Scotland Independance Referendum

Odd that Jose Manuel Barroso is saying that an independent Scotland wouldn't be guaranteed membership of the EU. I'd have expected him to jizz Common Purpose literature all over the faces of his fellow Communists at the prospect of a pro-EU country with its own oil wells wanting to join up.
Chancy Termites said:
Odd that Jose Manuel Barroso is saying that an independent Scotland wouldn't be guaranteed membership of the EU. I'd have expected him to jizz Common Purpose literature all over the faces of his fellow Communists at the prospect of a pro-EU country with its own oil wells wanting to join up.

Barroso left the Portuguese communist party in 1976.
You may as well call Churchill a Liberal, as he crossed the house and represented them.
I know you right wingers like to see reds under every bed, but it's 2014 now.
Are the SNP communist? I don't think they are, I have just checked out some of their policies and they seem quite a tame bunch- offering favourable policies across the board- but to suggest they are Communists, and even more so that the EU is, is quite frankly ridiculous.
Skashion said:
BBC News said:
Alex Salmond said "arrogance" had been shown over the past week.
Yes, yours.

Salmond: We're going to be in a currency union with you.
UK government: It's a union, and we have a right to decide whether we're going to be in it, and we don't fancy it because whilst we can guarantee Scotland, Scotland can't guarantee us so there's nothing in it for us.
Salmond: You are being so arrogant for refusing our proposal of forced disadvantageous marriage.

Irony beyond irony. What a prick.

Unbelievably so, its a shame but its going to be a massive no!!!
stonie said:
Skashion said:
BBC News said:
Alex Salmond said "arrogance" had been shown over the past week.
Yes, yours.

Salmond: We're going to be in a currency union with you.
UK government: It's a union, and we have a right to decide whether we're going to be in it, and we don't fancy it because whilst we can guarantee Scotland, Scotland can't guarantee us so there's nothing in it for us.
Salmond: You are being so arrogant for refusing our proposal of forced disadvantageous marriage.

Irony beyond irony. What a prick.

Unbelievably so, its a shame but its going to be a massive no!!!

It will, the reality will soon sink in
Forced repatriation of all Scots in England? Yes please. Can't take more than 10k back with you, including proceeds from the sale of real property. Can't say fairer than that. Wales next. Except Monmouthshire. That's ours.
If the jockistani's vote NO it will make the kiltwearing haggis munching twats look stupid after years and years of bleating on about how they hate the English and being ruled by Westminster :)
nimrod said:
If the jockistani's vote NO it will make the kiltwearing haggis munching twats look stupid after years and years of bleating on about how they hate the English and being ruled by Westminster :)

"Keep Saint George In My Heart Keep Me English,
Keep Saint George In My Heart I Pray,
Keep Saint George In My Heart Keep Me English"

Something like that without coming across too much as being an Englishman!!!
Chancy Termites said:
Odd that Jose Manuel Barroso is saying that an independent Scotland wouldn't be guaranteed membership of the EU. I'd have expected him to jizz Common Purpose literature all over the faces of his fellow Communists at the prospect of a pro-EU country with its own oil wells wanting to join up.
think one of the reasons the EU arent going to be to bending over backwards to welcome the Scots is down to the Spanish and the Basque / Catalan situation
It's hysterical reading the paranoid ramblings of the right on here.
'Fuck off Jocks - we don't want you'.
'How dare they allow their citizens a democratic vote on independence?'
'The EEC is full of communists'.
'The SNP are fascist 'Little Scotlanders'.
'No they aren't - they are communists'.
'I hope they vote yes'.
'I hope they vote no'.
The world must be a very confusing place to such folk.
Surely the Daily Mail has a definitive view on devolution to save them the trouble of trying to formulate an opinion of their own and getting in a muddle?

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