Ruthless summer clear out

Matt the Giant said:
yellamcfc said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
thanks mate, completley agree with you

Milner is a very good player but will never be world class, which is where we need to be looking.
I've stated a few players (above) who would take us to that level. Milner, Nasri, Barry & Garcia are very good squad players to retain, who fall just short of what is required to be a Champions League force.

Did you read my entire post, or just a few words of your choice? ;)
I called him a world-class squad asset, which he is. Not every single lad in our 25-man squad can be a world class player in his given position.
And as Ferrran and Txiki has stated; we will have five or six world class players, and the rest really good sqaud members.
I agree, the names you highlight does not belong in the world class category, but some may be too good to remain squad players for us, Nasri in particular.

Just a few words of my choice Matt ;)

No, seriously. I do agree with what you're saying, that he is a strong asset to have in our squad.
He is one of my favourite players and my son has his name on one of his shirts. Milner is very industrious and gives 100% every time he plays, all I am saying is that he just falls short of world class.
I didn't mean to quote you in particular.
If we were to capture players that I've stated previously, then I would hope Milner & Barry would accept that they are squad players.
Nasri doesn't fit into the role Mancini uses him in. He is a central attacking midfielder, but with Silva in the first eleven he would never get a look in, in that position.
I just feel that this summer is our best chance to weed out the players that aren't good enough and seriously make a move on strengthening the squad and first team in particular.
We cannot stand still in the transfer market next time, because we have wasted the last two transfer windows now.
Players that should definitely be sold/ fucked off from our current squad (not including the shit we have loaned out):

Kolarov, Nasri, Dzeko, Garcia, Maicon, Kolo, Rodwell & I'm afraid to say it but at the level we want to go to also Lescott. Tevez if we can get a decent offer (not the player he was). Sinclair.

& in for all that lot id bring 2 world class forwards, a top athletic central midfielder, a decent winger & a defender or 2.
The out of contracts are Kolo, RSC, Bridge and Wright.

I suppose its possible Wright might get another year long deal but it doesn't matter to the first team anyway. RSC and Bridge finally off our books is great for the wage space it'll free up and Kolo is just not getting a new deal IMO. Will go to Gala or somewhere similar.

Players we'll try and move on IMO: Sinclair, Kolarov, Lescott, Nasri, Barry, Milner, Tevez, Dzeko.

Dzeko is probably going to be our top scorer this season but, outside of scoring goals is a bad match for the way we play/a player we can get a top fee for. Can see Dzeko going for 25 mil IMO, and I dont think anyone else we might sell will bring in that much, so its a certainty for me.

Think we'd like to keep Tevez, but he's not going to sign a new deal, so it makes sense to shift him to Boca for whatever we can get in the summer rather than waiting another year and losing a 25 mil striker for nothing. Reckon it'll be pennies though, like 6 or 7 mil max.

Lescott has fallen out favor and is on big money, so like with Mario, that's not a situation we can really allow. Reckon we can sell him for about 7/8 mil, which is a big loss, but I think last season's performances gave us our money's worth.

Sinclair just hasn't worked out. Mancini has no interest in him, and best for both parties if he gets out of here quickly, before he goes to rot. Will be surprised if we get 3 mil for him.

Nasri needed to push on this season, but hasn't. His stats are pretty horrible and we need to go on the attack next season so no room for a player who wants to hide. Reckon we can get a decent amount (still a loss) from PSG/Russian club. Probs something like 13 to 16 mil.

Barry might stay, and he has done the club great service in his time here, but he's getting on and I think starting another season with him as a first choice CM would be complacency. Need a younger/faster/stronger version. Keep him if he takes a pay cut/prepared to be a squad player, which I think he will be. But if not I think we should get what we can for him. Not a lot of money in a sale though. Probs 5/6 mil tops.

I think Milner's future depends on how much he's getting paid IMO. Agree we could use him as a utility player, but if he's pulling down 100k a week then that's money probably best spent on a more influential player. I think he'll probably stay but wouldn't be surprised if we moved him on either. I reckon we could take about 12 mil for Milner, which is quite a lot compared to other players so that might be appealing.

Kolarov I think will definitely go. Took great free-kicks, but can't get into the team and poor defensively. Probs 5/6 mil max.

I reckon we'll clear quite a lot of the reserves too. Guys like Boyata are never getting in the first team, and he needs to go and have a career somewhere.

I think Maicon will stay because he's only on a two year contract anyway and he'll just probably see that out. Rodwell/garcia will stay.

I don't think all of these people will go, someone will go that we weren't expecting and someone will stay who we weren't expecting etc.. But if we sell half those players and release the ones at the end of their contracts, that should provide all the wage space we need to bring in 2/3 world class players, which I think is all that we need.

Think we need a WC striker, with finishing as the primary attribute. Falcao/Cavani IMO. Think we need a top quality CM to go with Yaya, maybe a CB for cover if we sell Lescott. and a winger/AMF with pace. Buy those and we still should be spending less on wages then we were this season.
We need more quality in midfield, too many good players, not enough great players.

If we're aspiring to be the best in Europe, we can buy all the strikers we want, but until we reduce our reliance on Yaya and Silva I honestly don't see us ever getting anywhere near winning the Champions League. Not the way we play anyway.
Cant see us selling the likes of Milner, Barry and Nasri (even though he has been shite this season), I don't think it would rise to completely disassemble a squad that won the league.

Wright, RSC, Kolo, Bridge and the likes of McGivern, Nimely, Scapuzzi etc will all leave on frees which will free up huge amounts in wages.

Imo Maicon, Kolarov, Sinclair, Lescott, Boyata and Dzeko will leave. Could also see Tevez going if we find a buyer but personally I think he will stay for one last season and just go back to Argentina after his contract expires. In transfer fees we would probably around 40 - 50 million for them lot.

Signings -
Falcao or Cavani almost certain to join in the summer
Winger/AM - could definitely see someone like Ben Arfa coming in, Jovetic could be an option.
CM - Most important position we need to Strengthen imo, Fernandinho would a great acquisition.
Defenders - Could two young versatile defenders coming in.
Hope it happens and we end up having a better squad and not a weaker.

For me Tevez has to go he doesnt want a new contract, wants to leave free but he is nowhere near as good as he was in first season...

He is probably over 200k/week with bonuses, I would sell him until we get some fee for him.

Dzeko: I would keep him but only if Mancini leaves. If Mancini stays, Dzeko should leave and get a team that plays and sets up its tactics for Dzeko. He could score a lot easily 20+ in any top league /season in a team that plays to his strengths.
Not here...

Nasri/Kolarov: both Mancini signings, and proved to be not good enough. Nasri should be played elsewhere but he is a little girl, no balls, hope we get a good fee for him we bought him over the price big time.

Kolarov, very weak, lot worse than Clichy still cost 2-3 times more nearly. Attackingly he nowhere near offer as much. Some good freekicks and thats it.

Sinclair: can go too, Mancini wont give him playing time.

Barry/Lescott: over 30 players, sign them for a new contract or let them leave for a fee this summer.
I wouldnt sign them for more years if they want the same wage they are on now.
Barry is around 90-100k/week, I would give him a 3 year contract until 2016 for about 50-60k/week. He could be useful sub, with big knowledge about the league, lot of experience. But he will be sitting on the bench a lot from next season under Mancini or under any new coach. He doesnt have to get the same wage for that.

Same situation for Lescott, but I think he would get good offers from Everton, maybe Newcastle too.

Big clear out is needed, they got us to the level we are but they are not good enough where we are going. Good squad players but if we have to rely on Barry, Lescott, Kolarov, or little girl Nasri etc. in the CL matches we will have performances the way we did in last two times.
love jimmy, never gives up.

unfortunately when our stars play like turd he alone can't suddenly become world class and get them out of jail, he's a good squad talent who's there to put a shift in and accentuate the talents of the star players we have, when they let him down at least he still tries like today.

Not a bad word to say about him.
Santa Cruz,Bridge,Kolo,Kolarov,Nasri,Sinclair and Dzeko are deffo goners for me.That would free up £500k a week in wages at least and prob raise £40m+ in transfer fees

If Lescott is happy to be a squad player then I would keep him,same with Barry.

Not sure about Tevez because we all know he is a quality player,just hasnt looked the same since he came back from his Golfing holiday.If the old Tevez came back then I'd deffo keep him for another season.

I think we need 4-5 quality players in the summer.Mancini seems to want Cavani but for me I would think that Falcao would suit our style of play better.Him and Aguero would be immense

I'd try and sign Felliani from Everton for CM,but he could also play as an emergency striker if plan A failed to work during a match.

we also need a pacy winger/wide midfielder who would take the burden of creativity off Silva.Not sure if they would sell or he would want to leave but Pedro from Barcelona would be an excellent addition to our team

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