There are so many parallels between the EU referendum and the Scottish Referendum, I always maintain the IndyRef as a "trial run".
I do feel that our own political system needs an overhaul; an independent English Parliament, reform of the House of Lords, Westminster to be A seat of power for the UK, which can be alternated between Holyrood, Senedd etc. But that's just my own feeling.
If our Union is meant to be a "union", then the emphasis on England does need softening a little, but as a result that means the English MUST have it's own Parliament.
I feel that once the UK has established it's future relationship with the EU, either deal (preferred) or WTO (not) and the outcome for NI, then the people of Scotland will have their clear vision on it's union with the rest of the UK. A debate should at least be had, but I feel now isn't the time, unlike Sturgeon who's going in both feet first.