Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

Glad they got the maximum

They are quite young, it will slowly dawn on them that they are never going to be free, it's far worse than a death sentence which they would have welcomed Adebowale is only 22, he will be 77 before he is even considered for parole can you imagine that! Many of us on here will be old men and women if we live that long by the time he gets out
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.
xgorton said:
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

And this has what to do with these two cunts?
kennycar said:
karen7 said:
One of them whole life sentence,the other min 45yrs
I'm going to get jip for this, but I always assumed the whole life sentences were meant to be to reserved for serial killers like Ian Brady who killed for pure sick enjoyment rather than some false sense of justice. How are they worse than some other premeditated murder in a legal sense?

Don't get me wrong, they deserve it, just want to know what the court's justification is.
It's a fair question. There isn't currently a hard and fast rule that you have to kill more than one person to receive a whole life term. This was a murder where the seriousness of the offence was exceptionally high that the judge sentenced Adebalajo within this category. The crime was not only premeditated, it was glorified. Neither killer has shown any remorse (at least not consistently), and it's likely to be presumed that they would always be a danger to society. Adebowale didn't receive a whole life term, therefore we can assume that he was not perceived to be the main protagonist, however he will be 67 before he is eligible for parole.
Ducado said:
Glad they got the maximum

They are quite young, it will slowly dawn on them that they are never going to be free, it's far worse than a death sentence which they would have welcomed Adebowale is only 22, he will be 77 before he is even considered for parole can you imagine that! Many of us on here will be old men and women if we live that long by the time he gets out

22 + 45 = 67

I hope he won't be entitled to a pension!

I just checked and fuck me - whilst banged up you are allowed to keep paying class 3 NI contributions!

Thus entitling you to a state pension.
denislawsbackheel said:
Ducado said:
Glad they got the maximum

They are quite young, it will slowly dawn on them that they are never going to be free, it's far worse than a death sentence which they would have welcomed Adebowale is only 22, he will be 77 before he is even considered for parole can you imagine that! Many of us on here will be old men and women if we live that long by the time he gets out

22 + 45 = 67

I hope he won't be entitled to a pension!
That would be hope for some of us. By then pensionable age will probably be about 80.
dazdon said:
xgorton said:
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

And this has what to do with these two cunts?

has everything to do with these cunts. official documents warned Blair's government of exactly this happening if we attacked Iraq/Afghanistan. it's called blowback. and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, this is not excusing what they did for one second. there's deep concern that this short of shit is going to be happening a lot more when british fighters start coming back from Syria.
xgorton said:
Balti said:
the scum with a life sentence will probably top himself anyway and save us some money

if not then lets hope they both have the shittiest most painful existence possible
Talking about saving money the illegal war and occupation of Iraq,remember Bush and Blair weapons of mass destruction would have saved us billions of pounds and thousands of British and Iraqis lives.

That's about as subtle as a blowjob from a partially sighted Rambouillet

What the fuck has that got to do with two brainwashed fucktards who butchered a young lad in cold blood??? Please don't go down the 'everything' route, I'm itching, spoiling, whatever you want to call it, to hand you your arse......

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