Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

bluejon said:
dazdon said:
xgorton said:
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

If they were Afghans or Iraqi citizens i'd agree with you.

But extremist nutters don't need an excuse although these two fuckwits seem to have aligned themselves with some insane feeling of brotherhood.

Blaming Blair (Who's a war criminal and a twat) for everything isn't the way forward at all even though it's pleasing and satisfying.

I would leave all the red sea pedestrians to rot and have nothing whatsoever to do with them until they began thinking like human beings.
Hang 'em.

Balls to they will suffer in jail over many years.

Let then die quick with western 'humanity' while still angry. I'm not fussed that they don't understand why they were wrong/ or flying the flag.

Scum will begat scum.
dazdon said:
bluejon said:
dazdon said:
And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

If they were Afghans or Iraqi citizens i'd agree with you.

But extremist nutters don't need an excuse although these two fuckwits seem to have aligned themselves with some insane feeling of brotherhood.

Blaming Blair (Who's a war criminal and a twat) for everything isn't the way forward at all even though it's pleasing and satisfying.

I would leave all the red sea pedestrians to rot and have nothing whatsoever to do with them until they began thinking like human beings.

muslims consider themselves one nation (well, one of two nations, depending on whether they're Shia or Sunni) so they will consider this an attack on them. i don't blame tony blair for this, i blame these two cunts for what they did, but as I said, warnings were made that if we did launch the wars we did, this was going to happen.
MCFCTrick said:
If two scum deserve the lingering pain of cancer, these two do....rot from the inside you cowardly sick cunts.
It struck a bit of a chord when you mentioned cowardly. The way Lee Rigby was murdered reeks of cowardice, although there was no mention of this in the judges sentencing speech. He mentioned barbaric, butchered, bloodbath, sickening and pitiless, but I really thought the murderers should have had the word cowardly spat at them from the judge. As it happens they had already been removed from the courtroom when the sentence was read out but I still think it should have been in there.
bluejon said:
dazdon said:
xgorton said:
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

What the fuck is British about them ??? they only have the passport so they don't have to live in a world of shit, they are not fighters either, they are terrorist !!! ..... Although I do agree with you on your main point.
bluejon said:
muslims consider themselves one nation (well, one of two nations, depending on whether they're Shia or Sunni) so they will consider this an attack on them. i don't blame tony blair for this, i blame these two cunts for what they did, but as I said, warnings were made that if we did launch the wars we did, this was going to happen.

I just don't agree with that at all.

Foreign policy cannot be tempered by terrorism at home it's just ridiculous.

Muslims kill Muslims all the time, in fact they are very good at it.

It's a Muslims duty to adhere to the laws of the land where they live and these two aren't indicative of what Muslims are.....they are just cowardly criminals who committed an act of murder because they're bad.

I could even add that they were racist too but hey ho there's no need to over egg it.
Bovril said:
bluejon said:
dazdon said:
And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

What the fuck is British about them ??? they only have the passport so they don't have to live in a world of shit, they are not fighters either, they are terrorist !!! ..... Although I do agree with you on your main point.

talking about british born muslims going over to fight in Syria and then coming back. they caught a 29 year old here in levenshulme with a bomb making factory a couple of months back. he was planning on somehow getting the devices over there. not the brightest lad as i think you'd have a job getting that through customs, but very fucking worrying.
Bovril said:
bluejon said:
dazdon said:
And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

What the fuck is British about them ??? they only have the passport so they don't have to live in a world of shit, they are not fighters either, they are terrorist !!! ..... Although I do agree with you on your main point.

Just to make myself clear, I agree that Blair is an utter **** and should be shot for murder and high treason not the fact our boys are in Muslim countries !!
bluejon said:
dazdon said:
bluejon said:
has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.

If they were Afghans or Iraqi citizens i'd agree with you.

But extremist nutters don't need an excuse although these two fuckwits seem to have aligned themselves with some insane feeling of brotherhood.

Blaming Blair (Who's a war criminal and a twat) for everything isn't the way forward at all even though it's pleasing and satisfying.

I would leave all the red sea pedestrians to rot and have nothing whatsoever to do with them until they began thinking like human beings.

muslims consider themselves one nation (well, one of two nations, depending on whether they're Shia or Sunni) so they will consider this an attack on them. i don't blame tony blair for this, i blame these two cunts for what they did, but as I said, warnings were made that if we did launch the wars we did, this was going to happen.
They were indeed nutjobs. They had no links with Al-Quada, and no funding/sponsorship etc. The fact that they committed the crime with a rusty old gun and a pack of kitchen knives and sharpener from Argos is a bit of a clue. They brainwashed themselves by listening to hate preachings and interpretations from the Quran, nothing more.

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