Russian invasion of Ukraine

Senseless, absolutely no tactical significance whatsoever. These attacks and the ones before them are driven by hate, but the orcs are to stupid to understand how counterproductive these strikes are. Its no wonder the AFU are so well motivated.
Senseless, absolutely no tactical significance whatsoever. These attacks and the ones before them are driven by hate, but the orcs are to stupid to understand how counterproductive these strikes are. Its no wonder the AFU are so well motivated.

Their army has ground to a standstill in its objectives, the only thing they can do now is keep up fear amongst civilians. They have lost, how long do they keep this up before they think it’s not worth keeping this invasion going? They don’t have the advantage they had in February of equipment and soldiers, all the while Ukraine keep getting more and more advanced equipment.
Surely the Russians must see that if their paranoid fears of a western invasion somehow came true then maybe the stockpiles of weapons, equipment and trained personnel they've burnt through might have come in useful. How is continuing to feed them into the grinder going to help with their strategic objectives? Even if they somehow turn this around and capture Ukraine they've still left themselves significantly weaker than they were before.
Surely the Russians must see that if their paranoid fears of a western invasion somehow came true then maybe the stockpiles of weapons, equipment and trained personnel they've burnt through might have come in useful. How is continuing to feed them into the grinder going to help with their strategic objectives? Even if they somehow turn this around and capture Ukraine they've still left themselves significantly weaker than they were before.
Their fragile egos won’t let them accept defeat. Putin would use ever my last person alive if it meant he would win.
Why should the Ukrainians make any conciliatory gesture though? Their land has been invaded and pilfered, destroyed and innocents killed, etc as everyone knows. No-one should then expect them to concede anything.

All they want is their whole country back. Ideally once this disgraceful invasion is over, the UN should be forcing Russia to pay for as much of the clean-up, repatriation and damages as is feasible.
The ball is in Ukraine's court. He can keep going and set the milestones that allow a reassessment.
The US will back him for at least 2 years as will the UK and Eastern European countries (except Hungry) - the only consideration is whether Russia agree to withdraw to at least Feb 23rd boundaries.
Note: France and Germany are irrelevant as they haven't given Ukraine sufficient military support to get a seat at the top decision table.
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