Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .

That's the problem the twats will get it easy inside.
Bluemanc100 said:
Bigga said:
Whilst I DO NOT condone what the two idiots did, what many of you are spewing out flies in the face of what this utterly incredible family believe in.

In fact, I am shocked more peace and love come this tragedy stricken family, than any of you warriors behind a keyboard...

Mr Rigby said: ‘It was two individuals – it wasn’t anything to do with religion. Their views are not the Islam views – it’s just their private views.
‘You can’t hold religion responsible for their views – they’re using religion as an excuse for whatever they’ve been brainwashed with.’
Mrs Rigby, 47, added: ‘Their aim was to divide the community, to cause conflict, to set people against each other, but they haven’t succeeded, have they? It seems to be that Lee’s death has actually united the community.’
Her husband said he felt they had become part of one ‘massive family’, adding: ‘It shocked the nation and it made Lee part of everybody’s life, not just ours. I mean Lee was taken to everybody’s hearts like a son. He became part of everybody’s families, everybody felt what we were feeling. And still are.’

It's funny how between the two murdering scumbags and the blood thirsty forumites, that a belief in the Human Spirit emits from the grieving parents. I may not know them, but I love them for it. I don't know where they find that strength.

Shame on you all...

how do you do that trick? Balancing your arse on your shoulders?

people are rightly venting their spleins re this situation, it brought people together, it doesn't mean however that we all have to turn the other cheek and say fuck all

Why not read anothert thread is you can't deal with it....

in your next post by the way, it's Plain, not Plane.............. for the record

Maybe you should study the quote of Mr Rigby rather than skipping over it. take it in and absorb it, think for a moment before letting your emotions run amok.

Quite frankly, it's the Rigby family should demand and want more... Yet, they don't. they stand on a plateau greater than where I might be if I were them and I am FULL of admiration for what they hold and still many refuse to read their own words.

Ask yourself why they may be a better example of Human Being...?
Challenger1978 said:
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .

That's the problem the twats will get it easy inside.

They will but somebody will get to them............... we hope<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:00 pm --<br /><br />
Bigga said:
Bluemanc100 said:
Bigga said:
Whilst I DO NOT condone what the two idiots did, what many of you are spewing out flies in the face of what this utterly incredible family believe in.

In fact, I am shocked more peace and love come this tragedy stricken family, than any of you warriors behind a keyboard...

It's funny how between the two murdering scumbags and the blood thirsty forumites, that a belief in the Human Spirit emits from the grieving parents. I may not know them, but I love them for it. I don't know where they find that strength.

Shame on you all...

how do you do that trick? Balancing your arse on your shoulders?

people are rightly venting their spleins re this situation, it brought people together, it doesn't mean however that we all have to turn the other cheek and say fuck all

Why not read anothert thread is you can't deal with it....

in your next post by the way, it's Plain, not Plane.............. for the record

Maybe you should study the quote of Mr Rigby rather than skipping over it. take it in and absorb it, think for a moment before letting your emotions run amok.

Quite frankly, it's the Rigby family should demand and want more... Yet, they don't. they stand on a plateau greater than where I might be if I were them and I am FULL of admiration for what they hold and still many refuse to read their own words.

Ask yourself why they may be a better example of Human Being...?

We are far too good at turning the other cheek in this country at the minute. I hope I am never forced to go through what they have done with a lad serving in the military as I did

I am angry that these radicals have a platform to spew their bile......... If I stood up and voiced radical views toward them I would be dealt with I am sure

Reverse discrimination is in force because we are shit scared of dealing with it.......

This is why I get angry

it's a consequence of living in a civilised country I guess but why can't we a little less tolerant like France for example or Australia where they make people integrate or fuck them off
Challenger1978 said:
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .

That's the problem the twats will get it easy inside.

And you know that how, exactly?
In all likelihood they will be incarcerated in HMP Belmarsh, which is the prison usually chosen to house high risk or high profile offenders in general, and terrorists in particular.
It is a truly depressing and grim place, even by the standards of British category A prisons.
I know this because I went there on numerous occasions to visit offenders when I worked for the National Probation Service.
But I'm sure you will have read somewhere that every cell has an x-box, a ps4 and an en-suite Jacuzzi and sauna, possibly in the Daily Mail, so clearly you know best.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Blue Note said:
Bigga said:
Whilst I DO NOT condone what the two idiots did, what many of you are spewing out flies in the face of what this utterly incredible family believe in.

In fact, I am shocked more peace and love come this tragedy stricken family, than any of you warriors behind a keyboard...

It's funny how between the two murdering scumbags and the blood thirsty forumites, that a belief in the Human Spirit emits from the grieving parents. I may not know them, but I love them for it. I don't know where they find that strength.

Shame on you all...

Yes how dare anyone be shocked by this and vent their emotions.

How so evil some people are that they may want justice for an innocent lad being butchered in the street.

We have had justice - the perpetrators of this atrocity have been brought to trial and found guilty by a court of law.
It's called due legal process, and is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists and fundamentalist extremists.
What you are wanting is revenge, which is a different thing altogether, and ironically folk are saying we should butcher a man who butchered.
How, exactly, does that put us on a higher moral plane than scum like this?

Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.
Bigga said:
Bluemanc100 said:
Bigga said:
Whilst I DO NOT condone what the two idiots did, what many of you are spewing out flies in the face of what this utterly incredible family believe in.

In fact, I am shocked more peace and love come this tragedy stricken family, than any of you warriors behind a keyboard...

It's funny how between the two murdering scumbags and the blood thirsty forumites, that a belief in the Human Spirit emits from the grieving parents. I may not know them, but I love them for it. I don't know where they find that strength.

Shame on you all...

how do you do that trick? Balancing your arse on your shoulders?

people are rightly venting their spleins re this situation, it brought people together, it doesn't mean however that we all have to turn the other cheek and say fuck all

Why not read anothert thread is you can't deal with it....

in your next post by the way, it's Plain, not Plane.............. for the record

Maybe you should study the quote of Mr Rigby rather than skipping over it. take it in and absorb it, think for a moment before letting your emotions run amok.

Quite frankly, it's the Rigby family should demand and want more... Yet, they don't. they stand on a plateau greater than where I might be if I were them and I am FULL of admiration for what they hold and still many refuse to read their own words.

Ask yourself why they may be a better example of Human Being...?

To be honest, they prob feel a hell of a lot of anger and hate but choose not to rant it out on tv in fear some like minded nut job fanatics might hunt them down . They have been through a lot and prob don't want to stir things up even more .
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Blue Note said:
Yes how dare anyone be shocked by this and vent their emotions.

How so evil some people are that they may want justice for an innocent lad being butchered in the street.

We have had justice - the perpetrators of this atrocity have been brought to trial and found guilty by a court of law.
It's called due legal process, and is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists and fundamentalist extremists.
What you are wanting is revenge, which is a different thing altogether, and ironically folk are saying we should butcher a man who butchered.
How, exactly, does that put us on a higher moral plane than scum like this?

Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.

I know mate - it's a scary place on here sometimes.
I'm off to seek some common sense on the Transfer forum, which is an indicator of just how crazy things are down here.
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Blue Note said:
Yes how dare anyone be shocked by this and vent their emotions.

How so evil some people are that they may want justice for an innocent lad being butchered in the street.

We have had justice - the perpetrators of this atrocity have been brought to trial and found guilty by a court of law.
It's called due legal process, and is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists and fundamentalist extremists.
What you are wanting is revenge, which is a different thing altogether, and ironically folk are saying we should butcher a man who butchered.
How, exactly, does that put us on a higher moral plane than scum like this?

Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.

"slightly racist"....... not sure the colour of a person's skin is relevant when he has just run somebody over and hacked his head near off......

turn the other cheeks lads, it's what we do................
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Blue Note said:
Yes how dare anyone be shocked by this and vent their emotions.

How so evil some people are that they may want justice for an innocent lad being butchered in the street.

We have had justice - the perpetrators of this atrocity have been brought to trial and found guilty by a court of law.
It's called due legal process, and is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists and fundamentalist extremists.
What you are wanting is revenge, which is a different thing altogether, and ironically folk are saying we should butcher a man who butchered.
How, exactly, does that put us on a higher moral plane than scum like this?

Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.

Doesn't really mean justice is done though does it . If someone close to you got raped and the scumbag got eight years ( out in four on good behaviour) would you feel pleased justice Is done and happily walk past him in the street knowing he had paid for his sins ?.
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
We have had justice - the perpetrators of this atrocity have been brought to trial and found guilty by a court of law.
It's called due legal process, and is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists and fundamentalist extremists.
What you are wanting is revenge, which is a different thing altogether, and ironically folk are saying we should butcher a man who butchered.
How, exactly, does that put us on a higher moral plane than scum like this?

Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.

Doesn't really mean justice is done though does it . If someone close to you got raped and the scumbag got eight years ( out in four on good behaviour) would you feel pleased justice Is done and happily walk past him in the street knowing he had paid for his sins ?.

Again. Justice has been done. Due legal process has taken place. You're talking about revenge.

You need to understand the difference between the two.

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