Russian invasion of Ukraine

Dictatorships always fail, without question, if there is one man in charge and ruling.
Yes but after how long and after how much damage has been inflicted. I doubt the survivors of e.g. the Idi Amin regime, take any comfort in this fact.
Wow the balls on these brave 13 Ukranian soldiers on Snake Island! who have sadly died

Some great news if true coming from that earlier incident on Snake Island where it was believed that all 13 Ukrainians had been killed after telling the captain of the Russian frigate to go 'fuck himself' when asked to surrender

Yes but after how long and after how much damage has been inflicted. I doubt the survivors of e.g. the Idi Amin regime, take any comfort in this fact.
Very good point but they don’t tend to last long when the dictator fucks up like this.

If there’s anyone with aspirations in the Kremlin then Putin’s days are numbered.
There were peole on here wanking over Liz Truss getting insults off the bully Labrov. I’m not sure what these Bluemooners expected her to do? Russia have been planning this invasion for years

It's alright if the bullies insult and demean a woman as long as that woman is a Tory?

That seems to be the general gist of it mate.
Some great news if true coming from that earlier incident on Snake Island where it was believed that all 13 Ukrainians had been killed after telling the captain of the Russian frigate to go 'fuck himself' when asked to surrender

It's like an episode from Stargate where SG1 go missing and turn up after escaping the black hole that swallowed them.
I can't say I have ever felt as uneasy as I do today, for the first time in my life I am genuinely concerned that this could end up in a nuclear conflict. I have this fear that this is going tits up for Putin and rather than suffer a humiliating withdrawal he may decide to go gung ho.

Just hoping that there are processes in place in Russia to stop this from happening.

Can anyone really get their head around going to work as normal today and then tonight the world being obliterated with thousands of nukes:(

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