Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

The Flash said:
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
Fuck off being rational you level-headed twat!

This is a lynch-mob thread.

A hang-em high and show the world we're absolutely no better than the perpertrators of this vile crime and slightly racist to boot thread!

Don't come on here spouting your cogent and reasoned responses.

Doesn't really mean justice is done though does it . If someone close to you got raped and the scumbag got eight years ( out in four on good behaviour) would you feel pleased justice Is done and happily walk past him in the street knowing he had paid for his sins ?.

Again. Justice has been done. Due legal process has taken place. You're talking about revenge.

You need to understand the difference between the two.

Where am I takin about revenge?. I'm just stating that proper justice isn't always done !. From your stance your sayin the courts have found them guilty so that'll do . Have you never seen someone sentenced and thought 'fookin el, that's a bit soft !'. I'm sure these guys will get at least a minimum of 30 years, though .
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Challenger1978 said:
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .

That's the problem the twats will get it easy inside.

And you know that how, exactly?
In all likelihood they will be incarcerated in HMP Belmarsh, which is the prison usually chosen to house high risk or high profile offenders in general, and terrorists in particular.
It is a truly depressing and grim place, even by the standards of British category A prisons.
I know this because I went there on numerous occasions to visit offenders when I worked for the National Probation Service.
But I'm sure you will have read somewhere that every cell has an x-box, a ps4 and an en-suite Jacuzzi and sauna, possibly in the Daily Mail, so clearly you know best.

I do not read newspapers and haven't for probably over a decade.

As for my source of information I've know plenty of people that have been inside for murder, armed robbery, drug related crimes (dealers/smugglers) and all sorts of other shit. I also know a bloke that's seeing my mother-in-law that's just recently retired after working at various prisons for around 40 years. Or i could go have a word with the Mrs grandad and he could tell me again all about how when he was in nick years ago (he's nearly 90) they used to make him sew post bags until his hands would bleed.
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
BlueHalli said:
Doesn't really mean justice is done though does it . If someone close to you got raped and the scumbag got eight years ( out in four on good behaviour) would you feel pleased justice Is done and happily walk past him in the street knowing he had paid for his sins ?.

Again. Justice has been done. Due legal process has taken place. You're talking about revenge.

You need to understand the difference between the two.

Where am I takin about revenge?. I'm just stating that proper justice isn't always done !. From your stance your sayin the courts have found them guilty so that'll do . Have you never seen someone sentenced and thought 'fookin el, that's a bit soft !'. I'm sure these guys will get at least a minimum of 30 years, though .

That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.
Challenger1978 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Challenger1978 said:
That's the problem the twats will get it easy inside.

And you know that how, exactly?
In all likelihood they will be incarcerated in HMP Belmarsh, which is the prison usually chosen to house high risk or high profile offenders in general, and terrorists in particular.
It is a truly depressing and grim place, even by the standards of British category A prisons.
I know this because I went there on numerous occasions to visit offenders when I worked for the National Probation Service.
But I'm sure you will have read somewhere that every cell has an x-box, a ps4 and an en-suite Jacuzzi and sauna, possibly in the Daily Mail, so clearly you know best.

I do not read newspapers and haven't for probably over a decade.

As for my source of information I've know plenty of people that have been inside for murder, armed robbery, drug related crimes (dealers/smugglers) and all sorts of other shit. I also know a bloke that's seeing my mother-in-law that's just recently retired after working at various prisons for around 40 years. Or i could go have a word with the Mrs grandad and he could tell me again all about how when he was in nick years ago (he's nearly 90) they used to make him sew post bags until his hands would bleed.

My 95 year old Grandad used to tell me that he walked 40 miles a day to work. And everyone I know who has done serious time says how utterly fucking horrible it is inside.
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week? Sky had Adebolajo's brother on refusing to condemn the murder.
foxy said:
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week?

Probably the same reason that Ric gives lunatics a platform on this forum - we are a free(ish) country where folk can hold opinions that we may not like, but they are entitled to hold them.
Unlike Islamic fundamentalist countries which do not allow such freedom of expression.
I know which system I would rather live under, even if it means tolerating the odd basket case now and again.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
foxy said:
Justice has been served. But why are the likes of BBC, sky news and C4 news giving lunatics a platform to air their views this week?

Probably the same reason that Ric gives lunatics a platform on this forum - we are a free(ish) country where folk can hold opinions that we may not like, but they are entitled to hold them.
Unlike Islamic fundamentalist countries which do not allow such freedom of expression.
I know which system I would rather live under, even if it means tolerating the odd basket case now and again.

I agree to some extent about freedom of speech and we aren't going to like all views. But surely it shouldn't cover extremist views. There's not agreeing with the Nasty Party's bedroom tax and there's being strongly against the likes of Choudary preaching hate..
The Flash said:
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
Again. Justice has been done. Due legal process has taken place. You're talking about revenge.

You need to understand the difference between the two.

Where am I takin about revenge?. I'm just stating that proper justice isn't always done !. From your stance your sayin the courts have found them guilty so that'll do . Have you never seen someone sentenced and thought 'fookin el, that's a bit soft !'. I'm sure these guys will get at least a minimum of 30 years, though .

That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.

Fuck that for a lark.

Let's get 150 righteous souls and bring about some real justice. I know where we can get hold of a shedload of pitchforks, and anyone who knows how to make a flaming torch out of an old log is a shoo-in for the front row.
These two walking abortions were apparently hoping to be shot to death by police in order to achieve 'Martyrdom.' Well, that particular plan didn't turn out too cleverly, so instead of, by now, climbing onto their 25th virgin, with the other 47 waiting in trembling anticipation, they have the delightful prospect of their arseholes resembling portholes and the prospect of a nice throat slashing with a rusty razorblade welded into a toothbrush handle.
I'm so glad we abolished the death penalty.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No worries mate.
Mind you, the CCTV cameras conveniently don't seem to work when a black lad called Stephen Lawrence gets killed.
I'm sure that the fact that one of the accused's dads was a senior police officer is purely coincidental.
Of course there is that but that's just large scale corruption. The police have to ask permission to enter the CCTV centers these days

Not true.
I am currently able to view cctv of the city if I wish

Yes sorry. It might of changed from when I was there but it will still be recorded at the CCTV center so even if recorded at your end there is another copy and also the police have to ask if they can come in unless that has changed since I stopped doing CCTV

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