The life of a Russian Mobik...
You can read more great Ukraine coverage by both staff and community members here . Today, we’re going to look at the war through Russian eyes. And no, not Russian propaganda, ...
Interesting how Russia controls the mothers of Mobiks through intimidation, blackmail and loss of their sons pay by marking the soldiers as "Missing" - even when they aren't.
Russian artilary fire is collapsing and without it Russia is in big trouble. The much vaunted 10 fold increase in shell production only allows 5,500 shells per day to be fired - 10 times less than last year. Of course many shells don't get to the front through Ukrainian logistics targetting - this means Ukrainian forces are now outshelling Russia 3-2 (6,000 shells a day and increasing) and worse, it is accurate so Russian guns are being destroyed at an exchange rate of 4-1 so it's only going to get worse. The average Russian loss is now 30-40 guns a day.