neighbours to install equipment to threaten you?

Distraction tactic from Domestic issues again from Biden.

CNN are on a war footing. MSNBC are more concerned about Trump binning top secret documents down the shitter. Faux are just Faux, pumping out rhetoric supporting and demanding the far right truck demonstration is repeated here.

Funny how none of the western media aren't showing Putin saying publicly he doesn't want a war.
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