Scotland Independance Referendum

hgblue said:
pee dubya said:
hgblue said:
Don't you feel British? Aren't you proud to be British? If the answer to those questions is no, I'd suggest you vote for independance, because speaking as a proud Englishman and Brit, I'd hate to share a country with people who aren't proud to be part of it.
I used to feel more British and more proud of it than i do now.

Over time it's diminished, because of various different things. Most recently I suppose the prospect of having a referendum at all has really served to highlight the differences between us and the rest of the UK. And i might be mistaken, this isn't just based on this forum, but the people in the rest of the UK don't seem overly bothered about the prospect of separation. Why should we be proud to be part of something where we're not really wanted?

I certainly don't feel any animosity towards the rest of the UK though.

Interesting one. I certainly wouldn't let a few glib answers from some random posters on here colour your opinion of how highly the English value Scotland. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to do my bit for the union by convincing you to vote to stay, because I actually believe it's a good thing that Scotland is having this referendum, and I would prefer Scotland to leave the union than begrudgingly stay because they've not been given the opportunity to leave. At the end of the day, I happen to believe we're stronger together than we would be apart, and I'd like to think that when push comes to shove the Scottish voters will feel the same way.
To be honest, i'm not especially bothered about what people post, or say, because there will always be a spectrum of views (although it's always good to see what people think). I'm more curious about the level of interest in the first place. Whether people actually have opinions on it. I don't know if you all talk about it with each other, or think about it at all. Up here, any story with a hint of a connection to politics now has a yay or nay edge to it.

Currently it seems to be of about as much interest as Meals for Vegetarians, How much ale have you drank? and Top Gear. Significantly less interesting than Religious Topics, The Simpsons, XHamster and some bloke called Bill Roache.

I'm not sure if folk think either it's not going to happen or if it does it won't affect them, because it could and it would.
Having glanced through Salmonds manifesto, it's clear that he's making lots of promises he can't possibly keep, the main one being that he intends to keep the pound. There is no way the UK government would allow this (having seen what has happened in the Eurozone) without fiscal and monetary policy being dictated from London in which case they wouldn't be properly independent. The costs of separation would be huge for both Scotland and the rest of the UK. It would more than likely plunge Scotland into a Greece style financial crisis and the rest of the UK into recession. There would be huge job losses due to additional costs to business due to the socialist nature of Salmond's proposed government. Companies such as BAE who operate the shipyards on the Clyde would most likely shut them down instead of closing shipyards on the South coast. The current policy of free university education would have to be opened up to all EU countries (assuming they are allowed to be in the EU) to meet European law.
I can't actually think of any positives in separation. The Scots have little to gain from independence and a huge amount to lose if/when it all goes wrong.
west didsblue said:
Having glanced through Salmonds manifesto, it's clear that he's making lots of promises he can't possibly keep, the main one being that he intends to keep the pound. There is no way the UK government would allow this (having seen what has happened in the Eurozone) without fiscal and monetary policy being dictated from London in which case they wouldn't be properly independent. The costs of separation would be huge for both Scotland and the rest of the UK. It would more than likely plunge Scotland into a Greece style financial crisis and the rest of the UK into recession. There would be huge job losses due to additional costs to business due to the socialist nature of Salmond's proposed government. Companies such as BAE who operate the shipyards on the Clyde would most likely shut them down instead of closing shipyards on the South coast. The current policy of free university education would have to be opened up to all EU countries (assuming they are allowed to be in the EU) to meet European law.
I can't actually think of any positives in separation. The Scots have little to gain from independence and a huge amount to lose if/when it all goes wrong.
That's already is the case, we'd just have to take students from the rest of the UK as well.
pee dubya said:
west didsblue said:
The current policy of free university education would have to be opened up to all EU countries (assuming they are allowed to be in the EU) to meet European law.
That's already is the case, we'd just have to take students from the rest of the UK as well.
Sorry, that's what I meant and if it was free north of the border there would be huge numbers applying from the rest of the UK who would have to be treated the same as Scottish and other EU students causing much less availability of places for Scottish students.
west didsblue said:
pee dubya said:
west didsblue said:
The current policy of free university education would have to be opened up to all EU countries (assuming they are allowed to be in the EU) to meet European law.
That's already is the case, we'd just have to take students from the rest of the UK as well.
Sorry, that's what I meant and if it was free north of the border there would be huge numbers applying from the rest of the UK who would have to be treated the same as Scottish and other EU students causing much less availability of places for Scottish students.
That could be a downside. On the other hand, we have huge drop-out rates because its free, people who don't really want to go know they might as well try with nothing to lose. Greater competition = greater standard of student = greater standard of university. Probably whether it'd be an overall positive would depend on how many stayed on after graduating to work here. If the opportunities were there for good jobs i'm sure many would.
Another thing worth remembering is that if the Scottish people vote for independence, the Scottish government would have to negotiate the terms of the separation with the Westminster government (share of national debt, use of currency etc.). The UK government would be obliged to negotiate the best deal possible for the rest of the UK, which would undoubtedly be to the detriment of the Scottish people. The Barnet formula which currently guarantees disproportionate funding for Scotland would no longer be available. Current negotiations between Westminster and the devolved Scottish government always have to take into account the needs of Scottish voters. This would no longer be the case for the UK government who would only be concerned with the remainder of the UK.
by all means fuck off but don't expect us to bankroll you; support you or help you in any way whatsoever that involves the rest of us putting ourselves out

you're either in or you're out.....that's your choice and if you choose to be out then fair enough but go it properly alone and no half way houses

i'd prefer the UK to stick together but if you feel otherwise then fair ye well and good riddance you jock barstewards ;-)
I am Welsh and do not feel British in the slightest really, and I bet neither do the majority of the English posters on here. We are three separate nations (Don't give a fuck about N Ireland) bound together in a Union. I am a massive advocate for staying in the Union for financial and political reasons, it just makes sense. All arguments for independence are emotional and based on historical battles and wars. The appetite for Welsh independence has remained at 10% pro independence for years and years, we will never leave and rightly so.

If the Scots do go then I don't want our government to give them anything. If they want independence then they have to be truly on their own, the only thing they are keeping is their share of the deficit. Salmond wants to keep all the good bits but to have all the power, and that's what it comes down to, power.
No way are the chips on both shoulders welfare addicted morbidly obese skirt wearing chippy addicts going to vote for independence: every good parasite knows it’s best to choose a healthy host.

However good luck to them if they do.
smudgedj said:
No way are the chips on both shoulders welfare addicted morbidly obese skirt wearing chippy addicts going to vote for independence: every good parasite knows it’s best to choose a healthy host.

However good luck to them if they do.

Straight and to the point m8 :-)

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