Russian invasion of Ukraine

Loads of propaganda on both sides.
If it’s true it’s great news!!
The main factors atm are IMHO, whether the main Cities and Airports are still in Ukrainian hands, the President still being in Kiev to lead the defence and having enough quality weapons and soldiers / reservists to have a fighting chance. Good propaganda is very helpful of course.

I don’t know a lot about it but Russia are trying to surround Kiev with overwhelming force and the Ukrainians are trying to force delays and isolate convoys (eg by blowing up bridges) so they didn’t have to fight all the Russian forces at the same time.

Tue Russians - historically- have sometimes done badly when attempting a full front assault eg Finland 1944 and against the Vikings a millennia ago. Then against they smashed a retreating German army en route to Berlin
Sounds either wishfully naive, or partisanly apologist.

For a start, they'd still have to qualify and meet all sorts of criteria they might not, would need time and resources they don't have etc. imo.

Think it would be easier just to waive the criteria, as everyone else seems to be doing, rather than sending out coded messages about picking fucking fruit.
Interesting that while talking to a mate down the pub about this last night and expressing my disgust at that news, he told me that if I had looked a little deeper into the story then it was apparent that the fruit picking was just a way of telling Ukranians how to get into the UK, IE if they put that down when applying they would get straight in no questions asked. I dont know if that is true or not, but I do know my mate is certainly no fan of Johnson or the Torries.
It isn’t, but a good attempt by your pal.

They've shifted a bit more this morning. The full U turn should be complete soon, as per usual.
The Russians using Truss's comments as an excuse for increasing nuclear readiness probably explains the Defence Secretary explicitly saying he didn't agree with her comments this morning on TV. It's vey unusual for one cabinet minister to openly contradict another one.
The Russians using Truss's comments as an excuse for increasing nuclear readiness probably explains the Defence Secretary explicitly saying he didn't agree with her comments this morning on TV. It's vey unusual for one cabinet minister to openly contradict another one.

Missed that one. What was it about?

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