Scottish independence

SWP's back said:
ayrshire_blue said:
Nightmare Walking said:
Will Scotland leaving the Union make my life in Manchester any different? Does them leaving hinder or benefit me?

It depends which way you see life and equality as it is.

Scotland leaving takes away a % of votes - most of which aren't for Tory. But whichever way Scotland have voted in the past hasn't mattered a shit because take our votes out of the equation and the outcome has always remained the same.

Without patronising anyone, I'd hope that if and when independence is gained, Scotland would demand a more equal, fairer society and hopefully the North of England could be inspired to demand the same.
That's untrue about whichever way Scotland has voted in the past not mattering.

On four occasions, the result would have changed including with the current coalition.

In every election that Tony the 'War Criminal' Blair won it would have not mattered one jot.
If anyone wishes to confirm the turkeys are voting for christmas theory then they should read the article by David Smith (Chief Economics Editor)
in today's Sunday Times (page 4 of the News section).
If they vote for a 'Yes' (and I genuinely hope they do) then from an economic viewpoint the country is busted flush from day 1.
Significant reduced public spending (no more 'free everything') and higher taxes are 100% guaranteed.
The turkeys are coming home to roost.
And not before time.
Bring it on!
Re: Scottish Referendum great news for European away games.

Great news, get your passports stamped for a European away game in Scotland.
What European away game in Scotland?

When did you lat get a passport stamped anywhere in Europe?
The establishment are getting more and more desperate by the day.

Plans for "more power" for Holyrood to commence "immediately" on the result of a no vote to be published tomorrow and Tuesday.

Funny we're just going to see these plans now. When hundreds of thousands of people have already voted via post.

Desperate I say.
TGR said:
If anyone wishes to confirm the turkeys are voting for christmas theory then they should read the article by David Smith (Chief Economics Editor)
in today's Sunday Times (page 4 of the News section).
If they vote for a 'Yes' (and I genuinely hope they do) then from an economic viewpoint the country is busted flush from day 1.
Significant reduced public spending (no more 'free everything') and higher taxes are 100% guaranteed.
The turkeys are coming home to roost.
And not before time.
Bring it on!
Let's do it!
If they go down, they'll drag us down with them, so we'll have to help them in a transition to establish their own currency and Bank with reserves, which obviously they're entitled to IF they take on their share of the national debt.
TGR said:
If anyone wishes to confirm the turkeys are voting for christmas theory then they should read the article by David Smith (Chief Economics Editor)
in today's Sunday Times (page 4 of the News section).
If they vote for a 'Yes' (and I genuinely hope they do) then from an economic viewpoint the country is busted flush from day 1.
Significant reduced public spending (no more 'free everything') and higher taxes are 100% guaranteed.
The turkeys are coming home to roost.
And not before time.
Bring it on!
Do you believe that article is an unbiased view? Just remember that Murdoch will have his hands all over this, and he has been known to stick his nose into political affairs!
Re: Scottish Referendum great news for European away games.

Boarder control, passport checks lol to be honest couldn't care less what they vote for, and if they are going to give the youth a vote they have more of a chip on their shoulders than most, never mind it will fill in Sky News for a few days, and give the MPs another reason to put some claims in and booster their bank accounts. This must mean that if Celtic join the PL So can PSG. Looks like the panic button has been pressed.

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