Scotland Independance Referendum

Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
nimrod said:
just the fact theyre having this vote shows what a bunch of twats they are..

If they win their Independence good luck to them.

I want an Independent England anyway simple as.

As an Englishman why can't we have a referendum to get rid of the Scottish?

Never trust a man wearing a skirt!!

so who can vote ?

do you have to live in Scotland ?

what about the Scots living in England ?
BBC News said:
Alex Salmond said "arrogance" had been shown over the past week.
Yes, yours.

Salmond: We're going to be in a currency union with you.
UK government: It's a union, and we have a right to decide whether we're going to be in it, and we don't fancy it because whilst we can guarantee Scotland, Scotland can't guarantee us so there's nothing in it for us.
Salmond: You are being so arrogant for refusing our proposal of forced disadvantageous marriage.

Irony beyond irony. What a prick.
Skashion said:
BBC News said:
Alex Salmond said "arrogance" had been shown over the past week.
Yes, yours.

Salmond: We're going to be in a currency union with you.
UK government: It's a union, and we have a right to decide whether we're going to be in it, and we don't fancy it because whilst we can guarantee Scotland, Scotland can't guarantee us so there's nothing in it for us.
Salmond: You are being so arrogant for refusing our proposal of forced disadvantageous marriage.

Irony beyond irony. What a prick.
Totally agree. If he actually believes what he's saying (which I very much doubt) then I don't know what fucking planet he's living on.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Totally agree. If he actually believes what he's saying (which I very much doubt) then I don't know what fucking planet he's living on.
I see where you coming from but I do actually believe this guy is an imbecile with a mental age of an adolescent. The reason I believe this is because when the Treasury guaranteed all UK debt including prospective Scottish debt, Salmond made public comments that it put Scotland in a very strong situation to walk away from any national debt if we don't agree to a currency union, as though he could use Scotland's slice of national debt as a hostage. Well, no, don't want to take your slice of the national debt then you can't leave. Ultimately until the UK Parliament passes a bill dissolving the union which outlines the conditions under which it is dissolved, you're in no kind of position to bargain. The Treasury made those comments for the sake of credit ratings. That Mr Salmond drew anything at all from them to me indicates he's a bit tapped in the heid.
Can some one educate me on something please.

If the scots vote YES thus leaving the union would scots people living and working in England need visa's etc as they would no longer be British but not in the European union either until accepted? Shirley they'd have the same rights as, say, an Australian?
marcus said:
Can some one educate me on something please.

If the scots vote YES thus leaving the union would scots people living and working in England need visa's etc as they would no longer be British but not in the European union either until accepted? Shirley they'd have the same rights as, say, an Australian?

and what rights do you think Australians have ?

I'll tell you, they have none in the UK.
marcus said:
Can some one educate me on something please.

If the scots vote YES thus leaving the union would scots people living and working in England need visa's etc as they would no longer be British but not in the European union either until accepted? Shirley they'd have the same rights as, say, an Australian?
It would be an issue up for discussion in the separation negotiations, but to introduce a visa system would be lunacy given how interwoven the populations are.

Roughly 400,000 Non-scottish Brits in Scotland and 800,000 Scots in the rest of the UK.
Skashion said:
Gabriel said:
The bit in bold, well, I presume Northern Ireland is still part of Britain. :-)
It isn't, never was and never will be.

Exactly if you have basic reading comprehension then you should know this- Why would the formal name be as it is "...Great Britain AND Northern Ireland"?

Or as it was before the Emerald Isle was divided "...AND Ireland"?

If it was ever within the territory there wouldn't be a need to make an explicit reference to the individual territory.

Berwick-upon-Tweed is another (historical) example of this- but as I said there really shouldn't be any confusion because it is self explanatory.

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