Scottish independence

If Scotland vote for independence, I think David Cameron will be gone very quickly.

In a few days, England could lose all of their oil.

I'm voting YES and think Scotland are quite right to go to independent. Staying in a union where Scotland have no say on any issues would be absolutely ridiculous. This is a vote for the next 100+ years, you're not voting for Salmond, it's for the country as a whole.

If England would be better off without Scotland, then why are Cameron and the BBC (disgraceful coverage) absolutely desperate to keep the union?

It's going to be a historic day on Thursday - for one way or another.
CityFan94 said:
If Scotland vote for independence, I think David Cameron will be gone very quickly.

In a few days, England could lose all of their oil.

I'm voting YES and think Scotland are quite right to go to independent. Staying in a union where Scotland have no say on any issues would be absolutely ridiculous. This is a vote for the next 100+ years, you're not voting for Salmond, it's for the country as a whole.

If England would be better off without Scotland, then why are Cameron and the BBC (disgraceful coverage) absolutely desperate to keep the union?

It's going to be a historic day on Thursday - for one way or another.

Crude or cooking?
I see breaking news claims Mr Salmond accusing Westminster of yes, you guessed it....scaremongering pmsl.

Does the **** ever change the record?
blueinsa said:
I see breaking news claims Mr Salmond accusing Westminster of yes, you guessed it....scaremongering pmsl.

Does the c**t ever change the record?

He does have a point though.

Majority of the No Thanks campaign seems to be based around fear. There's very little facts from that side, it really does just seem to be scaring people into not taking the risk of Scotland going independent.

The farce with the supermarkets last week was ridiculous and proved Salmond to be correct about the scaremongering.
CityFan94 said:
blueinsa said:
I see breaking news claims Mr Salmond accusing Westminster of yes, you guessed it....scaremongering pmsl.

Does the c**t ever change the record?

He does have a point though.

Majority of the No Thanks campaign seems to be based around fear. There's very little facts from that side, it really does just seem to be scaring people into not taking the risk of Scotland going independent.

The farce with the supermarkets last week was ridiculous and proved Salmond to be correct about the scaremongering.
Is it fear ? Or is it the pointing out of a few realities that are being overlooked in all the saltire waving hysteria?
Bodicoteblue said:
CityFan94 said:
blueinsa said:
I see breaking news claims Mr Salmond accusing Westminster of yes, you guessed it....scaremongering pmsl.

Does the c**t ever change the record?

He does have a point though.

Majority of the No Thanks campaign seems to be based around fear. There's very little facts from that side, it really does just seem to be scaring people into not taking the risk of Scotland going independent.

The farce with the supermarkets last week was ridiculous and proved Salmond to be correct about the scaremongering.
Is it fear ? Or is it the pointing out of a few realities that are being overlooked in all the saltire waving hysteria?

Exactly, amidst all the Braveheart bullshit very little is being said by the YES campaign.

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