Russian invasion of Ukraine

Crazy mate,as you posted earlier,not even started the main offensive and they are falling apart.
I posted yesterday,that Ukrainian Forces had started to cause panic and confusion amongst the Russians,by hitting them with allsorts from all directions.
Its what happens before a major offensive....confusion and panic.
It looks to of done more than that....they really dont know what to do.

Slava Ukraini.
That's what seems to happen when your opponent continues to play draughts in a chess game.

Not that simple I know but the patient sacrifices Ukranian troops have made over the winter months will be remembered forever.
I mean nobody seriously believes that this will be over by the end of 2023.

Whilst it’s dangerous to ever underestimate Russian incompetence, they’re still not *that* incompetent.

I've no idea personally, but so far, Russian competence has been consistently overestimated since the start, and that has continued all the way through.

We'll see.
I don’t mean that, no.
I didn't think so.

What the russians have done though, will ensure they can't do anything else significant for a very long time, neither in terms of kit, or personell.

Once tey didn't take full control over the first few weeks last year (which I think most assumed they would), that became more an more certain. They can't train (thouroughly) enough (fit) soldiers now to improve the situation, I doubt they coule even find enough to recruit, even if they could train them, and the west will continue to support Ukraine now whatever happens imho.
Cracks me up the parallels between events of the last year and a bit and operation Barbarossa.
I dont know if there is anything in this,but right out of the blue....the USA transfer a squadron of F-22 Raptor jets.
To Estonia.....sorry.

Slava Ukraini.
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I dont know if there is anything in this,but right out of the blue....the USA transfer a squadron of F-22 Raptor jets.

Slava Ukraini.
How many in a squadron? And are they being transferred to Ukraine?

There was a report of 6 being transferred to Poland last summer.

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