Scotland Independance Referendum

bluethrunthru said:
What a list of achievements coming up for Cameron - he could lose Scotland and then lead us out of the EU into economic and political exclusion from our near neighbours - the Welsh will want away from us xenophobes then and we can descend into a country that resembles the set of Escape from New York much to the delight of the Daily Fail and its readers

Cameron will go down as one of the greatest PM's we have ever had on that record - after centuries of imperialist expansion followed by the loss of empire etc his taking the UK and diminishing it in size so that the bulk of the population is left in the smallest and most overcrowded section of his land - denied the chance of free movement into Europe due to our exclusion from there will I am sure make us all proud.

Its not as if we could invade Europe for a bit of Lebensraum - what with our army of 60 newly recruited part timers and two aircraft carriers packed to the gunwales with imaginary American jump jets makes you feel proud and confident eh?

Or maybe just slackens the old anal sphincter .............................................

I think you will find that it was the last government that led to the Balkanisation of Britain.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ok, I'll take this slowly, so hopefully you can keep up.
How many folk work where you do?
Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's at best a couple of hundred.
Who, according to you, are all against Scottish independence, because obviously you've asked them all.
So, and I'm going to use a big word here, so don't panic, you extrapolate that small sample group to reflect the wishes of the entire country.
There is a word for such absurdist simplicity - stupidity.

So I suggest you toodle off back upstairs and have a nice circular argument with the usual nodding dogs, because this was clearly a step to far for you.

It is not as daft as it sounds. As long as the work force was fairly representative as a whole (most larger workforces have this, everyone from the lowest income to the highest and all manner of personal views) Then having a small sample can be accurate. I agree that 200 might not be perfect but. If you have a sample size of say 1,000 (out of the total Scottish population) as long as they are "representative" of the whole group you want to asses then you should get an answer accurate to about 3%.

It is the reason some ecconomists would suggest that to get a great government, we would be all better off letting a group of 5,000 political experts of all opinions and views decide a general election, as opposed letting us all vote. On the basis that the average voter knows and understands about 1% of what a government is actually proposing to do when they give their manifestos.

I take your point, but employers in Scotland are legendary for, shall we say, a somewhat sectarian approach to employing staff.
What if someone worked in the admin department at Ibrox?
Or on the shipyards at Govan, if there are any left?
I'm guessing they would employ an overwhelming percentage of Protestants, therefore asking 200 of them would almost inevitably give a result slanted against an independent Scotland, just as any survey in a staunchly Catholic area may be in favour.
You don't really get this religious divide in any other part of Britain, and it means I tend to treat a sample group of 200 with a degree of suspicion.

The bit in italics is an outdated stereotype of one part of Scotland.. The bit in bold, well, I presume Northern Ireland is still part of Britain. :-)
Helmet Cole said:
If they do vote to stay, where does that leave Salmond and the SNP?

Probably in a better position than if they vote to leave. He'll be able to move on to devo max, claim that he's managed to use the referendum to extract further concessions from the English.

If they vote to leave what would be the future point of the SNP? They don't really have a common set of beliefs other than separation. They would very quickly split into two parties, left and right of centre.
kevinmcfc said:
Sadly the jocks will vote to stay. I for one would be delighted if they went because that would be the best thing for England. We have carried them for far too long. Get rid of them and next out of the EU which is another fecking waste of time.
But when the European mainland overheats in about fifty years time (global warming), Scotland could be the ideal place to live.
cibaman said:
Helmet Cole said:
If they do vote to stay, where does that leave Salmond and the SNP?

Probably in a better position than if they vote to leave. He'll be able to move on to devo max, claim that he's managed to use the referendum to extract further concessions from the English.

If they vote to leave what would be the future point of the SNP? They don't really have a common set of beliefs other than separation. They would very quickly split into two parties, left and right of centre.

Surely the problem with being in the main a single issue party is that your existence becomes useless if you get what you want?

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