Scottish independence

marco said:
seems strange RBS coming out with this with only days to go when they have had years to bring it up. wonder if they have had a nudge off the government, banks should stay out of politics but then again they run the country not Cameron and his cronies

It appears that no one thought a 'yes' vote was an actual possibility until this last week.
willy eckerslike said:
Gabriel said:
RadcliffeRick said:
Either this or the mass exodus of the non Scottish customers. I had already contacted another bank to see how easy it is to move my accounts from RBS, but the news that if there should be a yes vote the bank will move then I may think again about moving my accounts.

I think it is a threat to deprive an independent Scotland, should there ever be one, of the corporate tax, as presumably that would then be paid in London, not Edinburgh.

Financial institutions like to plan as far ahead and know as much as possible about key changes that affect how they work. By staying in Scotland after a 'yes' vote, they will have to contend with key unknowns such as who controls base rates, currency and EU membership or even non-EU membership. Relocating out of Scotland will negate 2 of these issues. Another issue is will customers invest their pensions in a foreign country which is going through such key changes - you'd have to be mad. The SNP call this scaremongering, which is their stock answer for anything that doesn't suit their line of bull.

My view - if the people of Scotland are stupid enough to risk a journey into the unknown and trust people like Salmond and Sturgeon, good luck to them. They'll need it.

It's mostly about having the Bank of England as the 'lender of last resort'. If you don't have the security of a central bank then the cost of business shoots up.

On a side note I'd fully expect the UK government to relocate the banks we're the majority shareholder in should independence happen. There's no way UK money should be subsidising Scottish jobs if they don't want to stay.
Whatever England remove from Scotland, I'm sure could be easily replaced. Foreign investment, a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane for a nuclear base, options are endless and it would certainly rattle Westminster !
without a dream said:
willy eckerslike said:
Gabriel said:
I think it is a threat to deprive an independent Scotland, should there ever be one, of the corporate tax, as presumably that would then be paid in London, not Edinburgh.

Financial institutions like to plan as far ahead and know as much as possible about key changes that affect how they work. By staying in Scotland after a 'yes' vote, they will have to contend with key unknowns such as who controls base rates, currency and EU membership or even non-EU membership. Relocating out of Scotland will negate 2 of these issues. Another issue is will customers invest their pensions in a foreign country which is going through such key changes - you'd have to be mad. The SNP call this scaremongering, which is their stock answer for anything that doesn't suit their line of bull.

My view - if the people of Scotland are stupid enough to risk a journey into the unknown and trust people like Salmond and Sturgeon, good luck to them. They'll need it.

It's mostly about having the Bank of England as the 'lender of last resort'. If you don't have the security of a central bank then the cost of business shoots up.

On a side note I'd fully expect the UK government to relocate the banks we're the majority shareholder in should independence happen. There's no way UK money should be subsidising Scottish jobs if they don't want to stay.

Yeah, yeah - I watched BBC Breakfast too :)

The setting of the base rate will be important too in terms of what they can offer to customers.
I can't believe that so many turkeys are prepared to vote for Christmas that there is now actually a reasonable chance that the Yes vote could happen.

I honestly think too many people are letting their heart rule their head on this and I can't see what Scotland can gain from going it alone - all I can see is that they will lose an awful lot. Gordon Brown is hardly the most inspiring of politicians but he effectively nailed it the other day when saying that the Scots already have their own culture, traditions, and laws, etc. I mean, how much more Scottish can they get if they gain independence?
TGR said:
I had a good chat with our salesman for Glasgow today who is down for some training.
He says he has never seen anything like it. The 'no' voters are frothing at the mouth and
appear to be absolutely certain they have pulled this one off.
The 'yes' voters are scared to death to say a word in public due to the abuse they might receive.

He says it has split friends, families the lot - completely and totally divisive.
He also reckons if the 'yes' voters do win they will bin Salmond off ASAP.
They need him to gain independence but on the whole he is far from well liked even by them.
What a mess.

In my experience I would say the complete opposite is the case. I've already placed my postal vote which is a 'No' and from the minute the referendum was mentioned this was always going to be the situation with me. I read earlier in the thread that you see much more Yes posters on cars and houses and this is because sticking a No on your house or car would probably end up in a call to the insurance company the following day to report a breakage. My wife's ex threatened to burn down our house should we vote No (admittedly with some tongue in cheek).

I'm sick of the whole thing and have been for months. I have barely watched the news for six months and daren't go near a newspaper - funnily enough most of the referendum reporting I read is from this thread!

I've already made the decision that as a small business owner if the worst happens and Scotland becomes independent and my business is negatively impacted then I'm coming to live with you chaps and chapesses. I'll save a grand a year on fuel to start with!
maccadon said:
If RBS move south after a yes vote.could they be made remove Scotland from their name? I know it's petty just a thought I had.also I did ask earlier but got no reply.if I don't vote who gets my vote?

The S could be renamed as Sassenach rather than Scotland
Looks like the treasury could be in trouble for leaking market sensitive info to the BBC
remember arthur mann said:
Whatever England remove from Scotland, I'm sure could be easily replaced. Foreign investment, a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane for a nuclear base, options are endless and it would certainly rattle Westminster !

a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane

wow imagine if that happened. talk a about selling your soul

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