Scottish independence

hilts said:
Ban-jani said:
hilts said:
smalltime thinking

Quite the contrary.

In 5.10 or 50 years time will currency or where RBS put their head office be even relevant? no, keeping the status quo because the immediate future may cause problems is the definition of shitting out, Scotland is far more left leaning than England and just accepting they will be an insignificant fish in a larger pool is pretty cowardly

In the event of a yes vote some Scots will leave and take the road South, can we take it you will help to balance the situation by going North to help set up a left wing society that you seem to admire.
The chance of helping to create a new independent nation on your doorstep will be unlikely to happen again in your lifetime.
dawlish dave said:
hilts said:
Ban-jani said:
Quite the contrary.

In 5.10 or 50 years time will currency or where RBS put their head office be even relevant? no, keeping the status quo because the immediate future may cause problems is the definition of shitting out, Scotland is far more left leaning than England and just accepting they will be an insignificant fish in a larger pool is pretty cowardly

In the event of a yes vote some Scots will leave and take the road South, can we take it you will help to balance the situation by going North to help set up a left wing society that you seem to admire.
The chance of helping to create a new independent nation on your doorstep will be unlikely to happen again in your lifetime.

I am not left wing in the slightest and your missing the point completely, but you are not alone
hilts said:
dawlish dave said:
hilts said:
In 5.10 or 50 years time will currency or where RBS put their head office be even relevant? no, keeping the status quo because the immediate future may cause problems is the definition of shitting out, Scotland is far more left leaning than England and just accepting they will be an insignificant fish in a larger pool is pretty cowardly

In the event of a yes vote some Scots will leave and take the road South, can we take it you will help to balance the situation by going North to help set up a left wing society that you seem to admire.
The chance of helping to create a new independent nation on your doorstep will be unlikely to happen again in your lifetime.

I am not left wing in the slightest and your missing the point completely, but you are not alone

I accept you are not the slightest left wing.
The chance of helping to create a new independent nation on your doorstep will be unlikely to happen again in your lifetime. Will you take the road North if the vote goes in favour of separation. A Scotland free from the UK and NI will need help in setting up their "Brave New World".
What you have to love about all these arguments is the unshakeable beliefs in the pro voters that there politicians and the way their country is gonna be run is gonna be different.

This as we all know is complete bollocks. Politicians are the same the world over. They do what is best for themselves. There is no other reason for being in the job.

Scotland will get the same wankers the rest of us will get. The only difference will be in the accents they speak with
I think the scots need to pull their heads in and be given a dose of reality!

If they get independence they should take on their share of national debt and all the debt related to HBOS and RBS, sterling should be withdrawn and all UK government assets should be repatriated south! The borders should be closed and a hefty charge should be put on travelling south !

If Scotland wants to try and cut and run and not help the nation that has been helping them for centuries then they should learn the hard way!

Nationalism the root of so much of the worlds evils and usually based on complete lies and fallacies! If any areas of Scotland vote to remain British then military support Putin style should be given to them to make them Crimea style UK territories!
the god Gerry Gow said:
What you have to love about all these arguments is the unshakeable beliefs in the pro voters that there politicians and the way their country is gonna be run is gonna be different.

This as we all know is complete bollocks. Politicians are the same the world over. They do what is best for themselves. There is no other reason for being in the job.

Scotland will get the same wankers the rest of us will get. The only difference will be in the accents they speak with

In a nutshell. All I hear is how they must escape the evil slave overlords of Westminster and govern themselves where their politicians will be bastions of all that is good and right in the world and will not sleep until every citizen is happy. When in reality they will get self serving cunts who only put through policies to further their and their friends agendas.
Mëtal Bikër said:
Any Scottish citizen who votes No is anti-Scottish?

Is that the argument the Yes Campaign has put forward?

Is it really that inconceivable to suggest that the No voters are ardent and patriotic, are against the dominance of London and Westminster, would love for Scotland to be better governed and by the Scottish themselves but understand that independence from the rest of the United Kingdom is NOT the way to go about securing that future but a call for change to make things fairer is?

This hasn't been a debate in some cases, it's intimidation by a petrified Yes Campaign to have patriotic Scots question whether loyalty to their country can only be demonstrated by saying yes to independence.

That is the kind of emotional gutter nationalistic argument that was used by fascism and the national socialists .
Ban-jani said:
Balti said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Maybe, but they will carry on whining until they get their own way

they can fuck off

if they vote no then we need to be consulted about what we are prepared to tolerate and whether their demands for an ever increasing share of the UK wealth are acceptable (they're fucking not)

I hope they vote yes now so they can stop fucking whinging at us and find out that actually their own nation will be just as shit without us

probably more so


What ever the vote, it'll be marginal, if they do vote yes then still over 45% of scots wanted to stay with us.

I feel for them.

I hope we show the same concern for non pure scots in Scotland that Putin shows for ethnic Russians
If they do vote yes, what is the time scale when they cut off the ambilical cord so to speak and become 100% independant?
Grolsch30 said:
If they do vote yes, what is the time scale when they cut off the ambilical cord so to speak and become 100% independant?

That's the thing, they won't be a fully independent republic, I can't really see what all the fuss is about.
They would still have the Queen as head of state and there would be mutually beneficial acts in regards to a currency and on defence.

Anyway, a combination of the elderly, frightened middle classes and loyalist rangers fans will see a comfortable 'no' vote.
The most interesting thing for me from all this is wether the concept of federalism will now take hold in the UK and we see devolved powers to the English regions too.
Due to the large population of the nation and the economic and social variances across the state, that perhaps is the way forward.

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