Sam Jones the youth team player

fuck you sam jones you dirty little rag ****.

apology not accepted.

go fuck yourself.
bluetim said:
No input from Tolmie on this thread,ripping the kid to shreds for getting City negative publicity? Or is it ok as it wasn't Mario?

The kid has done himself no favours,and like others have said,I'd expect him to be released with minimal fuss during the summer.

It's got fuck all to do with publicity, its a matter of respect. and this scummy lad has shown us non.
BezzMCFC said:
The main question is,


Because his, er, dad, no, er, grandad, no, er, well, someone, some sort of relative, or maybe it was the bloke who delivered the newspaper, was always a huge United fan who grew up in living under a seat at Old Trafford and was Paddy Crerand's best mate.

And even if he wasn't - and he wasn't, but he might have been right - but even if he wasn't, he watched them play against Bromsgrove Rovers on TV in a game in 1993 when they were shit and huge underdogs. And he always likes underdogs and didn't want to gloryhunt, so he said "that United are the team for me". And even though that was when he was 3 years old and that sort of immature latching on to a club that has feck all to do with you might be understandable in the mess that is a three year old's mind. Even though that is understandable in a young child, continuing to have that thought process through your teens and into adulthood is not means sad and fucking pathetic. It is actually some sort of tremendous showing of loyalty or something, cos he has kept up the childish mindset of a three year old into his adult years.

Plus, his great uncle once had a brief fling with Fred The Red. And who wouldn't support a team whose mascot once got frisky with a distant relative in a toilet cubicle?

Anyway, listen to most on here these days and they reckon that the very best thing in the world ever is if we have a load of similar nobheads turning up doing the same at City and that they aren't actually all fecking weird for 'supporting' a club that has absolutely feck all to do with them.
He's clearly a complete xxxx !
(you can insert your own four-letter word-of-choice in here).
A child shooting his mouth off and making a mistake?

Capital punishment, for him and his parents, would simply not be enough.

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