Russian invasion of Ukraine

The life of a Russian Mobik...
Interesting how Russia controls the mothers of Mobiks through intimidation, blackmail and loss of their sons pay by marking the soldiers as "Missing" - even when they aren't.
Russian artilary fire is collapsing and without it Russia is in big trouble. The much vaunted 10 fold increase in shell production only allows 5,500 shells per day to be fired - 10 times less than last year. Of course many shells don't get to the front through Ukrainian logistics targetting - this means Ukrainian forces are now outshelling Russia 3-2 (6,000 shells a day and increasing) and worse, it is accurate so Russian guns are being destroyed at an exchange rate of 4-1 so it's only going to get worse. The average Russian loss is now 30-40 guns a day.
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Day 574 Review:
273,460 Russians killed, and estimated 655,392 wounded. Total casualties nearly 1 million.

Staggering numbers.
Solve it rebus:)

Jokes aside, Kadyrov may very well be on the verge of death. Or already behind her. A number of indirect data indicate that he really has serious health problems. We would not be surprised if his eventual coma is controlled by the Kremlin and is a deliberate move to delay death until the issue of succession is resolved.

One of the scenarios that is accepted as the most likely is family succession. But the minimum age of an applicant for the position of Mekh Da is 30 years. Considering that Kadyrov’s sons have not yet reached adulthood, a 12-year transition period is an unrealistic scenario.

Delimkhanov, Allaudinov and Daudov, who could seize power, do not enjoy authority among the security forces, and a potential “external” candidate from the Kremlin (Dagestan scenario) will not be able to control the Chechens, who recognize only their own. Regardless of who the Kremlin chooses as a successor, redistribution of property and personnel purges will be ensured. The Chechen version of the nineties will be very bloody and will spill far beyond the borders of the Republic.

❗️ The solution to the “Chechen issue” by Putin in the 2000s was simply a postponement of the third Chechen war and new bloodshed . The only chance to avoid this is to end the war, overthrow the criminal regime and make Chechnya (and any other subject) a normal part of Russia with working federal laws (at least for the first time, until a decision is made on their official status). And if we don’t do this now, we will face not only a war in Ukraine, but also a third Chechen war right under our noses.
russia withdraws warships from Sevastopol Bay - ATESH movement

russian warships made the only correct decision - to leave Sevastopol. We wish all the troops to make the same decision. Otherwise, they will not be saved, writes "Atesh"

The life of a Russian Mobik...
Interesting how Russia controls the mothers of Mobiks through intimidation, blackmail and loss of their sons pay by marking the soldiers as "Missing" - even when they aren't.
Russian artilary fire is collapsing and without it Russia is in big trouble. The much vaunted 10 fold increase in shell production only allows 5,500 shells per day to be fired - 10 times less than last year. Of course many shells don't get to the front through Ukrainian logistics targetting - this means Ukrainian forces are now outshelling Russia 3-2 (6,000 shells a day and increasing) and worse, it is accurate so Russian guns are being destroyed at an exchange rate of 4-1 so it's only going to get worse. The average Russian loss is now 30-40 guns a day.

It seems Putin has survived the summer without any big breakout in Ukraine or domestic trouble beyond the obvious failed coup.

But Russia appears to be in terminal decline as a fighting force. Something has to give at some point.
273,460 Russians killed, and estimated 655,392 wounded. Total casualties nearly 1 million.

Staggering numbers.
It doesn't include Luhansk and Donetsk deaths prior to their incorporation into Russia either. Another 15,000 - 25,000 deaths + 3 times this wounded that are not on the Russian lists.
Unknown saboteurs blew up 2 planes and a helicopter near Moscow,
as a result of which they were significantly damaged on September 18, 2023. The event caused quite a bit of hysteria in the higher military corridors - government planes, so-called "doomsday planes" and reconnaissance planes are based at the airfield.

Unknown persons planted explosives and detonated AN-148 and IL-20 aircraft (both belong to the 354th special purpose aviation regiment) at the airfield, which is carefully guarded, as well as the MI-28N helicopter, which was actively involved in shooting down attack drones over Moscow region.

☝️ Aircraft damage will not allow us to count on their quick recovery. The tail part of the helicopter was damaged by the explosion. Another AN-148, which was next to others in the parking lot, received minor damage.

Punitive authorities of the Russian Federation are conducting measures to find saboteurs and limit the dissemination of information about the event in the local media.

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