Scottish independence

hilts said:
RandomJ said:
George Hannah said:
Independence is looking increasingly unlikely now after these choreographed scare stories from big employers.

They are not made up scare stories they are real concerns and just because some Scots might actually vote with their heads instead of their William Wallace hearts doesn't mean you can just say they have been scared off by choreographed stories. Businesses are looking to move to England, investors are looking at pulling out investment these aren't stories made up to scare the Scottish and keep them in check they are the realities of independence. And those who can actually see past the nationalistic bullshit have every right to question if independence really is the best course of action to take. Even the Loch Ness Monster has relocated to Lake Windermere he's not daft.

Any Scot who votes no is a shit house in fairness, putting personal wealth over the chance to create a country which can determine it's own future for generations to come is selfish in the extreme

That is just so wrong on so many levels, I have no clue where to start.
Spent last night on a train with a load of Scottish lads swearing, drinking, hassling women. I think I have changed my mind about independence. It is now a Yes from me!
George Hannah said:
Independence is looking increasingly unlikely now after these choreographed scare stories from big employers.

Its still too close to call. Particularly as the margin for error in the opinion polls must be greater than usual.

If Mori carry out a poll of a 1,000 people on how they will vote in a general election I know that some of the respondents will change their mind or will lie to the pollster. But I'm reasonably sure that Mori's sampled 1,000 will be representative of the country as a whole. They have plenty of experience in constructing those polls. But they're in largely uncharted waters when it comes to Scottish Independence. How do they know their 1,000 voters are representative of the electorate?

As I understand it they've been basing their samples on how people voted in the most recent Scottish elections. But those elections can only be a very rough proxy for how people will vote in a referendum. For example people might have voted SNP in the elections without having the slightest intention of voting for independence.

For all we know the polls might have been consistently skewed one way or another by 3-4%. Enough to make all the difference in such an apparently close election. More than ever the polls could simply be wrong.
Grolsch30 said:
If they do vote yes, what is the time scale when they cut off the ambilical cord so to speak and become 100% independant?
I think I heard March 2016
Hart of the matter said:
Spent last night on a train with a load of Scottish lads swearing, drinking, hassling women. I think I have changed my mind about independence. It is now a Yes from me!

So you judge 5 million people living in Scotland and the millions more living in England on the actions of a handful of drunks on a train.

Well done you.
blue_paul said:
Grolsch30 said:
If they do vote yes, what is the time scale when they cut off the ambilical cord so to speak and become 100% independant?

That's the thing, they won't be a fully independent republic, I can't really see what all the fuss is about.
They would still have the Queen as head of state and there would be mutually beneficial acts in regards to a currency and on defence.

Anyway, a combination of the elderly, frightened middle classes and loyalist rangers fans will see a comfortable 'no' vote.
The most interesting thing for me from all this is wether the concept of federalism will now take hold in the UK and we see devolved powers to the English regions too.
Due to the large population of the nation and the economic and social variances across the state, that perhaps is the way forward.

Devolving powers to the regions would be a disaster mate. The bulk of state revenue comes from the south, devolution would prevent that being distribute across the regions of course we can argue about the size of that distribution but not the notion that what we have now is a fairer system for all. In devolution the only people who win are those who net contributed to the system and, back on topic, despite Salmonds claims to the contrary that is not Scotland.
4.2 million are going to vote in 5 days time. These polls are out of about 1200 people. It's time for a change, Scotland contribute £1700 per head of population in taxes, (say 5million living in scotland) that goes to Westminster, they decide how much we get back per head of population. We get back £1200, a loss of over £2.5billion. We are keeping 90% of oil revenues and 100% of food and whisky export, getting rid of £4bn a year trident. Scotland can easily become and will become the 4th richest nation on earth. These are the facts!

Vote YES!
metalblue said:
blue_paul said:
Grolsch30 said:
If they do vote yes, what is the time scale when they cut off the ambilical cord so to speak and become 100% independant?

That's the thing, they won't be a fully independent republic, I can't really see what all the fuss is about.
They would still have the Queen as head of state and there would be mutually beneficial acts in regards to a currency and on defence.

Anyway, a combination of the elderly, frightened middle classes and loyalist rangers fans will see a comfortable 'no' vote.
The most interesting thing for me from all this is wether the concept of federalism will now take hold in the UK and we see devolved powers to the English regions too.
Due to the large population of the nation and the economic and social variances across the state, that perhaps is the way forward.

Devolving powers to the regions would be a disaster mate. The bulk of state revenue comes from the south, devolution would prevent that being distribute across the regions of course we can argue about the size of that distribution but not the notion that what we have now is a fairer system for all. In devolution the only people who win are those who net contributed to the system and, back on topic, despite Salmonds claims to the contrary that is not Scotland.

the queen is head of state of the whole commenwealth . Are you saying Australia and Canada are not independent countries!?

Independence day will be March 24th 2016.
Mikeyc1986 said:
4.2 million are going to vote in 5 days time. These polls are out of about 1200 people. It's time for a change, Scotland contribute £1700 per head of population in taxes, (say 5million living in scotland) that goes to Westminster, they decide how much we get back per head of population. We get back £1200, a loss of over £2.5billion. We are keeping 90% of oil revenues and 100% of food and whisky export, getting rid of £4bn a year trident. Scotland can easily become and will become the 4th richest nation on earth. These are the facts!

Vote YES!

What currency are you going to use Mr 4th richest nation?

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