Samir Nasri {merged}

Re: Samir Nasri

He's the most consistent player in our squad: he's fucking useless every week.

A colossal waste of money and, worse, waste of one our eleven first team places.
Re: Samir Nasri

I hope you people realize that if we sell him we better have another AM lined up in January?
Re: Samir Nasri

I still haven't forgiven him for his shite tracking back against QPR when they scored their second, oh...and his letting the ball run out of play for a throwin, then there is yesterdays shithouse showing in the wall.
Sorry but to play in the blue shirt you must be capable of sweating blood, he isn't, in fact I've not seen him sweat anything....
Get rid and buy some bugger who wants to go through the pain barrier.
There are a couple of others also of the same ilk in our team, doubt they will be here in January...........
Re: Samir Nasri

I expect a reaction from Nasri, he has ability as we all know but it is his bottle or lack of it, I didn't see him duck away from the ball as I sit in the East stand so wasn't aware but when I here'd that some one shit out in the wall, it didn't take long to guess who, but why the fuck is our teams biggest fanny on the end of the wall where the ball is likely to be heading, that is another problem for me and is the most basic of basic things that has been overlooked by players and staff alike

As some one else has said though we need to back him as I do hope he does realise he could have done better and will maybe start to show us the real Nasri
Re: Samir Nasri

citykev28 said:
neoblue said:
citykev28 said:
Not you kev. The mega negative crew.

It fucks me off when he shits out of blocking the ball yesterday but these things happen. We all know Zabba's a lunatic and would have taken one in the balls but we all also know that Nasri's a fairy. He is a fucking good player though who will no doubt be aware that he's being blamed for yesterday. It can now go one of two ways -

1) We boo the fuck out of him, he goes further into his shell, he gets dropped, loses his confidence and gets moved on.

2) We back him through a hard time when he'll be determined to make amends, he realises he owes us and is grateful for our loyalty and repays us with goals and assists.


Re: Samir Nasri

citykev28 said:
jake28 said:
My patience was wearing thin with him before his pathetic performance yesterday. He's a complete and utter chicken shit. What he did for scum winner is unforgivable.

Unforgivable? Jesus Christ man, pull yourself together. Tevez appears to be forgiven after going awol for 6 months. You can't forgive a player for moving off the end of a wall?
People do not forgive Mario for his past sins, even when he plays well.
Re: Samir Nasri

citykev28 said:
jake28 said:
My patience was wearing thin with him before his pathetic performance yesterday. He's a complete and utter chicken shit. What he did for scum winner is unforgivable.

Unforgivable? Jesus Christ man, pull yourself together. Tevez appears to be forgiven after going awol for 6 months. You can't forgive a player for moving off the end of a wall?

Sorry mate but for me it is,47000 of us yesterday would have taken that Van Persie free kick in the balls I'd it meant us getting a result. He plays like he couldn't give 2 fucks,he is nowhere near good enough for where we want to go. A passenger and that's being generous to the lad.
He,s got his Title with City so this season he can,t be arsed ! Maybe a few other players of the same Mindset ?

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