Russian invasion of Ukraine

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Is there any vibes that Russians are losing the will to continue?
That’s the sad thing they’ll will only get here what Putin and his henchmen want them to hear, unfortunately Russia has a virtual limitless supply of young men to feed in and its economy is now on a war footing so everything is geared to feeding the army. Everything hinges on the Wests will to supply Ukraine and the guts of Ukrainian soldiers.
Is there any vibes that Russians are losing the will to continue?
I am not sure about the will to continue but there is a growing feeling by the young ruSSians realising that this is a no win situation and their future after all this is over will not be so rosy! It took some time but it is slowly sinking in!!
Is there any vibes that Russians are losing the will to continue?

I did see some content yesterday saying Russian Senators (or whatever they are called) who were previously baying for blood and supporting the war are now openly calling for peace and healing.
This complete turn around is normal in Russia, and the guy said they even have a word for it. It's called "changing your shoes".
Whatever you said/did yesterday, just changes when you change shoes. No shame, just move on.
The very fact they are openly calling for peace in defiance of Putin is the major news.

Even normal mid income Russians are feeling the effects of a wartime economy footing. Inflation is running wild even though state controlled figures won't show it.
Shortages for just about anything is having a real effect.
Russians will support anything as long as they don't feel it. Well all Russians are feeling it.
A change in "language" about the war will be the true indicator of their appetite to carry on.

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