Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

manchester blue said:
de niro said:
2sheikhs said:
The thing here though mate, Timothy Evans signed a confession to killing his wife and baby, when in fact Reg Christie did it. Nobody else was in the frame for it or had any motive to do it. Anybody who heard all the case in court would have been in no doubt whatsoever that Evans was the killer. All he could be given once Christie's guilt was established was a pardon.

that was 50 years ago. with DNA and shit it would never happen now.

This is a most compelling argument and one which I have not thought of before. You know you may have just changed my mind.
de niro said:
2sheikhs said:
MCFCTrick said:
Agree where there is any shadow of a doubt, but in cases such as this one, where there is ZERO chance of any injustice, that argument is void...
The thing here though mate, Timothy Evans signed a confession to killing his wife and baby, when in fact Reg Christie did it. Nobody else was in the frame for it or had any motive to do it. Anybody who heard all the case in court would have been in no doubt whatsoever that Evans was the killer. All he could be given once Christie's guilt was established was a pardon.

that was 50 years ago. with DNA and shit it would never happen now.

DNA may be the best source of evidence, but it cannot prove anything 100%.

There are still miscarriages of justice based on DNA evidence.
Plaything of the gods said:
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .
So you don't believe in law and order? It's every man for himself is it? No need for the police as everyone can sort out their own disagreements?

Now, would you have this same indignation of the uninvolved witness if it was a group of white British who had attacked and brutally murdered a Muslim or, say, a black lad on a London street?

Personally, I'd like to see these two Michaels rot in solitary with no stimulation at all.

Stimulation? All rights to mastication must be withdrawn.
DNA evidence has been a great help in over turning miscarriages of justice.
But now its the bad guy lol.
The Flash said:
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
Again. Justice has been done. Due legal process has taken place. You're talking about revenge.

You need to understand the difference between the two.

Where am I takin about revenge?. I'm just stating that proper justice isn't always done !. From your stance your sayin the courts have found them guilty so that'll do . Have you never seen someone sentenced and thought 'fookin el, that's a bit soft !'. I'm sure these guys will get at least a minimum of 30 years, though .

That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.

No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .
pieface said:
DNA evidence has been a great help in over turning miscarriages of justice.
But now its the bad guy lol.

Like any form of evidence, it has the potential to convict or acquit, but it is also subject to human error, be that by accident or design.
As such, it must always be treated as part of a case against someone, rather than a silver bullet panacea to secure a conviction.
This is, for me at least, why we can never have the death penalty, because the accused are judged by folk just like you and I, and sometimes they get it wrong.
Plaything of the gods said:
BlueHalli said:
People that say butchering these scum bags is stooping to their level are wrong IMO . If someone punched you in the face would you be stoopin to their level if you hit them back ?. No you wouldn't .

At the end of the day, they killed a young lad who was walkin down the street mindin his own. Doin the same to these fookers Would be a reaction created from their action .

I personally think death is too good for these fookers . They won't be afraid and will think they're goin to the 'promise land' till the end . Although prison will prob be too easy and good for them .
So you don't believe in law and order? It's every man for himself is it? No need for the police as everyone can sort out their own disagreements?

Now, would you have this same indignation of the uninvolved witness if it was a group of white British who had attacked and brutally murdered a Muslim or, say, a black lad on a London street?

Personally, I'd like to see these two Michaels rot in solitary with no stimulation at all.

You have looked into it the wrong way . I have not said they should be butchered . Iv simply stated that it isn't on the same level as what these nut jobs done .
Bigga said:
Whilst I DO NOT condone what the two idiots did, what many of you are spewing out flies in the face of what this utterly incredible family believe in.

In fact, I am shocked more peace and love come this tragedy stricken family, than any of you warriors behind a keyboard...

Mr Rigby said: ‘It was two individuals – it wasn’t anything to do with religion. Their views are not the Islam views – it’s just their private views.
‘You can’t hold religion responsible for their views – they’re using religion as an excuse for whatever they’ve been brainwashed with.’
Mrs Rigby, 47, added: ‘Their aim was to divide the community, to cause conflict, to set people against each other, but they haven’t succeeded, have they? It seems to be that Lee’s death has actually united the community.’
Her husband said he felt they had become part of one ‘massive family’, adding: ‘It shocked the nation and it made Lee part of everybody’s life, not just ours. I mean Lee was taken to everybody’s hearts like a son. He became part of everybody’s families, everybody felt what we were feeling. And still are.’

It's funny how between the two murdering scumbags and the blood thirsty forumites, that a belief in the Human Spirit emits from the grieving parents. I may not know them, but I love them for it. I don't know where they find that strength.

Shame on you all...

Although it's not hard, this is the POST OF THE THREAD by a long long way.
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
BlueHalli said:
Where am I takin about revenge?. I'm just stating that proper justice isn't always done !. From your stance your sayin the courts have found them guilty so that'll do . Have you never seen someone sentenced and thought 'fookin el, that's a bit soft !'. I'm sure these guys will get at least a minimum of 30 years, though .

That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.

No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .

completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer
stonerblue said:
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.

No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .

completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

There's been some piss poor arguments on this thread, but you're right stoner, bang out of order.

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