Saurez [FA release investigation findings]

Re: Suarez (merged)

bored at work said:
Blue Hefner said:
I think anyone who buys this 'he didn't think it was offensive' argument are pretty naïve.

Do you seriously think he goes round l'pool calling black people 'nigertio'? Can u imagine the scene in a bar/restaurant? 'Excuse me nigerito can I have a drink?' Really?? He would have found out pretty sharpish that it was offensive

He new exactly what he was doing and him/team-mates and Daglish have behave appallingly throughout

Yes, if true, Glen Johnson must get called it several times a day. Strange how Johnson hasn't mentioned this.

Suarez is a nasty little **** who used the word in an offensive way. whether he is actually racist or not who knows, but he is a horrible little cheating fucker.

^^^ this
Re: Suarez (merged)

lukyman said:
SWP's back said:
lukyman said:
Hey Disco Steve, absolutely bang on the money.
The most level-headed enlightening post concerning this whole racial facade!

It was neither correct (especially point one), nor was it enlightening at all.
In fact, it was fucking moronic.

Fair play, you and your 'followers'(gang) just dont get it do you.
Racism at its root is bullying at its most evil but I tar you and your lot with the same brush. If anyone has an opinion that differs from yours you react with a venomous tongue, but as its SWP thats ok and accepted - in fact often applauded!
Going back to an earlier post, just because 'one' calls another 'black c@nt' or whatever, doesn't necessarily mean 'one' is a racist, though the expression is.
Unless 'one' states the fact, there is absolutely no way 'another' can prove that 'one' is.
Another post. There is absolutely no proof, for or against, that we evolved from
apes. Dinosaurs lived and died millions of years ago and we have absolute proof. Yet, 'we' are a much younger species yet not one scrap of evidence.
If you do the usual google you can find countless professional bodies to back up any side of the argument.

As an aside, My Wife and son are Asian and we have an adopted Indian daughter.
Forgive me and my apologies if I came across as somewhat simple/idiotic, what was the other, oh yeah-moronic
If you do indeed have a point, please could you try and express it.

As for your evolution/apes attempt. We share a common ancestor with apes, we are not evolved from them. As for your "proof", see damocles's links as you have no clue what you're on about with regards to evolution. As Damocles also stated, we have a huge amount of proof as it is one of the most researched subjects in the world. If you believe we came from Adam & Eve then kindly say and I shall stop talking with you as I would get more sense out of a sunflower.

No evidence my arse, show me one link from a scientific body that backs up your ludicrous claim of no evidence for human evolution.
Re: Suarez (merged)

I really don't know who is advising Liverpool on this matter, but whoever it is they have got it all wrong, the Tee Shirt stunt has badly backfired on them, they are trying to make out that the club and player are victims, it's beyond parody.

They will live to regret their handling of this
Re: Suarez (merged)

Ducado said:
I really don't know who is advising Liverpool on this matter, but whoever it is they have got it all wrong, the Tee Shirt stunt has badly backfired on them, they are trying to make out that the club and player are victims, it's beyond parody.

They will live to regret their handling of this

This. The scousers are just vomit inducing wankers. Terry and Barry Grant must be so embarrassed with this shizzle.
Re: Suarez (merged)

SWP's back said:
lukyman said:
SWP's back said:
It was neither correct (especially point one), nor was it enlightening at all.

In fact, it was fucking moronic.

Fair play, you and your 'followers'(gang) just dont get it do you.
Racism at its root is bullying at its most evil but I tar you and your lot with the same brush. If anyone has an opinion that differs from yours you react with a venomous tongue, but as its SWP thats ok and accepted - in fact often applauded!
Going back to an earlier post, just because 'one' calls another 'black c@nt' or whatever, doesn't necessarily mean 'one' is a racist, though the expression is.
Unless 'one' states the fact, there is absolutely no way 'another' can prove that 'one' is.
Another post. There is absolutely no proof, for or against, that we evolved from
apes. Dinosaurs lived and died millions of years ago and we have absolute proof. Yet, 'we' are a much younger species yet not one scrap of evidence.
If you do the usual google you can find countless professional bodies to back up any side of the argument.

As an aside, My Wife and son are Asian and we have an adopted Indian daughter.
Forgive me and my apologies if I came across as somewhat simple/idiotic, what was the other, oh yeah-moronic
If you do indeed have a point, please could you try and express it.

As for your evolution/apes attempt. We share a common ancestor with apes, we are not evolved from them. As for your "proof", see damocles's links as you have no clue what you're on about with regards to evolution. As Damocles also stated, we have a huge amount of proof as it is one of the most researched subjects in the world. If you believe we came from Adam & Eve then kindly say and I shall stop talking with you as I would get more sense out of a sunflower.

My only point was that you are a BULLY.
Yep, have already read damocles links and though thought provoking what is your point!- or should I now see the light.
Why bring in 'Adam n Eve'. I have not stated what I believe, only that it HAS NOT been proven either way.
And another thing, vegetable matter does have sense. So, just for once, try and be a little sensitive.
Re: Suarez (merged)

F**K me... I've seen threads go off topic but this is a doozy!

About the father of the theory of evolution: Charles Darwin incidentally was a flaming racist. Some of his comments about the Irish (even for the times that he lived in) remain astonishing in their ignorance.

About The father of the theory of gravity: Isaac Newton was himself a victim of discrimination. Cambridge University refused him a first in Physics, solely on the grounds that he was a Roman Catholic.

About Luis Suarez: If he said it, he's racist. Semantics and any form of wooly-minded, hair-splitting don't come into it. You can't be part-time racist, just like you can't be a bit pregnant. It does not matter what's acceptable in Uruguay; you must abide by the laws & customs of the country that you are in (when in Rome etc). At best (and I'm being very kind to him, now), it was an appalling lack of judgement on his part. His subsequent lack of grace in accepting this strongly suggests that he regards what he said to Evra to be acceptable.

About Evra's claim: there is simply no way that the investigation could have come to its decision on the word of Evra alone. You can bet your house on that. Suarez has already publicly admitted to calling him something ("a name his teammates call him") and will have been asked to repeat that word to the committee - this is what did for him.

About Liverpool FC: They are making a monumental mistake in attempting to defend the indefensible. (The same accusation could be levelled at Chelsea after AVB's comments re John Terry, incidentally).

About the FA: They have behaved impeccably, for once.
Suarez (merged)

Ducado said:
I really don't know who is advising Liverpool on this matter, but whoever it is they have got it all wrong, the Tee Shirt stunt has badly backfired on them, they are trying to make out that the club and player are victims, it's beyond parody.

They will live to regret their handling of this

It'll be from king Kenny he loves the victim card
Re: Suarez (merged)

lukyman said:
SWP's back said:
lukyman said:
Fair play, you and your 'followers'(gang) just dont get it do you.
Racism at its root is bullying at its most evil but I tar you and your lot with the same brush. If anyone has an opinion that differs from yours you react with a venomous tongue, but as its SWP thats ok and accepted - in fact often applauded!
Going back to an earlier post, just because 'one' calls another 'black c@nt' or whatever, doesn't necessarily mean 'one' is a racist, though the expression is.
Unless 'one' states the fact, there is absolutely no way 'another' can prove that 'one' is.
Another post. There is absolutely no proof, for or against, that we evolved from
apes. Dinosaurs lived and died millions of years ago and we have absolute proof. Yet, 'we' are a much younger species yet not one scrap of evidence.
If you do the usual google you can find countless professional bodies to back up any side of the argument.

As an aside, My Wife and son are Asian and we have an adopted Indian daughter.
Forgive me and my apologies if I came across as somewhat simple/idiotic, what was the other, oh yeah-moronic
If you do indeed have a point, please could you try and express it.

As for your evolution/apes attempt. We share a common ancestor with apes, we are not evolved from them. As for your "proof", see damocles's links as you have no clue what you're on about with regards to evolution. As Damocles also stated, we have a huge amount of proof as it is one of the most researched subjects in the world. If you believe we came from Adam & Eve then kindly say and I shall stop talking with you as I would get more sense out of a sunflower.

My only point was that you are a BULLY.
Yep, have already read damocles links and though thought provoking what is your point!- or should I now see the light.
Why bring in 'Adam n Eve'. I have not stated what I believe, only that it HAS NOT been proven either way.
And another thing, vegetable matter does have sense. So, just for once, try and be a little sensitive.

Its has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Are you denying evolution?

If you think me a bully on here then you need to get out more and grow a set.
Re: Suarez (merged)

The T-Shirt thing last night was very badly judged. I m surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash against them for that little stumt. They deserve to be slaughtered for this.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Pam said:
The T-Shirt thing last night was very badly judged. I m surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash against them than seems to be the case today. They deserve to be slaughtered for this.
SSN news have had a go all day Pam if it makes you feel better.

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