Russian invasion of Ukraine

Oligarch's have $80m yachts not $8m ones.

He's just some rich Russian, he won't be on any of the sanctions lists for individuals.
"A Ukrainian sailor has admitted trying to sink a yacht owned by the head of a Russian state arms firm"

I Don't care. Sieze it. Sell it. Give the money to Ukraine.
In all honesty your lad is as safe from a nuclear attack in the Czech Republic as you are in the UK, in fact I'd say the UK is a bigger target.

I understand your worries though as I'm also away from my family and its not nice in these times so best wishes to you.
That actually makes me feel a bit better.
Thank you, and best wishes to you and your family too.
I can't imagine how separated families cope in a war. The "not knowing" and not having those you love near to you must be incredibly stressful. I'm not talking about families who have an armed forces serving relation (after all, it must be expected in a way), more the civilians
I remember in the early 80s as a kid hearing the air raid sirens regularly being tested in the event of a nuclear attack.

It was terrifying to hear and I would have terrible dreams of me being stuck at school and whether I could run the three miles from to home in four minutes and get to say goodbye to my folks.

Stupid, I know. Goodness knows how the people of Ukraine deal with this very real nightmare.
Yep always heard them growing up living in Clayton. Regularly tested them
Marco Rubio on Twitter I cant embed tweets so copied: Growing signs #Putin has ordered a medieval siege of #Kyiv Cut a city of millions off from food, fuel, power, communications & supplies & then bomb & starve the govt into submission We need to start thinking about what we can & are willing to do to prevent such a barbaric crime
Easy, Berlin Airlift.

Okay so not easy, but a solution that worked in the past. The Russians won't be stupid enough to attack NATO aircraft bringing in supplies.
This is UK Forces News......

They're saying what everyone else seems to be saying, that Putin expected Ukraine to surrender in shock and awe within 24 hours or so of the invasion, when that didn't happen the Russians ran in to operational and supply problems.

But and it's a big but, they don't hold out hope for a Ukrainian victory.

Putin can have his victory, but only at a much higher price than he anticipated, will he pay that price? Time for diplomacy and an honest broker and fast.
You're dreaming mate. At least I hope so, because any nuclear retaliation from the UK - or the US or France or whovever - against Russia, and it's the end of the world as we know it.

We'd have very little (if any?) ability to intercept a nuke launched towards us from western Russia, and were that to happen - with a nuke aimed at the North Sea - the very best thing that could happen would be that we did nothing. Anything else would - literally - be suicide.
If NATO cold war doctrine is followed we'd drop a nuke in the Barents Sea or similar.
A lot of talk that Putin had priced in sanctions before the invasion but I don't think he banked on the sanctions being as ferocious as they are. Shell have just announced they are selling their stakes in Russian ventures, I don't Vlad anticipated that at all.

Problem is, the harder we hit, the more he starts lashing out which is why I just can't see a positive endgame without the Russians themselves over throwing him.

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