Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

stonerblue said:
BlueHalli said:
The Flash said:
That's exactly right.

It's called the Criminal Justice System. It's one of the cornerstones on which our democracy is founded.

Pretty mind-blowing eh?

"proper justice isn't always done" - well, yes it is actually - it's gone through the courts and they have been found guilty. Sometimes people are found not guilty. That's proper justice in action.

Sentencing is down to the judge and if a sentence seems too lenient, the Attorney General can request a judicial review.

All of this is 'proper' justice.

No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .

completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.
BlueHalli said:
stonerblue said:
BlueHalli said:
No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .

completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

That's where you're wrong, he's stating the the criminal justice system that we have in this country has acted accordingly to the laws we have in place, what you are trying to goad him in to, is agreeing to you're perceived act of vengeance that you seem to adhere to.
Well there is a difference BlueHalli. People here are getting in a froth about something that happened to people unrelated to them. Your example was about a daughter. We should all learn from the stance of Lee Rigby's own family, not from what the media like to whip up for their own ends.
BlueHalli said:
stonerblue said:
BlueHalli said:
No need to try so hard to come across like a smart arse and patronise people .

If your daughter( heaven forbid it ever happens if you have a daughter) was raped,would you happily accept whatever the courts dished out, even if it was a reasonably short sentence and the guy could well be walkin the streets in a few years time ?. I'm just stating that it isn't always the case that justice has fully been served in the criminal justice system .

I wasn't sayin they should be hung etc. I was just stating that the courts don't always 'even things out'. Like I said, if a guy raped your daughter and done time , would you happily walk past him in the street knowing that he has paid for his sins through, in your opinion, our trusty , never do wrong, justice system ?. Just answer that .

completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

Seriously mate - when you get a minute, try and get hold of a dictionary.
Maybe next door will have one - anyway, it's a great big book with lots of words in it.
With me so far?
Good - then we'll carry on.
Now in this big book of words, you will find two that are quite relevant here.
They are 'justice', which begins with a J, and 'revenge', which begins with an R.
If you look really closely, you will discover that not only are they spelt differently, but that they actually mean different things.
Yeah - totally radical stuff huh?
Now the 'justice' one is what we know as due legal procedure, and the 'revenge' one is a bloodthirsty fuckwit with a length of rope with no regard whatsoever for due legal procedure.
Every day is a school day in the Cellar.
But you missin the point !. Iv not stated that I want them butchered to death etc !. Iv stated that the poster is attempting to belittle and patronise people on here because they're stating they should be butchered !. I'm not sayin that , I'm just stating that he shouldn't talk down on people in his stuck up manner as it's easy to have these views. I was also tryin to put a point across that the legal system doesn't always settle things the way it should . I used the wrong example and didn't think to be honest and didn't see how bad it would come across as I was just tryin to make a point to a guy that was puttin his point across by talkin down to others. For that, I apologize .

It's a pretty pointless 'discussion' in this topic that has dragged out too long .
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BlueHalli said:
stonerblue said:
completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

Seriously mate - when you get a minute, try and get hold of a dictionary.
Maybe next door will have one - anyway, it's a great big book with lots of words in it.
With me so far?
Good - then we'll carry on.
Now in this big book of words, you will find two that are quite relevant here.
They are 'justice', which begins with a J, and 'revenge', which begins with an R.
If you look really closely, you will discover that not only are they spelt differently, but that they actually mean different things.
Yeah - totally radical stuff huh?
Now the 'justice' one is what we know as due legal procedure, and the 'revenge' one is a bloodthirsty fuckwit with a length of rope with no regard whatsoever for due legal procedure.
Every day is a school day in the Cellar.

I once had a teacher like you. All his authority evaporated once they banned capital punishment in schools.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BlueHalli said:
stonerblue said:
completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

Seriously mate - when you get a minute, try and get hold of a dictionary.
Maybe next door will have one - anyway, it's a great big book with lots of words in it.
With me so far?
Good - then we'll carry on.
Now in this big book of words, you will find two that are quite relevant here.
They are 'justice', which begins with a J, and 'revenge', which begins with an R.
If you look really closely, you will discover that not only are they spelt differently, but that they actually mean different things.
Yeah - totally radical stuff huh?
Now the 'justice' one is what we know as due legal procedure, and the 'revenge' one is a bloodthirsty fuckwit with a length of rope with no regard whatsoever for due legal procedure.
Every day is a school day in the Cellar.

I think you need to go back and start from the beginning, mate.

Try reading a little slower next time, taking in everything that is written rather than bits and bobs .

Go for it !!!
Whilst we are all disgusted and horrified at what these pair did, it's depressing that the discussion always seems to get bogged down in debates about the Death penalty. It never seems to move on to explore the wider issues.

It was interesting reading what Camila Batmanghelidjh, someone I really admire, had to say about this in the Times. She said that, in Urban areas where there is a lot of poverty, angry disenfranchised young men, gangs etc, extremist Islamists have been actively recruiting young men like these two and this has been going on for a number of years now. She said that this salafi version of Islam is becoming the religion of choice and carries a kudos or street-cred among young men. It also ties into an article a while back in the Guardian entitled: "Islam's ability to empower is a magnet to black British youths"

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ish-youths</a>

It explores the reasons many young black Christian men are turning to this strict and often extreme form of Islam and how it gives them a feeling of empowerment in a society where they feel marginalised. I know hang em and flog em types will not want to hear or try to understand what is going on, but it's vital that we do to break the cycle. Young men like the two in this case are vulnerable to extremist preachers and radicalisation because British society fails to offer anything better.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BlueHalli said:
stonerblue said:
completely uncalled for or, bang out of fuckin order. Whichever you prefer

Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

Seriously mate - when you get a minute, try and get hold of a dictionary.
Maybe next door will have one - anyway, it's a great big book with lots of words in it.
With me so far?
Good - then we'll carry on.
Now in this big book of words, you will find two that are quite relevant here.
They are 'justice', which begins with a J, and 'revenge', which begins with an R.
If you look really closely, you will discover that not only are they spelt differently, but that they actually mean different things.
Yeah - totally radical stuff huh?
Now the 'justice' one is what we know as due legal procedure, and the 'revenge' one is a bloodthirsty fuckwit with a length of rope with no regard whatsoever for due legal procedure.
Every day is a school day in the Cellar.

Good to see you're on it as usual.
If this country had the death penalty(which it doesn't) this case case would be perfect for it. You seem to assume that if the death penalty was in force it would be an absolute penalty. It is not it is a sentencing option, so you saying we can never have it in case an innocent person is executed is wide of the mark. You need to let go of your obsession with corrupt Police and accept that sometimes (not always the evidence is irrefutable) this case being one of them. It's not about revenge it's about the punishment fitting the crime.
robbie brewer said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BlueHalli said:
Why ?. I'm just makin a point . He's slating people for having particular views and showing their anger on here and being patronising whilst at it .I'm stating that it's pretty easy for him to have those same views people are showing on here !.

He's sayin the courts are bang on each time and that's he's fully satisfied whatever the outcome !.

As for trust with the criminal justice system, I'd say we have a good one !. Although they also get things very wrong like banging up bank robbers for a lot longer than peados.

I didn't mean offence but was just trying to get him to see the other point of view !.

Seriously mate - when you get a minute, try and get hold of a dictionary.
Maybe next door will have one - anyway, it's a great big book with lots of words in it.
With me so far?
Good - then we'll carry on.
Now in this big book of words, you will find two that are quite relevant here.
They are 'justice', which begins with a J, and 'revenge', which begins with an R.
If you look really closely, you will discover that not only are they spelt differently, but that they actually mean different things.
Yeah - totally radical stuff huh?
Now the 'justice' one is what we know as due legal procedure, and the 'revenge' one is a bloodthirsty fuckwit with a length of rope with no regard whatsoever for due legal procedure.
Every day is a school day in the Cellar.

Good to see you're on it as usual.
If this country had the death penalty(which it doesn't) this case case would be perfect for it. You seem to assume that if the death penalty was in force it would be an absolute penalty. It is not it is a sentencing option, so you saying we can never have it in case an innocent person is executed is wide of the mark. You need to let go of your obsession with corrupt Police and accept that sometimes (not always the evidence is irrefutable) this case being one of them. It's not about revenge it's about the punishment fitting the crime.

Sorry Robbie but you are wrong. Mistakes, corruption, lies, learning difficulties… You can argue all you like about it. No parliament will bring it back quite rightly for the reasons I have stated. Let them stay in prison for the rest of their miserable lives, that's justice.

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