Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

foxy said:
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week? Sky had Adebolajo's brother on refusing to condemn the murder.

It is designed Foxy, it's just to stir things up and confuse the already very confused, from both sides btw.
Ancient Citizen said:
These two walking abortions were apparently hoping to be shot to death by police in order to achieve 'Martyrdom.' Well, that particular plan didn't turn out too cleverly, so instead of, by now, climbing onto their 25th virgin, with the other 47 waiting in trembling anticipation, they have the delightful prospect of their arseholes resembling portholes and the prospect of a nice throat slashing with a rusty razorblade welded into a toothbrush handle.
I'm so glad we abolished the death penalty.

That post will do for me pal.

Fucking bang on the money. It will not be easy time for these two twats when you factor in quite a few ex soldiers become prison guards. Spending the rest of your days without a woman, a drink, the craic with loved ones and freedom to do want you want ain't pretty.
mcmanus said:
Ancient Citizen said:
These two walking abortions were apparently hoping to be shot to death by police in order to achieve 'Martyrdom.' Well, that particular plan didn't turn out too cleverly, so instead of, by now, climbing onto their 25th virgin, with the other 47 waiting in trembling anticipation, they have the delightful prospect of their arseholes resembling portholes and the prospect of a nice throat slashing with a rusty razorblade welded into a toothbrush handle.
I'm so glad we abolished the death penalty.

That post will do for me pal.

Fucking bang on the money. It will not be easy time for these two twats when you factor in quite a few ex soldiers become prison guards. Spending the rest of your days without a woman, a drink, the craic with loved ones and freedom to do want you want ain't pretty.

The Stone Island wearing "soldiers" deserve all that is coming to them................. I'm surprised they chose Muslim Fundamentalism. The MIB recruitment squad must have just got there too late
Ancient Citizen said:
These two walking abortions were apparently hoping to be shot to death by police in order to achieve 'Martyrdom.' Well, that particular plan didn't turn out too cleverly, so instead of, by now, climbing onto their 25th virgin, with the other 47 waiting in trembling anticipation, they have the delightful prospect of their arseholes resembling portholes and the prospect of a nice throat slashing with a rusty razorblade welded into a toothbrush handle.
I'm so glad we abolished the death penalty.
Right there is a great post
They were condemned by the Moslem Council of GB and clearly don't represent mainstream Moslem thinking.

Unfortunately, though, there will be others to replace these two fuckers. Because that's all it needs: one or two individuals out of a sizeable pool of radicalised zealots.
blue underpants said:
Took the jury 90 mins to find these 2 pieces of filth Guilty, i am not even going to mention their names but hope they get red hot pokers shoved up their ring pieces when in prison

They were guilty 90 days before the trial, not even they questioned it, cowardly C**** that's all I can say without a ban!!!
foxy said:
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week? Sky had Adebolajo's brother on refusing to condemn the murder.
Wonder if Plod have pulled his brother to one side and asked him if he knew what was going on?
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .
So you don't believe in law and order? It's every man for himself is it? No need for the police as everyone can sort out their own disagreements?

Now, would you have this same indignation of the uninvolved witness if it was a group of white British who had attacked and brutally murdered a Muslim or, say, a black lad on a London street?

Personally, I'd like to see these two Michaels rot in solitary with no stimulation at all.
buzzer1 said:
foxy said:
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week? Sky had Adebolajo's brother on refusing to condemn the murder.

It is designed Foxy, it's just to stir things up and confuse the already very confused, from both sides btw.
It helps to fuel the anger felt about the murders if they give them more airtime
de niro said:
2sheikhs said:
MCFCTrick said:
Agree where there is any shadow of a doubt, but in cases such as this one, where there is ZERO chance of any injustice, that argument is void...
The thing here though mate, Timothy Evans signed a confession to killing his wife and baby, when in fact Reg Christie did it. Nobody else was in the frame for it or had any motive to do it. Anybody who heard all the case in court would have been in no doubt whatsoever that Evans was the killer. All he could be given once Christie's guilt was established was a pardon.

that was 50 years ago. with DNA and shit it would never happen now.

This is a most compelling argument and one which I have not thought of before. You know you may have just changed my mind.

For all the reasons stated the state should not kill people, it is not even a deterrent. Revenge, however, is another matter entirely...

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