Russian invasion of Ukraine

France have deep ties with Russia, many such as Germany rely on them for one thing or another.
So true and I suspect that both Macron & Scholz are starting to take a longer term "selfish" line. Whilst trying to show solidarity with Ukraine and maintaining their NATO stance, they are looking ahead to how they can claim to have remained "friends" with Russia.
Looking at longer term rebuilding and trade to help their own economies and most importantly win those votes.
I'm not posting the pics....
Luhansk Region,Russian troops have hanged 5 Ukrainian men they accused of helping Ukrainian forces.
They are left hanging for all to see,as a warning.
On the Dnipro crossings,i dont know how true,but apparently,its been going on for days.

Slava Ukraini.
That’s awful the people are suffering hell during this occupation, I pray they will be liberated soon.
Ultimately, it's got nothing to do with Schultz or Macron, and that it's everything to do with Ukraine and Ukraine only.

People forget this all started in 2014, not 2022, for those intervening 8 years, whilst there has been a relative stalemate, the west has been training their army in western tactics, mainly to defend what they still had.

In Feb 2022 that all changed, when putin invaded, and the west has since stepped up training (and equipment) to go on the offensive, and the Ukraines now won't stop until they get it all back, and there's nothing Schultz or Marcon can do about it, and even their countries armed forces are training the Ukraines, what I suspect they both want is to go back to relative status quo of Jan 2022 (which incidentally I suspect putin would also like).

Too late !
I think it's ultimately up to what the Americans want cleavers, take them out of the equation and there's probably only one outcome.

I'd suggest that Schultz and Macron are looking at further down the road and their countries self-interests.

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