Scottish independence

Len Rum said:
TGR said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Erm, isn't it all because "there are more giant pandas in Scotland than Tory MPs" because of the legacy from Thatcher. So float off Scotland from the UK and Westminster has a Conservative majority ?

Oh my...
You have got it in one!
A stroke of genius by 'Call Me Dave'
He ain't as dumb as he looks...
Oh dear you are one little Englander.
Do you honestly think 'Call me Dave' wants to go down in history as the PM on who's watch the Union broke up. A massive loss of face and prestige to The Tory party and GB if this happens.
There are some things that are bigger than your little Tory vs Labour world.

You just don't get it do you?
Cameron is a professional politician.
A 'Yes' vote would be absolutely ideal for his party and his position as the leader of that party.
Since when as any politician give two hoots of how they achieve things as long as they achieve
their own objectives?
Do you really think he has conducted the most vigorous and high profile campaign possible for a 'No' vote?
Forget your ideology this is politics - pure & simple.
You need to get in the real world.
TGR said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Erm, isn't it all because "there are more giant pandas in Scotland than Tory MPs" because of the legacy from Thatcher. So float off Scotland from the UK and Westminster has a Conservative majority ?

Oh my...
You have got it in one!
A stroke of genius by 'Call Me Dave'
He ain't as dumb as he looks...
And hugely ignoring the fact that Cameron desperately wants the union to remain.

I on the other hand would rather see happen what G Star states.
ayrshire_blue said:
I came across (no, not that way you dirty feckers ;)) this wee piece earlier on today. Just puts a slightly alternative view point on things. What if there was no union already in place? Would you vote for the below?

Some bullet points from the campaign…

-Your main Parliament will move 600 miles away, and your MPs will be in a tiny minority & will therefore have limited ability to effect policy on your behalf

-Scotland will get a government it didn’t vote for.

-All of your oil and gas revenues will be handed over to the treasury in London.

-Even though not 1 inch of track will touch Scottish soil your taxpayers will contribute £4.2bn to the HS2 project.

-Your taxpayers will also subsidise the crossrail project to the tune of £4.2bn

-The biggest nuclear weapons facility in Western Europe will be built on the river Clyde, just 30 miles from your largest city.

-Even though you only have 8.2% of the UK’s population you will contribute 9.9% of the UK’s total tax take yet will only receive 9.3% of that tax take back to spend in Scotland (you will lose £4.4bn per year to the UK treasury)

-You will devolve all of the economic levers you have used to shape your economy directly to London and will now only have control of 7% of your economy

-Even though 79% of your MP's voted against it we will privitise your publicly owned mail service

-Even though 91% of your MPs voted against the bedroom tax in your parliament, we will impose it.

-Even though 82% of your MP's believed that a VAT increase would be detrimental to your economy, we will impose a VAT increase.

-You will join a country whose health and education services are rapidly being privatised.

-Now and again you’ll get dragged into an illegal foreign war.

-An austerity budget will be imposed from London cutting jobs and threatening vital public services even though 81% of your MP's voted against the cuts.

-The financial regulation system will be so weak and so lax that your whole economy will be brought to the brink of collapse.

-The most weak and vulnerable in society, instead of getting the protection and support they deserve will be interrogated and humiliated in an effort to get them off the meagre levels of support to which they are entitled.

Who in Scotland would vote for such a package?

Who would vote for that union?

There's so much wrong with that mate I don't know where to begin. You aren't net contributors to the economy Scotland receives more tax payers money than it pays albeit some is made up of project spend from Westminster, which helpfully creates employment in Scotland as well. Which brings me to my next point that yes Scottish tax payers will pay a share of government projects in England, Wales, and NI but the reverse is true, we all pay into projects in Scotland as well so it's a daft point.

Illegal wars? Like Blair? Wasn't Labour voted in in Scotland as the main party? Someone is trying to make out like your shit doesn't smell. Which leads on to the representation, you returned a large number of Labour MPs who were in power of UK at time... And complain about not being represented?

Ah privatisation of education and health that old chestnut, of course it was a Scot in the form of Brown who enacted so much PFI that we find ourselves paying 700% over the initial capital cost not to mention the odd story of insane maintenance costs.

ATOS? A bunch of cunts, again it was Brown who engaged these clowns.

My longwinded point is that politicians will always make shit decisions and talk out of their arse to feather their own nest with no conviction of the ilk we saw with Robin Cook or Tony Benn to name but two (regardless of your political compass). The above repost was weak by your standards if you don't mind me saying so mate. Your closing sentence in a previous post "The possibility of being better is better than the fear of being worse" I thought was quite a good one and tries to rise above the tribal nature of politics (that you yourself find unappealing) for what is a momentus decision for Scotland and the rest of the UK.
The Tories have brought this situation about. There used to be loads of Tory MPs in Scotland (really!) but Margaret Hilda Thatcher figured out she didn't need Scottish votes to get a majority. (Nor votes from much of Wales and the North of England, but that's another matter.) So she pursued policies that went down well in Chingford and Chipping Sodbury, and fuck to what the Scots thought.

This is the harvest, and it's really ironic that the alleged 'Unionist' Party have brought us to the edge of a break up of the UK. It's what's born of following narrow, divisive policies that suit your own 'tribe' without consideration to the rest. Particularly silly when your 'tribe' never, at best, exceeds more than about 40% of the UK population, and often far less.

To say we are living in 'interesting times' is putting it mildly.
Ireland, if a model for independence, is a disaster in some respects. It's the fault of awful politicians who have no ability to stand up to the EU. I think we are marginally better off than if we were still part of the uk. Longerm I think we'd have been 2nd class to England especially with regard to jobs but maybe it'd have kept us fighting politically (as apposed to just rolling over for the eu every single time).

I hope Scotland breaks away and if they are part of the eu that they show more backbone than we did.

On my side of the water I hope SF can shake things up. It's not nationalism anymore IMO - these days it's a fight just to be able to have your own opinion.
I've say it before and I'll say it again.

How is it independence if you are tied into a currency union but have no say over policy and if as soon as you leave one union you want to join another one, the EU.

I appreciate that Salmond doesn't have any original thoughts (well no more than call me dave anyway) and is really just Nicola Sturgeons mouthpiece but come on think it through a bit more
A yes vote is a coming.

Last week you could have had 7/1 on a yes vote, today it's down to 3/1 with a few weeks still to go. Blame the tories all you want but it will be labour (The main unionist party in Scotland) voters who will vote for independence in their droves. If you are left-wing it's a no brainer to vote yes.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Let's just get the damn thing over with and either you fuck off or we have to put up with your whining about not getting representation and then repeat until you do one

No bother mate. Isco signed yet?

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