Sanchez [Continued]

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[/quote]Seeing as we've pulled out & Utd haven't, surely that merits a Daily Mirror headline of 'Sanchez Snubs Utd' ?[/quote]

Yeah I can see the headlines now "City snubbed, Utd walked away due to gentlemans agreement with Barca"
BlueCityfan said:
"The negotiations with Barcelona are still ongoing and we will find a solution. The boy's desire is to move to Barcelona and we are looking to find a way to make this happen. We will continue talks and we will see what happens," Pozzo said to Il Corriere dello Sport.

"Whether City have pulled out of the race to sign him, you'd have to ask them. We never really negotiated with them."

If those quotes are true....City are just trying to save face and the reports that he only wanted Barca were true.

We were never in the running. Stupid City and all ITK wummers! 1000+ pages for all this shit?

Why stupid city?

Sounds a rather twatty thing to write.
Marvin said:
MonsallBlue said:
The quotes from Mancini about us finishing deals soon sound good. Maybe the plan B target will be better than Sanchez? Who knows?

If it turns out to be Mata I wont be too upset ;)
You can't just close deals like this though - as we found out with Sanchez.

Hoping to close deals would surely be more accurate

This is the problem with translations. We just have to wait longer, wont hurt will it? :) It not as if we aint used to it
Neville Kneville said:
Lancet Fluke said:
neil jung said:
Buy-out figures are hardly a secret in football circles. I can't see anything devious or remarkable about those three signings.

the devious bastards didn't offer 4 million above the buy out clauses.

Why would they if they'd already tapped the players up beforehand ?

They wouldn't. Not sure what tapping up has to do with it. In the cases of De gea and Jones, the release clauses were fairly public knowledge, as far as I know.
CityPar said:
I won't say we've wasted alot of time on this transfer because if there was an outside chance then we had to be at the races. However, it's all gone belly up so what we have done is lost a fair bit of time because while we may have done homework elsewhere we haven't got deals done so we've got the whole bloody process to go through again. It'll probably be just as bad if not worse than before IMO as now other clubs will know we're desperate having lost out on our main target. There'll be a premium to be paid for this.

We don't actually know what deals the club may have already sorted. I would'nt have thought that everything stood still waiting for Sanchez without negotiations taking place on other targets. If that was the case it would be a pretty piss poor state of affairs.
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