Scottish independence

The Ledge said:
TGR said:
I had a good chat with our salesman for Glasgow today who is down for some training.
He says he has never seen anything like it. The 'no' voters are frothing at the mouth and
appear to be absolutely certain they have pulled this one off.
The 'yes' voters are scared to death to say a word in public due to the abuse they might receive.

He says it has split friends, families the lot - completely and totally divisive.
He also reckons if the 'yes' voters do win they will bin Salmond off ASAP.
They need him to gain independence but on the whole he is far from well liked even by them.
What a mess.

In my experience I would say the complete opposite is the case. I've already placed my postal vote which is a 'No' and from the minute the referendum was mentioned this was always going to be the situation with me. I read earlier in the thread that you see much more Yes posters on cars and houses and this is because sticking a No on your house or car would probably end up in a call to the insurance company the following day to report a breakage. My wife's ex threatened to burn down our house should we vote No (admittedly with some tongue in cheek).

I'm sick of the whole thing and have been for months. I have barely watched the news for six months and daren't go near a newspaper - funnily enough most of the referendum reporting I read is from this thread!

I've already made the decision that as a small business owner if the worst happens and Scotland becomes independent and my business is negatively impacted then I'm coming to live with you chaps and chapesses. I'll save a grand a year on fuel to start with!


I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.
marco said:
remember arthur mann said:
Whatever England remove from Scotland, I'm sure could be easily replaced. Foreign investment, a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane for a nuclear base, options are endless and it would certainly rattle Westminster !

a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane

wow imagine if that happened. talk a about selling your soul

LOL. The mere suggestion would spark war between NATO and Scotland.

The Americans considered invading the ROI during WW2 because their continued refusal to hand back supposedly
sovereign UK naval bases to Britain was indirectly leading to the deaths of many Allied sailors in the North Atlantic.
Britain had to point out that "the Irish problem" was rather more complex than that and not to get involved given we had
thousands and thousands of Irish volunteers within our armed forces.

The moral is f*** with Uncle Sam at your peril !!!

PS It won't happen anyway because "No" will win.
Questy said:
The Ledge said:
TGR said:
I had a good chat with our salesman for Glasgow today who is down for some training.
He says he has never seen anything like it. The 'no' voters are frothing at the mouth and
appear to be absolutely certain they have pulled this one off.
The 'yes' voters are scared to death to say a word in public due to the abuse they might receive.

He says it has split friends, families the lot - completely and totally divisive.
He also reckons if the 'yes' voters do win they will bin Salmond off ASAP.
They need him to gain independence but on the whole he is far from well liked even by them.
What a mess.

In my experience I would say the complete opposite is the case. I've already placed my postal vote which is a 'No' and from the minute the referendum was mentioned this was always going to be the situation with me. I read earlier in the thread that you see much more Yes posters on cars and houses and this is because sticking a No on your house or car would probably end up in a call to the insurance company the following day to report a breakage. My wife's ex threatened to burn down our house should we vote No (admittedly with some tongue in cheek).

I'm sick of the whole thing and have been for months. I have barely watched the news for six months and daren't go near a newspaper - funnily enough most of the referendum reporting I read is from this thread!

I've already made the decision that as a small business owner if the worst happens and Scotland becomes independent and my business is negatively impacted then I'm coming to live with you chaps and chapesses. I'll save a grand a year on fuel to start with!


I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.

The argument I keep hearing on telly from YES voters is that they are sick of Westminster interference. Well aren't we all.

They were interviewing some first time voting 16 year olds on telly this morning who were just repeating what was in the leaflets, or how they were impressed by one side in the TV debates. You have to wonder whether it's just too young to fully understand the issue.
willy eckerslike said:
Questy said:
The Ledge said:
In my experience I would say the complete opposite is the case. I've already placed my postal vote which is a 'No' and from the minute the referendum was mentioned this was always going to be the situation with me. I read earlier in the thread that you see much more Yes posters on cars and houses and this is because sticking a No on your house or car would probably end up in a call to the insurance company the following day to report a breakage. My wife's ex threatened to burn down our house should we vote No (admittedly with some tongue in cheek).

I'm sick of the whole thing and have been for months. I have barely watched the news for six months and daren't go near a newspaper - funnily enough most of the referendum reporting I read is from this thread!

I've already made the decision that as a small business owner if the worst happens and Scotland becomes independent and my business is negatively impacted then I'm coming to live with you chaps and chapesses. I'll save a grand a year on fuel to start with!


I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.

The argument I keep hearing on telly from YES voters is that they are sick of Westminster interference. Well aren't we all.

They were interviewing some first time voting 16 year olds on telly this morning who were just repeating what was in the leaflets, or how they were impressed by one side in the TV debates. You have to wonder whether it's just too young to fully understand the issue.

Bang on the money, a small % will do their homework but the majority will go along with the Braveheart Syndrome vote and thats just not right, why they have suddenly become old enough to vote is beyond me especially given the sheer importance of it all. Do you know that some even posted a reason for voting Yes was because The England fans on monday where singing " Fuck off Scotland you must vote Yes " and was proof we where not wanted in Im as Scottish as you'll find and very patriotic but that for me does not come into this debate, its about my life and future lives too which many people are not taking into account, lets just tell the english too fuck off and be happy.. Weird..
willy eckerslike said:
Questy said:
The Ledge said:
In my experience I would say the complete opposite is the case. I've already placed my postal vote which is a 'No' and from the minute the referendum was mentioned this was always going to be the situation with me. I read earlier in the thread that you see much more Yes posters on cars and houses and this is because sticking a No on your house or car would probably end up in a call to the insurance company the following day to report a breakage. My wife's ex threatened to burn down our house should we vote No (admittedly with some tongue in cheek).

I'm sick of the whole thing and have been for months. I have barely watched the news for six months and daren't go near a newspaper - funnily enough most of the referendum reporting I read is from this thread!

I've already made the decision that as a small business owner if the worst happens and Scotland becomes independent and my business is negatively impacted then I'm coming to live with you chaps and chapesses. I'll save a grand a year on fuel to start with!


I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.

The argument I keep hearing on telly from YES voters is that they are sick of Westminster interference. Well aren't we all.

They were interviewing some first time voting 16 year olds on telly this morning who were just repeating what was in the leaflets, or how they were impressed by one side in the TV debates. You have to wonder whether it's just too young to fully understand the issue.
Two excellent points.
The second one is frightening isn't it.
Len Rum said:
willy eckerslike said:
Questy said:

I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.

The argument I keep hearing on telly from YES voters is that they are sick of Westminster interference. Well aren't we all.

They were interviewing some first time voting 16 year olds on telly this morning who were just repeating what was in the leaflets, or how they were impressed by one side in the TV debates. You have to wonder whether it's just too young to fully understand the issue.
Two excellent points.
The second one is frightening isn't it.
Certainly is. I don't know how these 16 year old lads are going to fit voting into a 63 wanks a day schedule.
remember arthur mann said:
Whatever England remove from Scotland, I'm sure could be easily replaced. Foreign investment, a few bob off the Ruskies to rent out Faslane for a nuclear base, options are endless and it would certainly rattle Westminster !
Actually terrifying people like you are allowed to vote
Len Rum said:
willy eckerslike said:
Questy said:

I am the same as you in that its a definite NO from me, lots off people are voting with their hearts and not their heads which deeply saddens me, for me I am not sure how many realise the importance off this vote and the effect it may have on their future, fair do's if they are genuinely 100% behind a Yes or No but I am not sure how many actually are, for me if you are not 100% behind a Yes vote then you must vote No, PLEASE GOD let it be a majority NO vote.

The argument I keep hearing on telly from YES voters is that they are sick of Westminster interference. Well aren't we all.

They were interviewing some first time voting 16 year olds on telly this morning who were just repeating what was in the leaflets, or how they were impressed by one side in the TV debates. You have to wonder whether it's just too young to fully understand the issue.
Two excellent points.
The second one is frightening isn't it.

Got nowt to do with age.
Talk to any UKIP supporter.

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