Russian invasion of Ukraine

Wonder what would happen if NATO were to send an ultimatum to Putin? Would love to see his face as he shits his pants.
He'd ignore it. Dictators don't listen listen to others and they seem incapable of rational thought. It goes with the territory. Hitler, Stalin, Idiotic Amin, they were all delusional but no-one within their inner circle would stand up to them, for obvious reasons.
I have no idea what goes through some people's heads thinking it is any way contributory to the discussion.

"He CoUlD uSe A tAcTiCaL nUkE!"
He could have used one at any point during this invasion. Russia has been getting their arse handed to them for MONTHS. Why now? Why not sooner? Because he knows the ramifications if he does. He wants to bluff the West to stop supporting Ukraine. It hasn't worked.

I agree the odds are very low. For me the risk peaks when when he knows for sure he has lost. When the ramifications of the nuke become “beneficial” to him. Use a nuke. NATO get involved and then he can say they didn’t lose to Ukraine, they lost against NATO and he runs back into Russia to rule them like the dictator he is.

It’s unlikely for sure.
Chumpski is one of a brilliant trio of war commentators.
The others are John Pilchard and Jeremiah Carbon. They all agree with Poo Tin that The West are just prolonging the war by arming Ukraine.
Well, yes, that's certainly one way of looking at a singular fact in isolation. Similarly, it can be said that Ukraine being armed 'causes a lot of deaths'.
And it could also be true that the three of them continuing to live is using up valuable resources on luxuries that are needed by people who really need them.

Despite being quite factual statements of the bleeding obvious, non of these truisms make the alternatives (extermination of your entire nation or execution of these three) ok.
Here, Russian forces have made small, steady gains, largely thanks to the Wagner group, which is considered by analysts to be a Kremlin-approved private military company.

Reports on social media and in Russian state media say Wagner mercenaries are on the outskirts of Bakhmut, in a small village called Ivangrad.

On social network Telegram, Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin has acknowledged that resistance from the city is stiff.

“The situation near Bakhmut is stably difficult, the Ukrainian troops are putting up decent resistance and the legend of the fleeing Ukrainians is just a legend. Ukrainians are guys with the same iron balls as we are,” he wrote.

I agree the odds are very low. For me the risk peaks when when he knows for sure he has lost. When the ramifications of the nuke become “beneficial” to him. Use a nuke. NATO get involved and then he can say they didn’t lose to Ukraine, they lost against NATO and he runs back into Russia to rule them like the dictator he is.

It’s unlikely for sure.

There is no prospect of that happening.

He might believe that himself, but that's a red line he doesn't come back from. He might as well lock himself in a bunker and surround himself with ultra fanatics like his Austrian influencer.

None of his allies will stand for it and he'll soon be expendable to the Russian elite and deposed.
I agree the odds are very low. For me the risk peaks when when he knows for sure he has lost. When the ramifications of the nuke become “beneficial” to him. Use a nuke. NATO get involved and then he can say they didn’t lose to Ukraine, they lost against NATO and he runs back into Russia to rule them like the dictator he is.

It’s unlikely for sure.
In that instance he'd officially be losing against the UN, not NATO. It is a criminal offence according to UN charter, to use nuclear weapons, in any capacity, for defence, offence or even testing.

He'd basically be committing the ultimate crime against humanity and the entire peoples of Earth. His defence that "Well the Americans did it in 1945!" wouldn't stand up, because there were no such laws and restrictions against their use. Now there are, and Putin knows there are; Russia agreed to such laws themselves.

In threatening to use them, he is basically admitting to breaking international and UN charters. He'd be fucked seven ways from Sunday by the entire world, and he'd have no defense for it.

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