Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

i kne albert davy said:
kinkladze96 said:
dronefromsector7g said:
I've seen a few conspiracy websites saying it was all fake, bloody ridiculous eh?

I was surprised at the lack of blood though, the cops in that situation would surely be aiming to kill.

lee rigby was dead by the time the armed police arrived. they shot to maim not to kill. so for the next 40 years those two senseless arsewits will be battered from pillar to post
No mate your mistaken here a mate of mines in firearms squad when they open fire its last resort when they fear lives are at risk and they shoot to kill not maim they don't have time for wounding shots, sadly this time the bullets didn't land in the right spot.

"Well aimed shots" is the key, you don't open fire to injure somebody, the rule of minimum force suggests that if you feel the need to open fire you are doing so for one reason only, to kill the target
Markt85 said:
They should remover there eyeballs with tooth picks then make them eat them whilst covering there naked bodies with burning chocolate sauce and put them in with starving dogs , there ears should be chopped off with a electric razor, other prisoners should be allowed to excrete themselves over them and to finish off there legs should be removed and used as cricket bats... Sorry ..who are we talking about again ?
Dogs shouldn't eat chocolate its bad for them.<br /><br />-- Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:58 pm --<br /><br />
Bluemanc100 said:
i kne albert davy said:
kinkladze96 said:
lee rigby was dead by the time the armed police arrived. they shot to maim not to kill. so for the next 40 years those two senseless arsewits will be battered from pillar to post
No mate your mistaken here a mate of mines in firearms squad when they open fire its last resort when they fear lives are at risk and they shoot to kill not maim they don't have time for wounding shots, sadly this time the bullets didn't land in the right spot.

"Well aimed shots" is the key, you don't open fire to injure somebody, the rule of minimum force suggests that if you feel the need to open fire you are doing so for one reason only, to kill the target
Certainly is mate when the police open fire its to kill no time to think of anything else.
tidyman said:
BigJoe#1 said:
mcmanus said:
Whole life term please and let the fuckers rot.
Agreed. However it is a sad situation that the Judge needs to take counsel as to whether or not he can legally pass this sentence.

There seems to be a bit of confusion of the EU ruling earlier in the year and I think this is why the judge is holding fire on sentencing here
to make certain everything is above board.

As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread though , even if the ruling is accepted at it's most restrictive and a whole life term without
the possibility of parole becomes a sentence not available for a judge, it is unlikely to change anything in practice. It would just mean a prisoner
would be entitled to ask for a pointless review of his status after 30 or 40 years.

I imagine what the judge is looking to sentence them on is:

A whole life starting point would normally be appropiate for....

..... A murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological causes.

This explains the issue well. It must be stressed though that the human rights court is not part of the EU.
karen7 said:
One of them whole life sentence,the other min 45yrs
Shouting Islamic bollox at the judge and Lee Rigbys family and having to be restrained by guards and dragged off to the cells, bye bye scum enjoy your slow lingering rest of your life scummy existence, hope you have to look over your shoulders every second
blue underpants said:
karen7 said:
One of them whole life sentence,the other min 45yrs
Shouting Islamic bollox at the judge and Lee Rigbys family and having to be restrained by guards and dragged off to the cells, bye bye scum enjoy your slow lingering rest of your life scummy existence, hope you have to look over your shoulders every second
No problem with any of this.
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
karen7 said:
One of them whole life sentence,the other min 45yrs
I'm going to get jip for this, but I always assumed the whole life sentences were meant to be to reserved for serial killers like Ian Brady who killed for pure sick enjoyment rather than some false sense of justice. How are they worse than some other premeditated murder in a legal sense?

Don't get me wrong, they deserve it, just want to know what the court's justification is.

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