Sanchez [Continued]

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Ermm, I reckon Sanchez, WILL be a city player before the start of the season.
Hydemcfc said:
CityPar said:
I won't say we've wasted alot of time on this transfer because if there was an outside chance then we had to be at the races. However, it's all gone belly up so what we have done is lost a fair bit of time because while we may have done homework elsewhere we haven't got deals done so we've got the whole bloody process to go through again. It'll probably be just as bad if not worse than before IMO as now other clubs will know we're desperate having lost out on our main target. There'll be a premium to be paid for this.

We don't actually know what deals the club may have already sorted. I would'nt have thought that everything stood still waiting for Sanchez without negotiations taking place on other targets. If that was the case it would be a pretty piss poor state of affairs.

apparently our negotiating teams are all blokes they can only do 1 thing at a time and cannot multi task
Hydemcfc said:
CityPar said:
I won't say we've wasted alot of time on this transfer because if there was an outside chance then we had to be at the races. However, it's all gone belly up so what we have done is lost a fair bit of time because while we may have done homework elsewhere we haven't got deals done so we've got the whole bloody process to go through again. It'll probably be just as bad if not worse than before IMO as now other clubs will know we're desperate having lost out on our main target. There'll be a premium to be paid for this.

We don't actually know what deals the club may have already sorted. I would'nt have thought that everything stood still waiting for Sanchez without negotiations taking place on other targets. If that was the case it would be a pretty piss poor state of affairs.

This would be my train of thought, I can't possibly believe that we would be hanging around to sort this out before pursuing other targets. Cook may not be the sharpest knive in the draw but he's not that naive surely
SWP's back said:
BlueCityfan said:
"The negotiations with Barcelona are still ongoing and we will find a solution. The boy's desire is to move to Barcelona and we are looking to find a way to make this happen. We will continue talks and we will see what happens," Pozzo said to Il Corriere dello Sport.

"Whether City have pulled out of the race to sign him, you'd have to ask them. We never really negotiated with them."

If those quotes are true....City are just trying to save face and the reports that he only wanted Barca were true.

We were never in the running. Stupid City and all ITK wummers! 1000+ pages for all this shit?

Why stupid city?

Sounds a rather twatty thing to write.

CityPar said:
I won't say we've wasted alot of time on this transfer because if there was an outside chance then we had to be at the races. However, it's all gone belly up so what we have done is lost a fair bit of time because while we may have done homework elsewhere we haven't got deals done so we've got the whole bloody process to go through again. It'll probably be just as bad if not worse than before IMO as now other clubs will know we're desperate having lost out on our main target. There'll be a premium to be paid for this.
Well mancini did mention that we'd pulled out due to cost.

I'd be very surprised if weren't at the same time making enquiries about other players.

Maybe the other deals have reached a stage where we have to decide which player to prioritise and maybe we judged that the sanchez deal was going to turn into a long protracted battle with Barca which we might not win.

It's impossible to judge now as we have little information. All we can do is follow events. Tolmie is the only window we have. And really that's the way it should be.

What makes me nervous is that all the top English clubs Arsenal, Chelsea, Utd and City are all after 2-3 midfielders and any deal is going to be awkward. There maybe mileage in waiting till the last couple of weeks and picking up Real Madrid's etc unwanted players - that's what Spurs and Liverpool will do. But really we want the best players.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
flb said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I was not aware of Bobby's or the club's current stance. Things had gone VERY QUIET since Sunday night.

Hence, not really been posting.

It is simply a gut feeling re United, based on the underhand way they have conducted themselves throughout this whole courting process.

Still think Barca, once again, may have come to an 'arrangement' with us...

The club always have contingency plans. The biggest news today should be that we have signed a new £50m player.


For the record, people saying Neymar is bullshit. Not even at the races.

Its a shame about Sanchez but we move on.

Tolm,why the hell would Udinese give United the anonymity that seems so obvious in this episode.

For the life of me i cant see why they would be afforded the privilege in such a publicised transfer,the word has been Barcelona and City with the odd reference to United-in fact nine tenths of there armchair wanking fanbase havent a clue they are even after him.

Because United, as always, are devious bastards. You only have to look at their business so far this summer.

Jones, Young and De Gea. They knew the buy-out clauses on both De Gea and Jones, all the tapping up had been done.

Young, again, just turns up and has his medical. DONE.

United have simply left their one and only bid on the table £27.5m. They have gauged for months Sanchez's stance on his next move.

They get to save face by keeping Udinese is the dark and themselves in the shadows.

Barca's pull will hopefullly be as big as we think.

Call the devious bastards - but sounds like you were praising them to me? Looks like their methods are better than ours...............
BlueCityfan said:
"The negotiations with Barcelona are still ongoing and we will find a solution. The boy's desire is to move to Barcelona and we are looking to find a way to make this happen. We will continue talks and we will see what happens," Pozzo said to Il Corriere dello Sport.

"Whether City have pulled out of the race to sign him, you'd have to ask them. We never really negotiated with them."

If those quotes are true....City are just trying to save face and the reports that he only wanted Barca were true.

We were never in the running. Stupid City and all ITK wummers! 1000+ pages for all this shit?

Idiot, you believe that Pozzo made up all of the previous stuff?

This is one of the dumbest posts I've read.
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