Russian invasion of Ukraine

Agreed, but these autocratic regimes will always go down the heavy censorship route with general media and even if the younger generation can circumnavigate the controls with vpns etc I am not sure it‘s enough to reach critical mass across all generations/classes for a widely supported revolution needed for regime change just yet.

russia is an interesting point in case here because there is a whole swathe Of under 60s who will have had access already to free media and online social content prior to the total media shutdown by putin since last Feb (although he has systematically been eroding free speech for the last decade). russians are much more heavily influenced from a young age at school about issues like The Great Patriotic War and the Napoleonic wars creating a them and us mentality. putin never let’s an opportunity go by to cross reference those historical reminders in any anti western tirade he delivers to his domestic audience.
The problem for such leaders though is the BS doesnt wash with the political elite who know the truth. I was explaining from an Iran perspective where the support for hardline clerics as leaders is waining, the current generations know far more and have access to far more information and this includes the people close to those in power.

Putin will have the same problem - the elite of Moscow society will know he is failing.

maria pirogova was the deputy of the Donetsk People's Republic , she and her mother said the killing of ukrainians was "cleansing" ,this video was taken a couple of months ago,

pinpoint accuracy
We see thousands of young ruSSians fleeing their homeland and we think it is a good thing. We think they are anti war, absolutely not, they are all for the war, they are just saving their own skin. Have a trip to Bali ir Thailand to see how they behave. They are now spreading their hate and vitriol to a wider audience.
There was a very interesting interview a wile back on R4 re Iran. Forget who the Iranian was but she basically said the problem the regime had was the Internet. The higher middle classes want new technologies and its hard to allow some people access and not others, and hard to control what peoplehave access to. In short the current generation increasingly know the truth of their lives vs the rest of the world. As the prevalence of smart phones grows the regime will keep losing support. A tipping point will come.
Absolutely, have a couple of Iranian women in my business practice and you couldn’t wish to meet nicer people. The murder of women in their homeland and years of oppression, added to the violence against many who have demanded change has moved the discussion away from just the younger groups within society to entire swathes of the population. It doesn’t get the news coverage but the protests are still ongoing.

I asked one of the women, why did your parents and grandparents want to oust the Shah ? Her answer was that he was seen as an American puppet (which is true) and they thought they would get something better, what they actually ended up with was 10 times worse. Given the choice again, almost all Iranians would welcome a return to pre revolution Iran with much more liberal values.
Absolutely, have a couple of Iranian women in my business practice and you couldn’t wish to meet nicer people. The murder of women in their homeland and years of oppression, added to the violence against many who have demanded change has moved the discussion away from just the younger groups within society to entire swathes of the population. It doesn’t get the news coverage but the protests are still ongoing.

I asked one of the women, why did your parents and grandparents want to oust the Shah ? Her answer was that he was seen as an American puppet (which is true) and they thought they would get something better, what they actually ended up with was 10 times worse. Given the choice again, almost all Iranians would welcome a return to pre revolution Iran with much more liberal values.
Ditto Afghanistan prior to Russians/Taliban/Coalition/Taliban

And (knowledge not so good) Lebanon before civil war in 1970's
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