Scotland Independance Referendum

pee dubya said:
hgblue said:
pee dubya said:
So you think there is genuinely a predictable likely outcome. I can see there probably is for the immediate aftermath, but i think that should only play a small part in the overall decision. Can I really predict what effect it'll have 50 years down the line, when my grand kids are asking my why on earth i didn't vote for ___.

I would ask people to convince, but first i wanted to see if people really cared. The overall response seems to be kind of spiteful.

Don't you feel British? Aren't you proud to be British? If the answer to those questions is no, I'd suggest you vote for independance, because speaking as a proud Englishman and Brit, I'd hate to share a country with people who aren't proud to be part of it.
I used to feel more British and more proud of it than i do now.

Over time it's diminished, because of various different things. Most recently I suppose the prospect of having a referendum at all has really served to highlight the differences between us and the rest of the UK. And i might be mistaken, this isn't just based on this forum, but the people in the rest of the UK don't seem overly bothered about the prospect of separation. Why should we be proud to be part of something where we're not really wanted?

I certainly don't feel any animosity towards the rest of the UK though.

Interesting one. I certainly wouldn't let a few glib answers from some random posters on here colour your opinion of how highly the English value Scotland. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to do my bit for the union by convincing you to vote to stay, because I actually believe it's a good thing that Scotland is having this referendum, and I would prefer Scotland to leave the union than begrudgingly stay because they've not been given the opportunity to leave. At the end of the day, I happen to believe we're stronger together than we would be apart, and I'd like to think that when push comes to shove the Scottish voters will feel the same way.
From the admittedly small bit of research I've done Scotland would be better staying with us, I think Salmond vastly overestimates their ability to go it alone and (as the Bank of England said the other day) them staying in the pound (which Salmond wants) would be a very poor choice.
They go it alone then they need to stop fucking about trying to keep bits they like.

No you can't have the pound but you can have a lovely shiny new-ish currency from just over the channel called the EURO.

Good luck with that.
Some of the posts on here are hilarious. Almost as funny as the frothy indignation in some of the counter posts.

Personally I think it's a good think they are having a referendum on independence, it's an important issue and it's right that everybody gets to have a say. I don't think they will vote to leave the union though, more to lose than gain in independence I would have thought.
Seems to me like all the independence brigade are all ultra socialist scruffy hippies who hate the English more than they love Scotland.

No offence to socialists or hippies btw
Blue Note said:
Also why say you want independence but then say you wanna keep the pound?

Because the Scottish want "independence" but still want the benefits they already receive being part of the union. If they do vote yes they can fuck right off and pay for their own shit they'd soon change their tone.
The whole idea of 'union' has been fragile since Ireland left in the 1920s, so Scotland choosing to leave is probably more a matter of when rather than if. Moreover, English voters would likely be less than pleased if Italians and Germans were entitled to vote on England remaining in the European Union, so it really has to be a decision Scots undertake themselves. Should they dissolve the union, then the hardest thing they need face is self-responsibility. No longer can they blame England for their own shortcomings, something that has become wearily ingrained into the culture. And for those expecting a Socialist idyll, we should remember that historically Scotland was a quite conservative (small c) nation. Interesting year ahead.
RandomJ said:
Blue Note said:
Also why say you want independence but then say you wanna keep the pound?

Because the Scottish want "independence" but still want the benefits they already receive being part of the union. If they do vote yes they can fuck right off and pay for their own shit they'd soon change their tone.
Exactly, just makes no sense.

Cheeky bastards

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