Saurez [FA release investigation findings]

Re: Suarez (merged)

TheMidnightBlue said:
Comrade Buka said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
What about if he was black and someone called him a monkey without including the black, would that be racist?

I believe it most certainly would.

Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

Are you that simple that you don't understand the history behind that one? And we did not evolve from monkeys.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 399629.stm</a>

Black player routinely had bananas thrown at them and monkey sounds and gestures made towards them. That is why it would be racist to label a black person as a monkey.
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Hey Disco Steve, absolutely bang on the money.
The most level-headed enlightening post concerning this whole racial facade!
Re: Suarez (merged)

TheMidnightBlue said:
Comrade Buka said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
What about if he was black and someone called him a monkey without including the black, would that be racist?

I believe it most certainly would.

Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

Were you formally TheMidnightClaret?
Re: Suarez (merged)

lukyman said:
DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Hey Disco Steve, absolutely bang on the money.
The most level-headed enlightening post concerning this whole racial facade!

It was neither correct (especially point one), nor was it enlightening at all.

In fact, it was fucking moronic.
Re: Suarez (merged)

SWP's back said:
lukyman said:
DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Hey Disco Steve, absolutely bang on the money.
The most level-headed enlightening post concerning this whole racial facade!

It was neither correct (especially point one), nor was it enlightening at all.

In fact, it was fucking moronic.

+1 SWP's Back.

DiscoSteve.. You say yourself that you can't distinguish between calling someone fat and using a racist term, I think that takes away all credence from you.

Like it or not racism is still among the most offensive forms of insult in the 21st century and for that reason it should never ever be used in and around football (or in fact anywhere). Just because you personally can't see the difference between calling someone a 'fat prick' or a derogatory racist term doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Re: Suarez (merged)

TheMidnightBlue said:
Comrade Buka said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
What about if he was black and someone called him a monkey without including the black, would that be racist?

I believe it most certainly would.

Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

I've heard a lot of crap in my lifetime, but this comment ranks highly amongst them. I'm truly astounded that a person of even mediocre intellect would come to this kind of thought process!


lukyman said:
DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Hey Disco Steve, absolutely bang on the money.
The most level-headed enlightening post concerning this whole racial facade!

"Level headed" to idiots everywhere...
Re: Suarez (merged)

SWP's back said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
Comrade Buka said:
I believe it most certainly would.

Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

Are you that simple that you don't understand the history behind that one? And we did not evolve from monkeys.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 399629.stm</a>

Black player routinely had bananas thrown at them and monkey sounds and gestures made towards them. That is why it would be racist to label a black person as a monkey.

I'm aware of racial abuse black players had but I'm not aware of why the monkey insult is offensive as I always associated it with being less evolved so why would it be a racial slur?

Have you any proof at all we didn't evolve form monkeys? Seen as though our evolution timeline is not known it's wrong to say we didn't evolve from monkeys. I challenge you to provide a definite answer that says otherwise though.
Re: Suarez (merged)

TheMidnightBlue said:
SWP's back said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

Are you that simple that you don't understand the history behind that one? And we did not evolve from monkeys.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 399629.stm</a>

Black player routinely had bananas thrown at them and monkey sounds and gestures made towards them. That is why it would be racist to label a black person as a monkey.

I'm aware of racial abuse black players had but I'm not aware of why the monkey insult is offensive as I always associated it with being less evolved so why would it be a racial slur?

Have you any proof at all we didn't evolve form monkeys? Seen as though our evolution timeline is not known it's wrong to say we didn't evolve from monkeys. I challenge you to provide a definite answer that says otherwise though.

You really are without any knowledge aren't you and have absolutely no idea what you are on about regarding our evolution.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... cat02.html</a>

1. Did we evolve from monkeys?
Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed
5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.
Learn More
Human Evolution

2. How did humans evolve?
Since the earliest hominid species diverged from the ancestor we share with modern African apes, 5 to 8 million years ago, there have been at least a dozen different species of these humanlike creatures. Many of these hominid species are close relatives, but not human ancestors. Most went extinct without giving rise to other species. Some of the extinct hominids known today, however, are almost certainly direct ancestors of Homo sapiens. While the total number of species that existed and the relationships among them is still unknown, the picture becomes clearer as new fossils are found. Humans evolved through the same biological processes that govern the evolution of all life on Earth. See "What is evolution?", "How does natural selection work?", and "How do organisms evolve?"

Apologise now simple one.
Re: Suarez (merged)

SWP's back said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
SWP's back said:
Are you that simple that you don't understand the history behind that one? And we did not evolve from monkeys.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 399629.stm</a>

Black player routinely had bananas thrown at them and monkey sounds and gestures made towards them. That is why it would be racist to label a black person as a monkey.

I'm aware of racial abuse black players had but I'm not aware of why the monkey insult is offensive as I always associated it with being less evolved so why would it be a racial slur?

Have you any proof at all we didn't evolve form monkeys? Seen as though our evolution timeline is not known it's wrong to say we didn't evolve from monkeys. I challenge you to provide a definite answer that says otherwise though.

You really are without any knowledge aren't you and have absolutely no idea what you are on about regarding our evolution.

Anyone with a basic grasp of evolution knows that at current we can't prove that we either did or didn't evolve from monkeys at some point along the evolutionary scale.
Re: Suarez (merged)

TheMidnightBlue said:
SWP's back said:
TheMidnightBlue said:
Really? Depsite monkeys skin colour not being black and us all evolving from monkeys? Surely calling someone who is black a monkey is as offensive as calling someone who is white a monkey as it refers to the person being less evolved and is not a racial slur so should be equally offensive to all colours.

Are you that simple that you don't understand the history behind that one? And we did not evolve from monkeys.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 399629.stm</a>

Black player routinely had bananas thrown at them and monkey sounds and gestures made towards them. That is why it would be racist to label a black person as a monkey.

I'm aware of racial abuse black players had but I'm not aware of why the monkey insult is offensive as I always associated it with being less evolved so why would it be a racial slur?

Have you any proof at all we didn't evolve form monkeys? Seen as though our evolution timeline is not known it's wrong to say we didn't evolve from monkeys. I challenge you to provide a definite answer that says otherwise though.

Is that a fucking joke?

We didn't "evolve from monkeys". We are primates, as monkeys are.

Read this:

Humans are the homo sapien species, which is part of the homo genus and the Homininae sub-family which is part of the Hominidae family .

The Homininae sub family carries three well known genus; humans (homo), chimpanzees (pan) and gorillas (gorillini). Orangutans are part of our Hominidae family, but not seen as part of the Homininae sub-family as they branched off.

Underneath sub family is a classification known as "tribe", ours is called the Hominini tribe. We share the Hominini tribe with Pan (chimpanzee and bonobo) but not with gorillas who whilst part of the same family are considered their own tribe

Anything that is within the Order "Primate" can be classified as an ape in everyday speak, yet in evolutionary biology it's classified as anything within the Hominoidea super family.

If you are classifying us as "not apes", then you are splitting the word ape to only apply to a sub-tribe level which is daft.

I'd be interested to hear why you don't consider humans as apes, and to be honest, you're flying in the face of several hundreds years of biology, genetics, archaeology and history so it better be a damn fine reason.

And our evolutionary timeline is perfectly well known. Here's an image, considering you won't read the above:


Note the common ancestors.

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