Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yes, it's quite depressing seeing people actually take the bait and go after Truss for this.

So far Russia has blamed its actions on having Nato on it's borders (as it has for 75 years), a non-existent genocide, a jewish president they call a neo-nazi, and of course remember this isn't an invasion it's a special operation and Russia have had 0 casualties so far.

If Liz Truss had said nothing, they'd have just found another reason.

Christ, just look at the wording of the statement. "I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign minister" It's absurd.

We can't take the bait. The whole nuclear threat yesterday was a distraction from the fact he's getting his arse handed to him.

Well said.
There's posters who keep bringing Corbyn up and it's a good job Boris Won who don't get any grief. @bluethrunthru does get a lot of shit for no reason.

Exactly. The subject in the first sentence is a complete irrelevance to the thread topic.

But the B word has everything to with the Government's dragging their heels over refugees.
I’m not a Tory but I thought Truss showed backbone and had a go at diplomacy despite being on a bit of a hiding to nothing. The Ukrainians are grateful anyway.

Yeah. Said at the time that Truss getting stick from the Russians simply meant she was repeating what every other country was telling them and keeping up a common front and they didn’t like it.
But you have - you dominate every thread in the forum with it - why not keep it in the specific threads to do with the torys and Johnson?

Forgive some posters on here for thinking that the events in Ukraine at this time deserve some focus and would prefer not to have to wade through your obsession-driven distractions

This - at this time - I would suggest, is more important to people that visit this thread than your personal campaign
Agree that the impact of this conflict on our relationship with the EU is best discussed in the politics forum but there's no doubt that there is a link between overall Russian action over the last few years culminating in this invasion and our departure from the EU.
It's no surprise that you are at the forefront of wanting to kick this discussion into the the long grass considering your outspoken support for Brexit in your previous guise.

As I said, one for the other forum.
Loads of propaganda on both sides.
If it’s true it’s great news!!
Sure there's bound to be propaganda coming our of Kiev but then there's the propaganda coming out of the ministry of fairy tales in the Kremlin - I just hope Putin and his inner circle haven't got to the stage where they actually believe the stuff they are coming out with, if so we are all in serious trouble.
Sounds either wishfully naive, or partisanly apologist.

For a start, they'd still have to qualify and meet all sorts of criteria they might not, would need time and resources they don't have etc. imo.

They would also be committing an immigration offence by lying to get a visa. Which could prevent them from achieving a successful asylum claim.

I don't believe for one minute that border force staff will wave people through on no questions asked either.
So no verified source, just yet more unsubstantiated claims like the dicks who claimed thermobaric bombs had been used last night.

Well said.
Don't think the Russians had or have any plans to negotiate any terms that don't involve them getting 100% of their own way. It's a tough place to be in for any government. How do you reason with a guy who's cheese has obviously slid off his cracker ? You can't and you have to tread carefully because of it.

Providing safe passage and shelter for anyone wanting to get out of Ukraine should be top priority. I think there is huge anger we aren't more organised on this front, that's where I see the biggest failings. Talk is fucking cheap as far as I can see on this

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